Big Data

Contemporary and beneficial uses of Big-Data Systems

Big data is a term applied to datasets whose size or type is beyond the ability of traditional relational databases to capture, manage, and process the data with low-latency.

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Data Warehouses vs Data Marts

Although the terms “data warehouse” and “data mart” sound similar, they are quite different.

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Apache Kafka’s Role in Big Data Streaming Analytics

The world of Big Data started out as a way of storing and querying obscene amounts of information by comparison to what yesteryears were able to achieve.

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Big Data Security and Privacy Issues

Big Data shares what is commonly termed the V properties or characteristics such as Velocity, Volume and Variety which are amongst the most typical or frequently repeated.

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Netflix Hadoop Big Data Marketing Use Case

Netflix is a video streaming service that has a wealth of information about their user base likes, dislikes, general consumer habits, retention lengths and much more.

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Using Hadoop to manage Dark Data

Dark Data is the biggest piece of the pie (Datumize , n.

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