
How to AWS Assume Role and then revert to the previous role after

If you need to assume a role in AWS and then revert back to the previous role once complete, you can use the following snippet of code:

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Essential Policies for Administering an AWS EKS Cluster

So, what policies does my role need to create an AWS EKS cluster and be the admin?

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Show the Top 10 Largest Directories on Linux

If you need to see the top 10 largest directories on your Linux system, you can use the following command:

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Retrieve the Latest Versioned Tag from AWS ECR in Bash

Managing Docker images in Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a common task for many developers and DevOps practitioners.

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How to install MySQL on AmazonLinux2023

If you are using Amazon Linux 2023 base-image, and you have tried to run yum install -y mysql, you will soon realize that it doesn’t work.

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Run any version of Terrform using Docker

So our friend Docker comes around for another usecase. Run Terraform (any version) from Docker In this example, we will try and configure Terraform 1.

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Select * to Show Database Table Sizes MariaDB

In database management, understanding the size of your tables is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring efficient resource utilization.

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The Future Prospects of DevOps in an AI World

Abstract DevOps has become an integral part of modern software development, emphasizing communication and collaboration between software developers and IT operations professionals.

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Supercharge Your Code with Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a cutting-edge service that leverages advanced AI and machine learning to provide real-time code generation, recommendations, and security analysis.

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A Deep Dive into Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning algorithms are the backbone of modern artificial intelligence. They enable computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed.

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What is GitHub? A Comprehensive Guide from Basics to Advanced

GitHub is a platform that has revolutionized the world of software development, enabling individuals and teams to collaborate efficiently on projects of all sizes.

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Connect IPv4 and IPv6 Networks Seamlessly with Amazon VPC Lattice

As the internet continues to grow, the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 has become more critical.

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Building Event-Driven Architectures with Amazon EventBridge

In the realm of real-time data streaming applications, managing the routing and processing of events efficiently is a complex challenge.

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Splitting Terraform Modules into Separate Git Repositories

In the world of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) , Terraform has emerged as a powerful tool for managing infrastructure resources.

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Accelerating Machine Learning with SageMaker Jumpstart

Machine learning (ML) projects can be complex, time-consuming, and resource-intensive. Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart aims to change that by providing pre-built solutions, pre-trained models, and end-to-end ML capabilities.

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Understanding the AWS Well-Architected Framework

The AWS Well-Architected Framework is more than just a set of best practices; it’s a blueprint for success in the cloud.

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Mastering Advanced Networking in EKS and Kubernetes

Kubernetes has revolutionized container orchestration, and Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is one of the most popular managed Kubernetes solutions available today.

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How to Ignore SSL Certificates Globally in Git

In the world of software development, Git is an indispensable tool for version control.

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Semantic Versioning with npm

Semantic Versioning, often referred to as SemVer, is a crucial convention within the Node.

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Understanding Peer Dependencies in Node Modules

When working with Node.js and managing packages for your projects, you’re likely familiar with the dependencies and devDependencies sections in a package.

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How to Programmatically get Amazon IP Ranges/CIDRs

Amazon Web Services (AWS) operates an extensive network infrastructure with a vast number of IP addresses and CIDR blocks.

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The Ultimate Guide to Emacs: Mastering the Art of CLI Programming

In the realm of command-line interface (CLI) programming, Emacs stands as a legendary text editor, known for its immense power and unparalleled extensibility.

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The Ultimate Guide to VI: Mastering the Art of CLI Programming

In the world of command-line interface (CLI) programming, efficiency is paramount.

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AWS Assume to another role

OUT=$(aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::0123456789:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole --role-session-name test) export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo $OUT | cut -d '"' -f 6 ) export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo $OUT | cut -d '"' -f 10 ) export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(echo $OUT | cut -d '"' -f 14 ) aws sts get-caller-identity

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Programming Languages Series

1. Introduction Welcome to our Programming Languages Series! In this series, we’ll explore various programming languages, understand their purposes, provide code examples, and discuss when to use each one.

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Docker Deep Dive Series

1. Getting Started In this first part of the series, we will kick things off by getting Docker installed and running on your system.

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Machine Learning Mastery Series

Part 1. Introduction to Machine Learning Welcome to the Machine Learning Mastery Series, a comprehensive journey into the exciting world of machine learning.

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Kubernetes Mastery

Part 1. Introduction Welcome to the Kubernetes Mastery Series! In this first part, we’ll set up a Kubernetes cluster using KinD (Kubernetes in Docker).

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Managing Multiple Environments with Terraform Workspaces

Managing infrastructure across multiple environments such as development, staging, and production can be a daunting task.

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Controlling and Understanding Parallelism Impact on the DAG

When working with large-scale infrastructure deployments, managing the provisioning and orchestration of resources efficiently becomes crucial.

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How to add Payment Subscriptions with Stripe in Django

Integrating Stripe subscriptions into your Django site involves several steps. Here’s a high-level overview of the process.

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Private Application Load Balancer for EKS in Terraform

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a powerful combination of services for building, deploying, and managing applications.

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Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm for Container Orchestration

Container orchestration has become a cornerstone of modern application deployment and management.

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Setting Comprehensive CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins and Docker

In today’s dynamic software landscape, the fusion of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines with robust tools like Jenkins and Docker has emerged as a cornerstone of efficient and reliable application delivery.

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Navigating Microsoft Azure for Seasoned AWS Experts

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, two mammoth players, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, have emerged as titans, offering an extensive array of services that cater to a diverse spectrum of business needs.

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Navigating Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for AWS Experts

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) have emerged as prominent contenders, furnishing an extensive array of services tailored to cater to the dynamic requirements of modern businesses.

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Create a slug from a name in MySQL/MariaDB

How to create a slug from the name of an item in MySQL/MariaDB.

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Secure Efficient Server Management with AWS Systems Manager

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, AWS (Amazon Web Services) continually introduces innovative solutions to enhance operational efficiency, security, and ease of management.

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How to Get a List of Available Regions from AWS CLI

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a prominent cloud service provider that offers a wide range of services to businesses and individuals worldwide.

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[Solved] A Number After a Double Reversal in Python

The problem Reversing an integer means to reverse all its digits.

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Common Issues and Mastering Effective Debugging Techniques

While Kubernetes offers a powerful platform for deploying containerized applications, managing complex clusters can sometimes lead to challenges and errors.

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K8s CI/CD: GitOps with Jenkins, GitLab, Argo CD

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are fundamental to the success of Kubernetes deployments , enabling fast and reliable application delivery.

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K8s Monitoring & Logging: Best Practices & Top Tools

Monitoring and logging are critical components of a successful Kubernetes deployment , providing insights into the health, performance, and behavior of your clusters and applications.

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K8s Upgrades & Rollbacks Guide to Compatibility & Strategies

Keeping your Kubernetes cluster up-to-date is crucial for security, performance, and accessing the latest features.

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K8s Pod Scheduling: Node & Pod Affinity Demystified

Efficient pod scheduling is essential to achieving high performance and resource utilization in a Kubernetes cluster.

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Securing Kubernetes: Guarding Against Container Threats

Kubernetes has become the de facto platform for deploying containerized applications , revolutionizing software development.

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K8s Cluster Performance: Resource Optimization Guide

Efficiently managing resources in a Kubernetes cluster is crucial to achieving peak performance and cost-effectiveness.

