How to Setup the AWS CLI for Multiple Profiles

The AWS CLI provides the ability to use the wide range of Amazon Web Services tools and services straight from the command-line.

However, sometimes it’s useful to be able to login to multiple AWS accounts. Luckily, this is possible by adding an additional profile to your local configuration and then specifying it when making calls to respective services.

Update your local credentials

Step 1. ~/.aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id = "<MY_FIRST_AWS_KEY_ID>
aws_secret_access_key = "<MY_FIRST_AWS_SCRET_ACCESS_KEY>"

aws_access_key_id = "<MY_SECOND_AWS_KEY_ID>
aws_secret_access_key = "<MY_SECOND_AWS_SCRET_ACCESS_KEY>"

Fill in your own details for the second grouping, mine is called andrew.

Update your local config

Step 2.~/.aws/config

region = "<region>"
output = "<json/text>"

[profile andrew]
region = "<region>"
output = "<json/text>"

Fill in your own details for the second grouping, mine is called andrew.

Run a test command

Step 3. Run a command

aws sts get-caller-identity --profile andrew

You can find more information about this on the AWS documentation over here: