The challenge
Number is a palindrome if it is equal to the number with digits in reversed order. For example, 5
, 44
, 171
, 4884
are palindromes, and 43
, 194
, 4773
are not.
Write a function which takes a positive integer and returns the number of special steps needed to obtain a palindrome. The special step is: “reverse the digits, and add to the original number”. If the resulting number is not a palindrome, repeat the procedure with the sum until the resulting number is a palindrome.
If the input number is already a palindrome, the number of steps is ``.
All inputs are guaranteed to have a final palindrome which does not overflow long
For example, start with 87
87 + 78 = 165 - step 1, not a palindrome
165 + 561 = 726 - step 2, not a palindrome
726 + 627 = 1353 - step 3, not a palindrome
1353 + 3531 = 4884 - step 4, palindrome!
is a palindrome and we needed 4
steps to obtain it, so answer for 87
is 4
Additional info
Some interesting information on the problem can be found in this Wikipedia article on Lychrel numbers.
The solution in Java code
Option 1:
public class Palindromes {
public static int palindromeChainLength (long n) {
String ns = "" + n, nrs = "" + new StringBuilder(ns).reverse();
return ns.equals(nrs) ? 0 : 1 + palindromeChainLength(n + Long.valueOf(nrs));
Option 2:
public class Palindromes {
public static int palindromeChainLength(long n) {
int step = 0;
while (n != reverseNumber(n)) {
n = n + reverseNumber(n);
return step;
private static long reverseNumber(long n) {
char[] number = String.valueOf(n).toCharArray();
String reverseNumber = "";
for (int count = number.length - 1; count >= 0; count--) {
reverseNumber = reverseNumber + number[count];
return Long.parseLong(reverseNumber);
Option 3:
public class Palindromes {
public static int palindromeChainLength (long n) {
String s = String.valueOf(n);
String r = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(n)).reverse().toString();
if (s.equals(r)) return 0;
return 1 + palindromeChainLength(n + Long.parseLong(r));
Test cases to validate our solution
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class PalindromesTest {
public void testPalindrome() {
assertEquals(0, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(1));
assertEquals(0, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(88));
assertEquals(0, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(393));
public void testNonPalindrome() {
assertEquals(1, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(10));
assertEquals(1, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(134));
assertEquals(4, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(87));
assertEquals(7, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(2897));
assertEquals(24, Palindromes.palindromeChainLength(89));