How to Find the Squares in Java

The challenge

Complete the function that takes an odd integer (0 < n < 1000000) which is the difference between two consecutive perfect squares, and return these squares as a string in the format "bigger-smaller".


9  -->  "25-16"
5  -->  "9-4"
7  -->  "16-9"

The solution in Java code

Option 1:

public class Solution {
  public static String findSquares(final int n) {
    final long a = (n + 1) / 2;
    final long b = a - 1;
    return String.format("%d-%d", a * a, b * b);

Option 2:

interface Solution {
  static String findSquares(long n) {
    return (n /= 2) * n + 2 * n + 1 + "-" + n * n;

Option 3:

public class Solution{
  public static String findSquares(int n){
    long n1 = n/2;
    long n2 = n1+1;
    return String.valueOf(n2*n2)+"-"+ String.valueOf(n1*n1);

Test cases to validate our solution

import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;

public class SolutionTest {
    public void testBasicNumbers() {
    public void testSmallerNumbers() {
    public void testBiggerNumbers() {