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K8s Scaling Mastery: Manual, HPA & Metrics APIs

Kubernetes has revolutionized application deployment by providing a scalable and efficient container orchestration platform.

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K8s Storage Demystified: Persistent Volumes & Classes

Kubernetes has become the go-to platform for deploying scalable, containerized applications.

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K8s Networking: Pod Communication and Ingress Demystified

Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage containerized applications .

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React State Balancing: A Guide to State Management

As React apps grow, managing shared and app-wide state can become challenging.

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React + Node: Beginner's Guide to Full Stack Dev

React excels at building fast, dynamic frontends. Node.js shines for server-side APIs and microservices.

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Optimal React Patterns: Beginner's Guide

As with any framework, React comes with its own set of best practices and optimal patterns.

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Debugging React Apps: Beginner's Guide

Bugs are inevitable in complex React applications. Thankfully, React provides great tools to squash bugs quickly.

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Advanced React Patterns: Compound Components & More

As React apps scale, you’ll want to structure components for greater reusability and composability.

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React Animation Guide: Libraries and Techniques

Animation brings interfaces to life. Thankfully, React has great open source libraries for animation.

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Testing React Apps: Beginner's Guide to TDD

Testing is crucial for ensuring React apps are stable and bug-free.

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Data Fetched Fast - A Beginner's Guide to React Query

Fetching data in React often means using stale state and complex caching logic.

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Forms Simplified, A Beginner's Guide to Managing React Forms

Forms are a common need for many React apps. However, managing form state and validation can be tricky.

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Optimizing React Performance: Beginner's Guide

As React apps grow, you may notice performance starting to lag - sluggish interactions, choppy animations, janky scrolling.

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State Management 101 - A Beginner's Guide to React State

State management is a crucial concept in React. State allows components to dynamically update UI based on data changes.

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Accessible React Apps: Beginner's Guide to Accessibility

Accessibility is an important consideration when building modern web apps. React provides useful tools to make accessible, inclusive products.

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Mystery Boxes - A Beginner's Guide to React Fragments

When returning multiple elements from a component’s render method, they must be wrapped in a single parent DOM node:

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Unidirectional Data Flow in React: Beginner's Guide

A key advantage of React is its unidirectional data flow. This makes the flow of data predictable, and helps avoid unexpected side effects from data changing unexpectedly.

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Event Handling in React: Beginner's Guide

Responding to user events is a crucial part of building interactive UIs.

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Hooked on React - A Beginner's Guide to React Hooks

When React was first released, class components were the standard way to build complex UIs.

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Lifting State in React: Beginner's Guide

As React apps grow in complexity, managing shared state between components can become tricky.

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Looping in JSX with React Keys: Beginner's Guide

Looping over arrays to render lists of elements is a common need in React apps.

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Conditional Rendering in React

In React apps, you’ll often need to render different UI components conditionally based on certain state.

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Passing Data Between React Components with Props

One of React’s core concepts is reusability through composable components. Components allow splitting complex UI into separate, reusable pieces.

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Fostering DevOps Learning Culture: Lifelong Learning

Introduction In the fast-evolving world of technology, where advancements and innovations are a constant, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for any DevOps team.

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DevOps' Role in AI: Enhancing Intelligent Systems

Introduction The world of technology is witnessing a remarkable fusion of two transformative disciplines: DevOps and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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DevOps and Microservices: Scalable, Agile Software Delivery

Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, two crucial methodologies have emerged as game-changers for modern development teams: DevOps and Microservices.

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Nature-Inspired Problem Solving: Genetic Algorithms

Introduction Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Evolutionary Computation (EC) are powerful optimization techniques inspired by the process of natural selection and evolution.

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Python Dynamic Programming: Mastering Optimization

Introduction Dynamic programming is a powerful algorithmic technique that allows developers to tackle complex problems efficiently.

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Python Reflection & Metaprogramming: Advanced Power

Introduction Python is a versatile programming language that offers powerful features and capabilities.

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Kubernetes ReplicaSets: Scalability & Fault Tolerance

Introduction In Kubernetes, ReplicaSets are a vital resource that enables scalable and fault-tolerant deployments of pods.

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Kubernetes Namespaces: Isolation & Resource Management

Introduction In Kubernetes, namespaces provide a powerful abstraction that allows you to partition and isolate resources within a cluster.

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K8s Cluster Resiliency: Advanced High Availability

Introduction In today’s technology landscape, ensuring the resiliency and high availability of Kubernetes clusters is crucial for maintaining the availability of applications and business continuity.

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K8s Networking Mastery: Advanced Cluster Communication

Introduction Kubernetes has revolutionized container orchestration, enabling the efficient management of complex applications.

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Blue-Green Deployments in Kubernetes: Production & DR

Introduction In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive digital landscape, organizations strive to deliver seamless and uninterrupted services to their customers.

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AWS Production-DR Failover: Advanced Strategies

Introduction Implementing failover between a production (Prod) account and a disaster recovery (DR) account is a critical aspect of ensuring high availability and business continuity in AWS.

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Python Context Managers Mastery: Resource Management

Introduction Python context managers provide a convenient and reliable way to manage resources and ensure proper setup and teardown actions.

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Python Decorators Mastery: Advanced Usage Guide

Introduction Python decorators are a powerful feature that allows you to modify the behavior of functions or classes dynamically.

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Python's Yield Mastery: Advanced Usage Guide

Introduction Python’s yield statement is a powerful feature that allows you to create generator functions.

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Python: Unleashing the Power of Simplicity and Versatility

Getting Started with Python Python is a versatile and popular programming language known for its simplicity and readability.

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Python's Advanced Features: Empowering Programmers

Introduction: In the vast realm of programming, Python stands tall as a language that caters to developers of all levels.

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Python's Yield: Unleashing Generator Magic

Introduction Python, being a versatile language, offers numerous tools and features to streamline our coding experience.

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GitOps Rising: Transforming DevOps for Streamlined Delivery

Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where businesses strive to deliver high-quality software products with agility and efficiency, DevOps practices have become indispensable.

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Enhancing Security: How DevOps Mitigates Cyber Threats

Introduction In today’s digital landscape, where cyber threats are prevalent and evolving, organizations must adopt robust security measures to safeguard their sensitive data and systems.

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Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) in Modern Organizations

Introduction In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, organizations heavily rely on digital services to deliver their products and serve their customers.

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DevOps & DevSecOps: Bridging Dev-Security Gap

Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where software development cycles are becoming increasingly rapid and security threats are ever-present, organizations are seeking effective ways to align development and security practices.

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Unleashing the Power: Lambda - A Killer Feature in AWS

In the world of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has long been a dominant player, providing a comprehensive suite of services to meet the diverse needs of businesses.

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Python vs Java Performance: Programming Powerhouses

In the vast landscape of programming languages, Python and Java have emerged as titans, offering robust solutions for a wide range of applications.

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Teach me the Basics of Data Science in Python

An overview of Data Science in Python This is an overview of the basics of data science in Python.

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How to Share a VPC from one AWS Account to Another

To share a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) from one AWS account to another, you can use the AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) service.

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[Solved] Set CloudWatch Logs role ARN in account settings

The error message you mentioned, “CloudWatch Logs role ARN must be set in account settings to enable logging,” typically occurs when you’re trying to enable logging for an AWS service that requires a CloudWatch Logs role, but the necessary role hasn’t been set up or configured correctly in your account settings.

