How to Use Profilers in Python

When you have performance problems in your Python application, you can use a Profiler to help you.

Step 1: Using cProfile

Your first option is to run your application with -m cProfile in the cli.

Let’s take an example application that is run as follows:


We can run it with a Profiler by doing the following:

python -m cProfile -o outfile

This will give you a report that shows where most of the time is spent while running your app.

My preferred option, is to use the line_profiler tool to perform a more detailed scan.

Start by installing the line_profiler using pip.

pip install line_profiler

Then we can adjust our application code and add the @profile annotation right before each function you’d like to see statistics with.

def fun_a():
    #do something

def fun_b():
    #do something more

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now we can run the profiler using the below command:

time kernprof -l -v