The challenge
You are given an array with positive numbers and a number N. You should find the N-th power of the element in the array with the index N. If N is outside of the array, then return -1. Don’t forget that the first element has the index 0.
Let’s look at a few examples:
- array = [1, 2, 3, 4] and N = 2, then the result is 3^2 == 9;
- array = [1, 2, 3] and N = 3, but N is outside of the array, so the result is -1.
The solution in Java code
public class Solution {
public static int nthPower(int[] array, int n) {
return n >= array.length ? -1 : (int) Math.pow(array[n], n);
An alternative mapping:
public class Solution {
public static int nthPower(int[] array, int n) {
if (n < 0 || n >= array.length) return -1;
return (int) Math.pow(array[n], n);
Test cases to validate our Java code
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
public class SolutionTest {
public void basicTests() {
assertEquals(-1, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {1,2}, 2));
assertEquals(8, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {3,1,2,2}, 3));
assertEquals(4, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {3,1,2}, 2));
public void advancedTests() {
assertEquals(9261, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {7,14,9,21,15}, 3));
assertEquals(169, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {2,7,13,17}, 2));
assertEquals(50625, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {11,23,3,4,15,112,12,4}, 4));
public void moreTests() {
assertEquals(1, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {2,1,2,1,2,1}, 5));
assertEquals(-1, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {11,23,3,4,15}, 7));
assertEquals(-1, Solution.nthPower(new int[] {3,2,1,2,3,1}, 6));
public int nthPowerSol(int[] array, int n) {
return n >= array.length ? -1 : (int) Math.pow(array[n], n);
private static int randomInRange(int min, int max) {
int range = (max - min) + 1;
return (int)(Math.random() * range) + min;
public void randomTests() {
int[] array = new int[randomInRange(2,5)];
int n = randomInRange(2,6);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < array.length; k++) {
array[k] = randomInRange(2,15);
assertEquals(nthPowerSol(array, n), Solution.nthPower(array, n));