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How to Create CloudFormation with Multiple Files

To create a CloudFormation (CFN) stack with multiple files, you can follow these general steps:

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Teach me Hashicorp Vault

Introduction to Hashicorp Vault HashiCorp Vault is a popular open-source tool designed for securely storing and managing secrets, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive information.

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How to Generate Terraform using a Bash Shell script

To generate Terraform code using a Bash shell script, you can utilize Python within the script.

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How to Generate Terraform using Python

To generate Terraform code using Python, you can utilize the power of the language and various libraries to dynamically create and manipulate the Terraform configuration files.

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Make EKS cluster private with NodeGroup access

The Theory To make an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster private and allow nodes to join through a node group, you need to follow a few steps.

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Which is the best language to use in DevOps

In DevOps, there isn’t a single “best” language that universally applies to all situations.

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How is Ansible different from Chef or Puppet

Ansible, Chef, and Puppet are all popular configuration management and automation tools, but they differ in their approach and architecture.

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Teach me the basics of Ansible

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that allows you to manage and configure computer systems.

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How do you create an EKS cluster using CloudFormation

The steps to achieve this To create an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster using CloudFormation, you can follow these steps:

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How to connect an API Gateway to Inline Lambda in Terraform

To connect an API Gateway to an inline Lambda function using Terraform, you can follow these steps:

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API Gateway to Inline Lambda in CloudFormation

To connect an API Gateway to an inline Lambda function using CloudFormation, you can follow these steps:

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How to connect an API Gateway to Lambda in CloudFormation

To connect an API Gateway to a Lambda function using CloudFormation, you can follow these steps:

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Create DynamoDB Table & Add Items using Python 3 from Lambda

To create a DynamoDB table and add items to it using Python 3 from AWS Lambda, you can use the AWS SDK for Python, also known as Boto3.

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How to create a Site-to-Site VPN in Boto3 Python

To create a site-to-site VPN using the Boto3 library in Python, you can utilize the boto3.

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How to create a Site-to-Site VPN in Terraform

To create a site-to-site VPN using Terraform, you can use the aws_vpn_gateway and aws_vpn_connection resources from the AWS provider.

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How to create a Site-to-Site VPN in CloudFormation

To create a site-to-site VPN (Virtual Private Network) using AWS CloudFormation, you can use the AWS::EC2::VPNGateway and AWS::EC2::VPNConnection resources.

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How to AWS sts assume role in one command - without jq

The issue - what it takes to assume a role To assume an AWS role in the CLI, you will have to do something like this:

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How to create a Lambda in CloudFormation

You can create a Lambda in CloudFormation as follows: Option 1 - Inline code Resources: MyLambdaFunction: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: FunctionName: MyLambdaFunction Runtime: python3.

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How to create a Lambda in Terraform

To create an AWS Lambda function using Terraform, you need to define the necessary resources in a Terraform configuration file.

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How to create a Bastion server in Terraform

To create a Bastion server using Terraform, you need to define the necessary resources in a Terraform configuration file.

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How to create a Bastion server in CloudFormation

To create a Bastion server using AWS CloudFormation, you need to define the necessary resources in a CloudFormation template.

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How to you create a Cross Account Role in Terraform

To create a cross-account role in Terraform, you need to perform the following steps:

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How to you create a Cross Account Role in CloudFormation

To create a cross-account role in CloudFormation, you can follow these steps:

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How to create Public and Private Subnets in CloudFormation

To create public and private subnets in AWS CloudFormation, you can use the AWS CloudFormation Template Language (CFT) to define your network configuration.

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How to create Public and Private Subnets in Terraform

To create public and private subnets in Terraform, you can use the AWS provider to define your network configuration.

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Create Internet Gateway & Assign to EC2 in CloudFormation

To create an Internet Gateway and associate it with an EC2 instance using AWS CloudFormation, you can follow these steps:

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Create Internet Gateway & Assign to EC2 in Terraform

To create an Internet gateway and assign it to an EC2 instance using Terraform, you can follow these steps:

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How to configure Terraform to use Local Providers from Nexus

If your organization has blocked and has instead downloaded the provider binaries to Nexus, then you can do the following to still make your Terraform execute correctly.

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[Solved] Fargate Can't Read Secrets from Secret Manager

If you’re running a Fargate task and it’s not able to read secrets from AWS Secret Manager, there are a few things you can check:

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Golang vs Python: The Ultimate Battle in DevOps

In the world of DevOps, two programming languages are often pitted against each other: Golang and Python.

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Why DevOps and Python are Amazing Together

In today’s software development world, DevOps and Python are two of the most essential elements for building high-quality software.

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Python & DevOps: Transforming Software Development

Introduction: In recent years, the software industry has witnessed a remarkable shift towards DevOps and Python.

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DevOps: The Ultimate Secret Weapon for High-Tech Success

DevOps has been a buzzword in the tech industry for some time now.

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How to Deploy a Java Application in AWS ECS using Terraform

In order to deploy a Java application into AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) using Terraform, we need to consider a few different things.

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How to set the Hostname on a Linux server with Terraform

If you need to set the hostname on a linux server, and you are using Terraform, then you can do the following:

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What are the different types of AWS API Gateway Protocols?

Amazon API Gateway supports various protocols for exposing APIs, including:

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IaC: A Guide to Modern Software Development

In the world of software development, efficiency, scalability, and repeatability are paramount.

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DevOps and Microservices: How They Complement Each Other

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, DevOps and microservices have emerged as two powerful methodologies that enable organizations to build and deploy applications with speed, agility, and reliability.

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IaC Unlock: Maximize Potential with Ansible

In today’s fast-paced world of software development and IT operations, the need for efficient and scalable infrastructure management has become more critical than ever.

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GitOps: Managing Infrastructure as Code with Git

Introduction In today’s fast-paced world of software development and operations, managing infrastructure efficiently and securely is crucial for organizations to deliver reliable and scalable applications.

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DevOps Synergy: Boosting Cybersecurity

As organizations increasingly rely on technology to power their operations, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes more critical than ever.

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The Role of DevOps in Blockchain

Blockchain technology is gaining traction across various industries for its ability to provide transparency, security, and immutability.

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The Importance of Testing in DevOps: Strategies and Tools

Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital world, software development has become an essential part of business operations.

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DevOps Impact on Customer Experience

DevOps has revolutionized the way organizations develop, deploy, and manage software applications.

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Building a DevOps Culture from the Ground Up

DevOps has become a crucial aspect of software development, enabling teams to deliver software more efficiently and with higher quality.

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Scaling DevOps for Enterprise Organizations

Introduction DevOps has become a popular approach for software development in recent years, enabling teams to collaborate more effectively, increase efficiency, and deliver high-quality software faster.

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The Benefits of Infrastructure as Code in DevOps

Introduction The increasing complexity of software systems requires a flexible, scalable, and reliable infrastructure.

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DevOps for Legacy Systems: Challenges and Solutions

As organizations continue to evolve and embrace digital transformation, they often encounter legacy systems that are critical to their business operations.

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DevOps Risk Management: Security & Compliance

DevOps has transformed software development, enabling teams to build, test, and deploy applications faster and more efficiently.

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Why DevOps is Critical for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of adopting and implementing digital technologies to improve business operations, increase efficiency, and enhance customer experience.

