The challenge
The make_looper()
function takes a string (of non-zero length) as an argument. It returns a function. The function it returns will return successive characters of the string on successive invocations. It will start back at the beginning of the string once it reaches the end.
abc = make_looper('abc')
abc() # should return 'a' on this first call
abc() # should return 'b' on this second call
abc() # should return 'c' on this third call
abc() # should return 'a' again on this fourth call
The solution in Python code
Option 1:
from itertools import cycle
def make_looper(s):
g = cycle(s)
return lambda: next(g)
Option 2:
def make_looper(string):
def generator():
while True:
for char in string:
yield char
return generator().next
Option 3:
def make_looper(string):
global i
i = 0
def inner_function():
global i
if i == len(string):
i = 0
output = string[i]
i += 1
return output
return inner_function
Test cases to validate our solution
test.describe("Sample Tests")
abc = make_looper("abc")
test.assert_equals(abc(), 'a')
test.assert_equals(abc(), 'b')
test.assert_equals(abc(), 'c')
test.assert_equals(abc(), 'a')
test.assert_equals(abc(), 'b')
test.assert_equals(abc(), 'c')