Fixing: ImmutableService Requires GetRowNodeId() Callback to Be Implemented, Your Row Data Need IDs

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If you have gotten this error before, then you have been trying to implement a rowData mapping onto Ag-Grid.. and failed!

ImmutableService requires getRowNodeId() callback to be implemented, your row data need IDs

How to fix the ‘Your row data need IDs’ error

The good thing, is that it’s actually quite an easy fix:

Make sure that you have implemented the getRowNodeId function to return an actual id:

this.getRowNodeId = function(data) {
  return; //id is a field here

Worst case scenario, you could always return a random number here, but that is not recommended; but it certainly does help if you’re in a sticky situation:

this.getRowNodeId = function(data) {
  return Math.round(Math.random()*10000000)

This will provide something that looks like: 3080906

You could always use the time:

this.getRowNodeId = function(data) {
  return new Date().getTime()

This would return something like this: 1623364604490