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The Role of Microservices in DevOps

In recent years, microservices have become a popular architectural style for building software applications.

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Achieving Continuous Delivery with DevOps and Automation

Continuous delivery is a DevOps practice that aims to automate the entire software delivery process, from code commit to production deployment.

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The Importance of Collaboration in DevOps Culture

Collaboration is a key aspect of DevOps culture, and it plays a crucial role in driving success and delivering value to customers.

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Cloud-Native: Key to DevOps Success

In recent years, cloud-native architecture has become a buzzword in the world of DevOps.

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10 Best Practices for Continuous Integration in DevOps

Continuous Integration (CI) is an essential part of modern software development and is integral to the DevOps methodology.

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DevOps vs. Agile: What's the Difference and Why it Matters

Introduction In the world of software development, there are two methodologies that are often mentioned: Agile and DevOps.

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The Future of DevOps: Emerging Trends and Technologies

In recent years, DevOps has emerged as a key practice for modern software development, helping organizations to achieve faster delivery of high-quality applications.

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Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Envoy

As microservices architecture continues to grow in popularity, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure that these distributed systems are reliable and resilient.

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The Role of DevSecOps in Modern Software Development

As the world becomes increasingly digital, software development has become a critical aspect of business success.

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5 Key Metrics to Measure DevOps Success

As DevOps continues to gain popularity and adoption, it is important for organizations to measure the success of their DevOps initiatives.

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The Importance of Infrastructure as Code in DevOps

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a methodology that involves managing and provisioning infrastructure through code rather than manually configuring hardware and software components.

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How to Build a Successful DevOps Toolchain

DevOps toolchains are essential for streamlining software delivery and ensuring that teams can work efficiently and collaboratively.

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Scaling DevOps: Strategies for Managing Large Teams

DevOps has revolutionized software development and delivery, enabling teams to work collaboratively, automate processes, and deliver software faster and more reliably.

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Why DevOps Culture is Critical for Business Success

The DevOps movement has been gaining momentum in recent years as organizations realize the benefits of breaking down silos between development and operations teams.

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The Ultimate Guide to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies

Kubernetes has become a popular choice for container orchestration, providing developers with a powerful platform for deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications.

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10 Best Practices for Container Security in DevOps

Containers have become a critical component of modern software development practices.

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How to Implement CI/CD Pipelines with Jenkins

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are critical components of modern software development practices.

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[Solved] AWS Error: TooManyBuckets - Bucket Limit Exceeded

If you get the following error: │ Error: creating Amazon S3 (Simple Storage) Bucket (<your-bucket-name): TooManyBuckets: You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed │ status code: 400, request id: 0P1TV2VCEDKGFQNY, host id: gc9di71ONabECoBYkkzc7Lmqs0DOo2DVhV2kqCgNruNO6Okm5K3EXzosdf5MCxP8uI= │

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How to check if a program exists from a Bash/Shell script

You can look to use: command -v <the_command> There are also 2 other ways, that we will run through a little further down, but for now.

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The DevOps Culture

DevOps is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.

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Teach me Kubernetes - Part 7 - Sidecar Containers

Looking for the entire 7 part guide? Start at the Overview In Kubernetes, a sidecar container is a secondary container that runs in the same Pod as the primary container.

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Teach me Kubernetes - Part 6 - Deployments

Looking for the entire 7 part guide? Start at the Overview In Kubernetes, a Deployment is a higher-level abstraction that manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods.

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Teach me Kubernetes - Part 5 - Services

Looking for the entire 7 part guide? Start at the Overview In Kubernetes, a Service is an abstraction that provides a stable, IP address and DNS name for a set of Pods.

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Teach me Kubernetes - Part 4 - Replication Controllers

Looking for the entire 7 part guide? Start at the Overview In Kubernetes, a ReplicationController (also known as a “ReplicaSet” in newer versions of Kubernetes) is a controller that ensures that a specified number of replicas of a Pod are running at any given time.

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Teach me Kubernetes - Part 3 - Pods

Looking for the entire 7 part guide? Start at the Overview In Kubernetes, a Pod is the smallest and simplest unit in the cluster.

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Teach me Kubernetes - Part 2 - Nodes

Looking for the entire 7 part guide? Start at the Overview In Kubernetes, a Node is a worker machine that runs containerized applications.

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Teach me Kubernetes - Part 1 - Overview

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

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How to Create a Simple Chatbot in Python

This is a simple chatbot in Python using the NLTK library.

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Create Transit Gateway with Attachments in Terraform

The following example Terraform code snippet creates a Transit Gateway with VPC and VPN attachments:

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How to Create an AWS EC2 Instance in Terraform

The following Terraform code snippet creates an EC2 instance for you.

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A Primer on Terraform Concepts

Terraform is an open-source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently.

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How to Learn Recursion by Example in Python

Here’s an example code in Python that demonstrates recursion: def factorial(n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n-1) print(factorial(5)) # Output: 120 This code defines a function factorial that calculates the factorial of a given number n.

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Understanding Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) can also help organizations to be more proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems.

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What is DevOps?

DevOps is a term that combines “development” and “operations.” It is a methodology that aims to bridge the gap between the software development and IT operations teams.

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How to Create a Password Generator in Golang

Introduction In today’s digital age, password security is more important than ever before.

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How does Disaster Recovery work in the Cloud?

Disaster Recovery (DR) in the cloud refers to the process of recovering IT infrastructure and data in the event of a disaster, such as a natural disaster or a cyber attack, in a cloud environment.

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What is DevOps and why is it important?

DevOps is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations teams.

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What is the Zen of Python?

The Zen of Python is an Easter Egg that long time Pythoneer (Tim Peters) channeled the guiding principals for the language’s design principals into 20 aphorisms, of which only 19 of them are written down.

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Bash: Convert HTML to Markdown Recursively with Pandoc

You can recursively convert all your HTML files to Mardown format in Bash, by using Pandoc.

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How to Create a Password Generator in C++

You can easily create a password generator in C++ with the following simple method.

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How do you architect Disaster Recovery in AWS?

Disaster recovery (DR) in AWS involves creating a plan and set of procedures to help your organization recover from a catastrophic event, such as a natural disaster, power outage, or cyber attack, that could impact your business operations.

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What options exist for Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

There are several options for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools that can help automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure resources, such as servers, networks, and storage, in a reliable and reproducible way.

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How to learn Java in 1 day

Learning Java in one day is not a realistic goal, as Java is a complex programming language that requires time and practice to master.

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How to read user input as numbers in Python

In Python 3 onwards, the input function returns a string type.

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Capitalize First Letter of Each Word in Python

If you have a sentence containing multiple words, and you want each of the words to start with a capital letter, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Create a Password Generator in Python

You can easily create a password generator in Python with the following simple method.

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How to Convert Bytes to a String in Python

If you need to convert bytes to a string in Python, then you can do the following:

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How to measure the elapsed time in Python

Option 1 - using the time module import time start = time.

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How to Change a MariaDB/MySQL Data Directory to a New Location on Linux

Step 1 — Moving the MariaDB Data Directory mysql -u root -p select @@datadir; Output: +-----------------+ | @@datadir | +-----------------+ | /var/lib/mysql/ | +-----------------+ 1 row in set (0.

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[Solved] Docker Daemon Connection Error: Daemon Running?

