Edit Hosts File on Windows 7

The hosts file is used to manually alter the hostname or IP address in place of it being served by a Nameserver, also known as via DNS.

The hosts file is located here:


Or an easiler way to get to it incase of whatever is like this:


This file cannot be editted by “normal users” and requires all changes to be done via an Administrator.

This is really easy if you do it in the following way:

  • Click Start.
  • Search for “Notepad”.
  • Right-click and select “Run as administrator”.

Notepad will now open with administrator privileges which will allow you to modify any file you open in it under the Administrator account.

Now all that’s left is for you to click File->Open and navigate to the above location, then make sure to change the dropdown which will default to “Text Documents (*.txt)” to “All Files (*.*)” so that you can see the “hosts” file.

The file will now open and you can change whatever you need to without having the “read only” issue most users experience.

Once you are done click File->Save and then close Notepad.