If you need to get the number of lines in a file, or the line count total from a file, using Python, then you can use one of the following options:
Option 1 – Using open()
and sum()
with open('directory/file.txt') as myfile:
total_lines = sum(1 for line in myfile)
Option 2 – Using mmap
import mmap
with open('directory/file.txt', "r+") as myfile:
mm = mmap.mmap(myfile.fileno(), 0)
total_lines = 0
while mm.readline():
total_lines += 1
Option 3 – Using file.read()
lines = 0
size = 1024 * 1024
with open(r'directory/file.txt', "r+") as myfile:
read_file = myfile.read
buffer = read_file(size)
while buffer:
lines += buffer.count('\n')
buffer = read_file(size)
if (lines != 0):
lines += 1