If you get the following error when trying to run a Docker container:

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[Solved] M1 Docker Image Platform Mismatch with Host (ARM64)

If you get the following error when trying to run a Docker container that was built on an M1 mac:

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How to get the SHA512 sum of a string using Python

If you need to get the SHA512 sum of a string using Python, then you can do the following.

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How to get the SHA256 sum of a string using Python

If you need to get the SHA256 sum of a string using Python, then you can do the following.

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How to get the MD5 sum of a string using Python

If you need to get the MD5 sum of a string using Python, then you can do the following.

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[Solved] TypeError: datetime Not JSON Serializable

If you get the following error: TypeError: Object of type datetime is not JSON serializable

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How to Return a List of All AWS Lambda Function Names in CLI

If you would like to list all AWS Lambda Function Names in your CLI using the AWS CLI, then you can do this:

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How much faster is Python code?

The speed of Python code compared to other programming languages depends on a variety of factors, such as the specific task being performed, the libraries and frameworks used, the quality of the code implementation, and the hardware on which the code is executed.

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Zip & Encode Dict to String & Back in Python

If you have a Python dictionary, and want to encode it as a string and zip it to save space, perhaps for passing a dictionary through as an environment variable or similar, then you can do the following

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What Categories of Websites are there?

There are many different categories of websites, but here are some of the most common:

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How to Generate a Random Number between 2 numbers in Python

If you need to generate a random number between two (2) numbers in Python, then you can make use of the random module.

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How to Install AWS SAM CLI on Mac

If you need to install AWS SAM CLI on a Mac, then the easiest option is to use Homebrew with the following commands:

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How to count the amount of rows in MariaDB fast

If you need to find the fastest way to count the number of rows in a massive MariaDB, or MySQL table, then you can do the following instead of performing a select count() query:

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How to find the Product of Consecutive Fib Numbers in Python

0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 6, 0, 5, 0, 2, 6, 5, 4, 0, 5, 3, 0, 3, …

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How to Solve Van Eck's Sequence in Python

0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 6, 0, 5, 0, 2, 6, 5, 4, 0, 5, 3, 0, 3, …

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How to Solve: Help the Bookseller Challenge in Python

A bookseller has lots of books classified in 26 categories labeled A, B, … Z.

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How to solve AWS MediaPackage PackagingGroup Quota Limit

If you are using AWS Elemental MediaPackage and hit the following error, then you need to either do one of the following:

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How to Run Cdk Bootstrap

To bootstrap an AWS CDK environment, you simply need to do the following:

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How to Get Account Number from AWS Lambda

If you need to get the current Account Number, or Account ID from within a Lambda execution, then you can access invoked_function_arn from the context and return the associated value as follows:

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Summary of the Frequently Used AWS STS API calls

AssumeRole – is useful for allowing existing IAM users to access AWS resources that they don’t already have access to.

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Understanding Locking and Conditional Writes in AWS DynamoDB

Optimistic locking is a strategy to ensure that the client-side item that you are updating (or deleting) is the same as the item in DynamoDB.

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AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Type Options

CodeDeploy provides two (2) deployment type options: Option 1 – In-place Deployment In-place deployment: The application on each instance in the deployment group is stopped, the latest application revision is installed, and the new version of the application is started and validated.

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Defining Amazon ECS Task Placement Strategies

Amazon ECS supports the following task placement strategies: binpack – Place tasks based on the least available amount of CPU or memory.

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Deployment methods in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

– All at once – Deploy the new version to all instances simultaneously.

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How to update NTP to sync clock on Linux

If you need to sync the clock on Linux using the central NTP clock service, you can do the following:

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How to Find IP Address Ranges used by Amazon S3

You can query the ip-ranges Amazon AWS URL, and parse the results through jq as follows:

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How to Find the nth Reverse Number in Java

The challenge Reverse Number is a number which is the same when reversed.

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How to Find the Sum of Intervals in Java

The challenge Write a function called sumIntervals/sum_intervals() that accepts an array of intervals, and returns the sum of all the interval lengths.

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How to Find the Stray Number in Python

The challenge You are given an odd-length array of integers, in which all of them are the same, except for one single number.

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How to Find the EDID UUID of External Mac Monitors

You can issue the following command on an Apple Mac’s terminal to show the EDID UUID (unique serial number) of all attached external monitors:

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[Solved] jsii.errors.JSIIError: docker exited with status 1

If you get the following error while running AWS CDK:

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How to Filter a Number in C

The challenge The number has been mixed up with the text.

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How to Take a Ten Minute Walk in C

The challenge You live in the city of Cartesia where all roads are laid out in a perfect grid.

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How to Count Stats of a String in C

The challenge You will be given a string and your task will be to return a list of ints detailing the count of uppercase letters, lowercase, numbers and special characters, as follows.

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How to Convert a String to the NATO Phonetic Alphabet in C

The challenge You’ll have to translate a string to Pilot’s alphabet (NATO phonetic alphabet).

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How to Add 1 to the Value of each Array in C

The challenge Given an array of integers of any length, return an array that has 1 added to the value represented by the array.

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How to Calculate the Sum of a Sequence in C

The challenge Your task is to make function, which returns the sum of a sequence of integers.

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How to Solve the Sum of Triangular Numbers in C

The challenge Your task is to return the sum of Triangular Numbers up-to-and-including the nth Triangular Number.

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How to Determine if a String Only Contains Unique Characters in C

The challenge Write a program to determine if a string contains only unique characters.

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How to Find the Maximum Multiple in C

The challenge Given a Divisor and a Bound , Find the largest integer N , Such That ,

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How to Assign a Digital Cypher in C

The challenge Digital Cypher assigns to each letter of the alphabet unique number.

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How to Check for All Inclusive in C

The challenge Input: a string strng an array of strings arr Output of function contain_all_rots(strng, arr) (or containAllRots or contain-all-rots):

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How to Solve for Factorial in C

The challenge In mathematics, the factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!

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How to Create an Incrementer in C

The challenge Given an input of an array of digits, return the array with each digit incremented by its position in the array: the first digit will be incremented by 1, the second digit by 2, etc.

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How to Return the Closest Number Multiple of 10 in C

The challenge Given a number return the closest number to it that is divisible by 10.

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How to Reverse Every Other Word in a String in C

The challenge Reverse every other word in a given string, then return the string.

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How to Solve Simple Beads Count in C

The challenge Two red beads are placed between every two blue beads.

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How to Solve the Maze Runner in C

The challenge Introduction Welcome Adventurer. Your aim is to navigate the maze and reach the finish point without touching any walls.

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How to Take a Number and Sum It’s Digits Raied to the Consecutive Powers in C

The challenge The number 89 is the first integer with more than one digit that fulfills the property partially introduced in the title of this challenge.

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How to Find the Middle Element in C

The challenge You need to create a function that when provided with a triplet, returns the index of the numerical element that lies between the other two elements.

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How to Invite More Women in C

The challenge Task King Arthur and his knights are having a New Years party.

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How to Build a Tower in C

The challenge Build a pyramid-shaped tower, as an array/list of strings, given a positive integer number of floors.

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How to Calculate A Rule of Divisibility by 7 in C

The challenge A number m of the form 10x + y is divisible by 7 if and only if x − 2y is divisible by 7.

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How to Categorize a New Member in C

The challenge The Western Suburbs Croquet Club has two categories of membership, Senior and Open.

