The challenge
Your task is to create a function that turns a string into a Mexican Wave. You will be passed a string and you must return that string in an array where an uppercase letter is a person standing up.
1. The input string will always be lowercase but may be empty.
2. If the character in the string is whitespace then pass over it as if it was an empty seat.
wave("hello") => []string{"Hello", "hEllo", "heLlo", "helLo", "hellO"}
Test cases
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class SolutionTest {
public void basicTest1() {
String[] result = new String[] { "Hello", "hEllo", "heLlo", "helLo", "hellO" };
assertArrayEquals("it should return '" + Arrays.toString(result) + "'", result, MexicanWave.wave("hello"));
public void basicTest2() {
String[] result = new String[] { "Codewars", "cOdewars", "coDewars", "codEwars", "codeWars", "codewArs", "codewaRs", "codewarS" };
assertArrayEquals("it should return '" + Arrays.toString(result) + "'", result, MexicanWave.wave("codewars"));
public void basicTest3() {
String[] result = new String[] { };
assertArrayEquals("it should return '" + Arrays.toString(result) + "'", result, MexicanWave.wave(""));
public void basicTest4() {
String[] result = new String[] { "Two words", "tWo words", "twO words", "two Words", "two wOrds", "two woRds", "two worDs", "two wordS" };
assertArrayEquals("it should return '" + Arrays.toString(result) + "'", result, MexicanWave.wave("two words"));
public void basicTest5() {
String[] result = new String[] { " Gap ", " gAp ", " gaP " };
assertArrayEquals("it should return '" + Arrays.toString(result) + "'", result, MexicanWave.wave(" gap "));
The solution in Java
public class MexicanWave {
public static String[] wave(String str) {
// get the length of the string without spaces
int lenwos = str.replaceAll("\\s","").length();
// the final answer
String[] out = new String[lenwos];
// the counter to populate to
int j=0;
// while looping through the input string
for (int i=0; i<str.length(); i++) {
// if we detect a space, just increment our character counter
while (Character.toString(str.charAt(i)).equals(" ")) {
// return if about to be out of bounds
if ((i+1)>=str.length()) return out;
// create our new string
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
// uppercase the correct character
sb.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(i)));
// convert to string
out[j] = sb.toString();
// increment the answer counter
// return the answer
return out;
You could also do the whole thing in an IntStream
as follows:
public class MexicanWave {
public static String[] wave(String str) {
return IntStream
.range(0, str.length())
.mapToObj(x -> new StringBuilder(str).replace(x, x+1, String.valueOf(str.charAt(x)).toUpperCase()).toString())
.filter(x -> !x.equals(str))