The challenge
Given an input of an array of digits, return the array with each digit incremented by its position in the array: the first digit will be incremented by 1, the second digit by 2, etc. Make sure to start counting your positions from 1 ( and not 0 ).
Your result can only contain single digit numbers, so if adding a digit with its position gives you a multiple-digit number, only the last digit of the number should be returned.
- return an empty array if your array is empty
- arrays will only contain numbers so don’t worry about checking that
[1, 2, 3] --> [2, 4, 6] # [1+1, 2+2, 3+3]
[4, 6, 9, 1, 3] --> [5, 8, 2, 5, 8] # [4+1, 6+2, 9+3, 1+4, 3+5]
# 9+3 = 12 --> 2
The solution in C
Option 1:
#include <stddef.h>
unsigned *incrementer(unsigned *dest, const unsigned *src, size_t n) {
if (n == 0) return NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dest[i] = (src[i] + i + 1) % 10;
return dest;
Option 2:
#include <stddef.h>
unsigned *incrementer(unsigned *dest, const unsigned *src, size_t n) {
if(!n) return NULL;
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) dest[i] = (src[i] + (i + 1)) % 10;
return dest;
Option 3:
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
unsigned *incrementer(unsigned *dest, const unsigned *src, size_t n)
if (n <= 0) return NULL;
char str[100];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sprintf(str, "%d", src[i] + (i+1));
if (strlen(str) > 1) dest[i] = str[strlen(str)-1] - '0';
else dest[i] = atoi(str);
strcpy(str, "");
return dest;
Test cases to validate our solution
#include <criterion/criterion.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern unsigned *incrementer(unsigned *dest, const unsigned *src, size_t n);
#define ARRLIM 0xF
#define FMT_UINT (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned) / 3)
#define FMT_ALIGN 0x2
#define FMT_DESCR 0x40
typedef enum {
} assertop;
assertop assert_mem_eq(const void *actual, const void *expected, size_t n, size_t size)
unsigned long i;
if (!actual || !expected)
return actual != expected ? ASSERT_FAIL : ASSERT_PASS;
for (i = 0ul; n--; i += size)
if (memcmp((char *)actual+i, (char *)expected+i, size))
char *assert_fmt(char *outpf, const unsigned *actual, const unsigned *expected, const unsigned *arr, size_t n)
const char *descr[] = { "*Actual*:", "\nExpected:", "\n Array:" };
const unsigned *params[] = { actual, expected, arr };
//const unsigned *r;
size_t pos, m, i;
for (pos = m = 0ul; m < 3ul; ++m) {
pos += sprintf(outpf+pos, "%s ", *(descr+m));
if (!(arr = *(params+m))) {
pos += sprintf(outpf+pos, "NULL");
pos += sprintf(outpf+pos, "[ ");
for (i = 0ul; i < n; ++i)
pos += sprintf(outpf+pos, "%u, ", *(arr+i));
if (i)
pos -= FMT_ALIGN;
pos += sprintf(outpf+pos, " ]");
pos += sprintf(outpf+pos, "\n N: %lu\n", n);
return outpf;
void assert_data(const unsigned *arr, size_t n, const unsigned *expected)
char outpf[OUTPFLEN];
unsigned dest[ARRLIM];
unsigned *actual = incrementer(dest, arr, n);
if (!actual) {
if (expected)
cr_assert_fail("%s", assert_fmt(outpf, actual, expected, arr, n));
else if (assert_mem_eq(actual, expected, n, sizeof(unsigned)) == ASSERT_FAIL)
cr_assert_fail("%s", assert_fmt(outpf, actual, expected, arr, n));
else if (assert_mem_eq(dest, expected, n, sizeof(unsigned)) == ASSERT_FAIL)
cr_assert_fail("Error: should not allocate memory!\n%s", assert_fmt(outpf, actual, expected, arr, n));
Test(Sample_Test, should_return_the_incremented_array)
assert_data((const unsigned[]){ 1,2,3 }, 3ul, (const unsigned[]){ 2,4,6 });
assert_data((const unsigned[]){ 4,6,7,1,3 }, 5ul, (const unsigned[]){ 5,8,0,5,8 });
assert_data((const unsigned[]){ 3,6,9,8,9 }, 5ul, (const unsigned[]){ 4,8,2,2,4 });
assert_data((const unsigned[]){ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,9,9,9,8 }, 14ul, (const unsigned[]){ 2,4,6,8,0,2,4,6,8,9,0,1,2,2 });
assert_data((const unsigned[]){ 0 }, 0ul, NULL);