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How to Solve Deodorant Evaporator in C

The challenge This program tests the life of an evaporator containing a gas.

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How to Find the Divisors in C

The challenge Create a function named divisors/Divisors that takes an integer n > 1 and returns an array with all of the integer’s divisors(except for 1 and the number itself), from smallest to largest.

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Solving Love vs Friendship in C

The challenge If a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 .

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How to Bounce Balls in C

The challenge A child is playing with a ball on the nth floor of a tall building.

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How to Find the Capitals in C

The challenge Instructions Write a function that takes a single string (word) as argument.

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How to Empty and Delete an S3 Bucket using the AWS CLI

Option 1 – Using AWS CLI Step 1 export bucketname='your-bucket-here' Step 2

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What ports to open for FSx connection to AWS Managed Active Directory

If you are creating a FSx file system, and want to connect it to AWS Managed Active Directory, then you will need to create a VPC Security Group with the following ports:

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How to Calculate Variance in Python

If you need to calculate variance in Python, then you can do the following.

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How to Calculate the Sum of a List in Python

If you need to calculate and get the sum of a list in Python, then you can do the following.

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How to add a List to a Set in Python

If you need to add a list to a set in Python, then you can do the following:

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How to Remove Punctuation from a List in Python

If you have a Python list, and want to remove all punctuation, then you can do the following:

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How to Normalize a List of Numbers in Python

If you need to normalize a list of numbers in Python, then you can do the following:

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How to Multiply a List by a Scalar in Python

If you need to multiply a list by a scalar in Python, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Find the Index of the Minimum Element in a List in Python

If you need to find the index of the minimum element in a list, you can do one of the following:

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How to Convert a Set to a String in Python

If you need to convert a set to a string in Python, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Decrement a Loop in Python

If you need to decrement a loop in Python, then you can do the following:

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How to Create Zip Archive of Directory in Python

If you need to create a zip of a directory using Python, then you can do the following:

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How to Remove the Last Character of a String in PHP

If you need to remove the last character of a string in PHP, then you can do the following:

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How to Create Function with Multiple Returns in PHP

If you need to create a PHP function that returns multiple values, then you can do one of the following.

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How to Download a File in NodeJS without any Third Party Libraries

If you need to download a file in NodeJS without using any third party libraries, then you can do the following.

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How to Execute a Shell Script in NodeJS

If you need to execute a shell script in NodeJS, then you can use the exec keyword.

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How to Print Multiple Arguments in Python

If you need to print out multiple arguments using Python, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Delete all Resources Except One in Terraform

If you need to delete all resources created by Terraform, except for a single, specific one, then you can do the following:

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How to Copy Files between Two Nodes using Ansible

If you need to copy files between two (2) nodes, using Ansible, then you can do the following:

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How to Delete Files and Folders in a Directory using Ansible

If you need to delete files and folders in a directory using Ansible, then you can do the following:

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How to Copy Multiple Files with Ansible

If you need to copy multiple files using Ansible, then you can do the following:

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How to Write Multiline Shell Scripts in Ansible

If you need to write a shell script in Ansible, you probably have something like this:

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How to Pass Variables to Ansible Playbook CLI

If you need to pass a variable to Ansible playbook, using the command line, then you can do the following:

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How to Create a Directory using Ansible

If you need to create a directory using Ansible, then you can do the following:

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How to Disable Screensaver on Mac using the CLI

If you want to disable the Screensaver on your Mac, by using the Command Line Interface (CLI), then you can do the following:

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How to Remove Old and Unused Docker Images

If you need to remove any old and unused Docker images, then you can do the following:

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How to Convert Milliseconds to Date in Javascript

If you need to convert Milliseconds to Date in Javascript, then you can do the following:

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How to Convert String to Title Case in Javascript

If you need to convert a String to Title Case in Javascript, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Compile Multiple Java Files from a Single Command in Java

If you need to compile multiple Java files using a single command, then you can do the following.

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How to Convert JSON to a Java Object

If you need to convert JSON to a Java Object, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Calculate Powers of Integers in Java

If you need to calculate the powers of Integers in Java, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Get Today’s Date in Java

If you need to get today’s date in Java, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Copy Files from Docker Container to Host

If you need to copy files from a Docker Container to the Host, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Get the IP Address of a Docker Container

If you need to get the IP Address of a Docker Container, then you can do the following:

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How to Convert Time to String in Golang

If you need to convert Time to a String in Go, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Perform a Deep Copy in Golang

To perform a Deep Copy in Go, you can use a struct type as follows:

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How to Return Lambda Functions in Golang

Go doesn’t typically have Lambda Expressions, but synonymous to Lambdas, or Closures if Anonymous Functions for Go.

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How to Create an Empty Slice in Golang

If you would like to create an empty slice in Go, then you can do the following:

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How to Parallelize a for Loop in Python

If you need to run a for loop in parallel, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Reverse an Integer in Python

If you need to reverse an integer using Python, then you can do the following:

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How to Save a Python Dictionary to a File in Python

If you need to save a Python Dictionary object type to a file using Python, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Move Files From One Directory to Another Using Python

If you need to move files from one directory to another directory, using Python, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Get the Number of Lines in a File in Python

If you need to get the number of lines in a file, or the line count total from a file, using Python, then you can use one of the following options:

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How to Read Specific Lines From a File in Python

If you need to read a specific line from a file using Python, then you can use one of the following options:

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How to Get All Files in a Directory in Python

If you need to get all the files in a directory using Python, then you can do the following:

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[Solved] dial tcp: lookup i/o timeout

If you get a timeout when trying to install go dependencies, the error may look something like this:

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How to Check Operating System in Python

If you need to check the Operating System information from Python, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Convert Hex to Byte in Python

If you need to convert Hex to Byte in Python, then you can do one of the following:

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[Solved] fatal: Could not read from remote repository with Git

If you receive the following error when trying to clone a Git repository:

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How to Install Homebrew on a Mac

Prerequisites You should have some familiarity with the Mac Terminal application since you’ll need to use it to install Homebrew.

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How to create an AWS EC2 instance in CloudFormation

Create an EC2 Instance in CloudFormation If you need to create an EC2 instance in CloudFormation, then you can do the following:

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How to Run Commands on an AWS ECS Cluster Task or Container

If you need to run a command, or set of commands on an AWS ECS cluster container, then you can do the following:

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Understanding the Network Modes in AWS ECS

If using the EC2 launch type, the allowable network mode depends on the underlying EC2 instance’s operating system.

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How to Enable ContainerInsights on AWS ECS from the AWS CLI

If you need to enable Container Insights for an ECS cluster, by using the AWS CLI, then you can do the following:

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AppMesh and ECS with Imported ACM certificates on Envoy Sidecar through EFS

Summary This guide showcases the ability to use imported certificates from a third party provider (e.

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How to Increase the disk size on a Cloud9 instance

If you need to increase the disk size of a Cloud9 instance, you can run the following script directly from the terminal in Cloud9:

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How to Get the Instance Profile attached to an AWS EC2

If you need to get the IAM Role information from the attached EC2 role directly, you can do the following:

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How to Create an AWS ECR Repository in AWS CLI

If you need to create an Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Repository from the AWS CLI, you can do the following:

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How to Scale Out an AWS ECS Service

When you create the Amazon ECS service, it includes three Amazon ECS task replicas.

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How to Retrieve AWS ECS Cluster Information

For more information about the Amazon ECS cluster, run the following command.

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Types of communication in Amazon EKS

There are multiple types of communication in Amazon EKS environments.

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How to Remove a Passphrase from Certificate Key

If you have a Certificate Key that includes a Passphrase and you need to remove it, potentially to use it with AWS App Mesh, then you can do the following:

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How to get Python logger to Print to std out

If you use Python’s logger as follows: import logging logger = logging.

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How to Convert a String to an Integer in C

If you need to convert a String to an Integer in C, then you can do one of the following:

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How to Convert an Integer to a String in C

If you need to convert an Integer to a String in C, then you can do one of the following:

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How to append to an Array in Elasticsearch using elasticsearch-py

If you are using the Official ElasticSearch Python library (Docs), and you want to create an index:

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How to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python

If you need to Copy Text to the Clipboard using your Python application code, then you can do the following:

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How to Read a PDF file in Python

If you need to read a PDF (Portable Document Format) file in your Python code, then you can do the following:

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How to Convert HEX to RBG in Python

If you need to convert HEX (Hexadecimal) to RGB (Red-Green-Blue) in your Python code, then you can do the following:

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How to Refer to a Null Object in Python

If you need to refer to a Null Object in your Python code, then you can do the following.

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How to Convert Bytearray to String in Python

If you need to convert a Bytearray to a String in Python, then you can do the following:

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How to get the Hostname in Python

If you need to get the Hostname in your Python application, then you can do the following:

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How to get the IP Address in Python

If you need to get the IP Address in your Python application, then you can do the following:

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How to use SSH in your Python application

If you need to make an SSH connection and issues commands over SSH using your Python application, then you can do the following:

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How to Pause a Program in Python

If you need to pause the execution of your Python program, then you can do the following:

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How to Convert String to Double in Python

If you need to convert a String to a Double in your Python code:

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How to a Run Bash Command in Python

If you need to run a bash command in your Python code, then you can do the following:

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How to Force Redeployment of AWS API Gateway using AWS CloudFormation

If you have an AWS API Gateway resource, and need it to force a redeployment using CloudFormation, then you can use the TIMESTAMP trick.

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How to Deploy React App to S3 and CloudFront

If you would like to deploy a React App to AWS S3 and AWS CloudFront, then you can follow this guide.

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[Solved] export ‘Switch’ (imported as ‘Switch’) was not found in ‘react-router-dom’

In react-router-dom v6, Switch is replaced by routes Routes. You need to update the import from:

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How to List all Files/Folders/Directories in Python

If you need to list all Files, Folders, or Directories in Python code, then you can use the listdirs method from the os package.

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How to Read a File in Python

If you need to read a file in Python, then you can use the open() built-in function to help you.

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How to Drop Columns in Pandas Only If Exists

If you have a Pandas DataFrame, and want to only drop columns if they exist, then you can do the following:

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AWS CDK Commands

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) comes with a list of commands that you need to know:

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How to Make a Java Jar File Executable

Let’s say you have a Java project as follows: package ms.

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How to List All Resources in an AWS Account

If you need to see a list of all the resources in your AWS Account, then you need to look into the Tag Editor.

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Fixed size left column and fluid right column both with 100% height in CSS

If you need two (2) columns and want the left column to be a fixed size, but the right column to automatically take the remaining size of the window, then you can use the following solution.

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How to Check if a Volume is Mounted in Bash

If you need to check if a volume is mounted in a Bash script, then you can do the following.

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How to Determine if a Bash Variable is Empty

If you need to check if a bash variable is empty, or unset, then you can use the following code:

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How to Order by File Size using the du command in Linux

If you use the du command to list all the file sizes on Linux:

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How to Join Multiple MySQL Tables in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to Limit a MySQL Query in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to Update a MySQL Table in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to Drop a MySQL Table in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to Delete MySQL Records in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to ORDER BY a MySQL Query in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to Filter WHERE MySQL Queries in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to Select From MySQL in Python

First, you will need the mysql.connector. If you are unsure of how to get this setup, refer to How to Install MySQL Driver in Python .

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How to Insert into a MySQL Table in Python

If you need to insert data into a MySQL table using Python, then look no further.

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How to Create a Primary Key for a MySQL Database in Python

You can create a Primary Key for your MySQL database in Python as follows.

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How to Create a MySQL Table in Python

If you need to create a table in a MySQL database using Python, then you can do the following.

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How to Create a MySQL Database in Python

In order to create a MySQL database in Python, you first need to initiate a connection using the mysql.

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How to Install MySQL Driver in Python

To begin using MySQL in Python, you need to do the following:

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How to Resize an AWS EBS Volume in Bash

If you need to resize an EBS volume in AWS, you can do so using bash.

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How to get all checked checkboxes in Javascript

If you need to get all the checked checkboxes using Javascript, then you can do the following:

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How to Setup Credential Helper for AWS CodeCommit

AWS CodeCommit is a git code repository service by Amazon Web Services.

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How to Flex Grid 2 Columns using CSS

If you would like to flex grid 2 columns in CSS then you need three (3) divs.

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How to Create a Hashtag Generator in Javascript

If you want to create a hashtag generator in Javascript, then you can do the following:

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How to Confirm before Leaving Page in Javascript

You can implement a function to be called before the user leaves a page with Javascript as follows:

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What are the multiples of 3 from 1 to 1000

If you need to calculate the multiples of 3, starting from 1 up until 1000, then you can use the following code:

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How to Count Files in Directory on Linux

If you need to count how many files are in a directory on Linux, then you can use a combination of the ls command to list all the files, and the wc command to count how many lines are printed:

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How to Read a File Line by Line in Java

If you need to read a file line by line in Java, then you can use one of the following three (3) options.

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How can I clear or empty a StringBuilder

You can use Java’s StringBuilder to create and manipulate Strings as follows:

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How to Approve a SageMaker model in AWS CLI

Sometimes you will need to manually approve a SageMaker model package from the AWS CLI.

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How to Assume Role across Accounts in AWS

If you need to assume role between AWS accounts, or allow an account to assume a role and use resources in another AWS account, then you need to create a role and attach the following policy.

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How to Style an Element using Javascript

If you need to style an element using Javascript then you can use the style object to support all your CSS needs.

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How to Wait 1 Second in Javascript

If you need your Javascript code to wait one (1) second (or more) while executing, then there are a couple of ways to achieve this.

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How to use forEach method in Javascript

Arrays come with a useful forEach function that allows you to loop through the array.

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How to Remove an Element from an Array in Javascript

If you need to remove an element from an array in Javascript, then you can use one of the following five (5) options:

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How to get the Alphabet as Array in Javascript

If you need to get an array of alphabetical letters in Javascript then you can use one of the following:

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The Power of Two (2) Table

With the Power of Two, you can ask the following:

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How to get the Screen Width in Javascript

Javascript gives a few options to determine the screen width.

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How to Read a File in Rust

If you need to read a file in Rust, then you can use the fs package from the standard library:

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How to Convert Array to String in Java

If you need to convert an array to a string in Java, then you could look at a solution like this:

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How to Join Two Strings Together in Golang

If you need to join two (2) strings together in Golang, you can do the following, using the + concatenation operator:

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How to Recursively Delete all Files in an AWS S3 Bucket

If you need to recursively delete all files in an AWS S3 bucket, then you can do the following:

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How to Execute Linux Commands in Golang

If you want to execute linux commands in Golang, then you can use exec.

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How to Check for Prime Numbers using Golang

If you need to check for Prime Numbers in Golang, then you can use the following method:

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How to Raise a Number to a Power in Golang

If you need to raise a number to a power in Golang, then you can use the math.

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How to get CPU Frequency in Linux

If you need to get the CPU Frequency in Linux, then you can run the following command:

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How to Disable Warning with Python Pandas

How can python pandas disable warnings? If you need to disable warnings with Pandas on Python, then you can use the warnings module and ignore the filter as follows:

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How to Get all Caps Alphabet as List in Python

If we take the following list: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] How do we extract only the UpperCase letters of a given word?

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How to create an AWS Lambda in Terraform

Step 1 – Lambda Code in Python The following code expects a python file with the contents as follows in a file called python/script1.

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[Solved] Instance Profile already exists in Terraform

If you get the Instance Profile already exists error when running your Terraform apply, then it is either because an instance profile with that name already existed in the account, or because the previous terraform destroy did not remove it.

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How to Match Multiple Strings with grep

If you need to match a string in a file, then grep is your friend.

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How to Invoke an AWS Lambda from the CLI

If you want to invoke an AWS Lambda from your CLI, then the best option is to have the AWS CLI installed.

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How to Exit if a Bash Variable in Not Set

Sometimes you might want to exit a command if a variable is not set in Bash.

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How to Force Gitlab pipeline to fail on condition

if you have a conditional in your Gitlab pipeline stage that checks if something has succeeded or failed, then you can use this to pass or fail your pipeline stage.

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How to run AWS CLI commands based on AWS CLI Version in Bash

If you find yourself having the requirements to support both AWS CLI v1 and v2 simultaneously, then you can use the following conditional in Bash to only run the specific version required:

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[Solved] Unknown options: –cli-binary-format AWS CLI

If you have tried calling the AWS CLI and got the following error:

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How to Generate Random Strings with Dash in-between in Python

If you need to generate a random string that looks something like this: VUNBXJ-230411, then you can use the following random generator:

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How to Check OS version and flavor in Linux

If you need to check the version and flavour of the running Linux instance, then you can try the below commands:

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How to use a Backend-Config File for Terraform S3 State Configuration

If you are using S3 as the backend for your state management in Terraform, then you can create environment specific configuration files where you store the bucket, region among other things to be pulled in automatically when switching environments.

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How to Refresh State in Terraform

Sometimes your infrastructure may be out of sync with your Terraform state because resources may have been amended or deleted manually.

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How to get the Length of an Array in C

There isn’t really a standard way to get the length of array in C.

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How to write If/Else Statements in Terraform

If/Else statements are conditional statements that perform decisions based on some known state, or variable.

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How to Reset Udemy Progress

If you need to redo a Udemy course and you would like to reset the course’s progress, then you can use the following Javascript snippet below.

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How to Get Last Digit of a Large Number in C

The challenge Define a function that takes in two non-negative integers aa_a_ and bb_b_ and returns the last decimal digit of aba^b_a__b_.

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[Solved] Network interface is in use by another service in AWS

If you have tried to delete a Security Group, or VPC, or various other resources and you get the dreaded Network interface is in use by another service error, then you can resolve this by deleting the resource through the API.

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How to Uninstall npm packages

We typically install an npm package as follows: npm install <package_name> But how do we uninstall an npm package?

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RBG Color Codes

Often you need to reference an HTML/CSS Color Code in RGB or Hex.

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How to Sum the Two Lowest Positive Integers in C++

The challenge Create a function that returns the sum of the two lowest positive numbers given an array of minimum 4 positive integers.

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How to Sort an Array of Objects by Property in Javascript

If you need to sort an array of objects by their property values using Javascript, then you don’t need to look further than the built-in sort functionality.

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How to create a Countdown Timer in Python

If you need to count down a specific amount of time, say for example, when a token is set to expire, then a countdown timer will be useful.

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How to Remove a Resource from Terraform State

Terraform state reflects the most up to date reference of the infrastructure.

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How to Delete a Specific Resource in Terraform

Running terraform destroy will tear down the whole stack associated to some terraform code.

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How to Create a DynamoDB Lock Table for Terraform

Provision the DynamoDB Table resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "dynamodb-terraform-state-lock" { name = "terraform-state-lock-dynamo" hash_key = "LockID" read_capacity = 20 write_capacity = 20 attribute { name = "LockID" type = "S" } } Configure the DynamoDB table in Terraform Backend terraform { backend "s3" { encrypt = true bucket = "your-unique-bucket-name" dynamodb_table = "terraform-state-lock-dynamo" key = "terraform.

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How to add Comments in Terraform

Terraform , a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, allows you to define and provision infrastructure resources.

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How to log/debug in Terraform

If you have Terraform reporting an error but want more information, then you can configure debug logging.

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How to find the number of trailing zeros of N in Rust

The challenge Write a program that will calculate the number of trailing zeros in a factorial of a given number.

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How to do RGB To Hex Conversion in Rust

The challenge The rgb function is incomplete. Complete it so that passing in RGB decimal values will result in a hexadecimal representation being returned.

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How to Rename a Git Branch

If you want to rename a git branch, then you have a few options, dependent on the use-case.

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How to Find the Shortest Word in C++

The challenge Simple, given a string of words, return the length of the shortest word(s).

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How to Square Every Digit in C++

The challenge You are asked to square every digit of a number and concatenate them.

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How to Count Vowels in C++

The challenge Return the number (count) of vowels in the given string.

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How to Calculate the Sum of the Numbers in the Nth row of a Triangle in Golang

The challenge Given the triangle of consecutive odd numbers: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 .

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[Solved] Terraform Error accessing remote module registry in PowerShell

If you are using PowerShell and trying to run a terraform init, you may get an error as follows:

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How to Recursively Delete a Directory in PowerShell

If you want to recursively delete a directory/folder using PowerShell, then you have 2 options.

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[Solved] npm ERR! could not determine executable to run

If you get the following message, then there’s a very easy fix:

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[Solved] npm ERR! path node_modules/node-sass

If you get the following error and need a solution, then look no further!

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How to Install Lodash through Yarn for React

You can install lodash through yarn as follows: Step 1 – Install Lodash to get the Library yarn add lodash Step 2 – Get the Typescript info yarn add --dev @types/lodash

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How to SHA256 a String in Golang

If you need to SHA256 a String in Go, then you can use the crypto/sha256 package.

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How to Base64 Encode/Decode in Golang

Go ships with an encoding/base64 package that allows for encode and decoding of Base64 strings.

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How to Base64 Encode a String in Java

Quick solution In short, you can just do this: new String(Base64.

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How to add a Lambda Environment Variable in Terraform

If you have an aws_lambda_function block that needs to make use of environment variables, then you can simply do the following:

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How to perform Array Element Parity in Golang

The challenge You will be given an array of integers whose elements have both a negative and a positive value, except for one integer that is either only negative or only positive.

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How to Reverse Letters in Kotlin

The challenge Given a string str, reverse it omitting all non-alphabetic characters.

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How to Get the ASCII Value of Character in Kotlin

The challenge Get the ASCII value of a character. The solution in Kotlin Option 1:

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How to update each dependency in package.json to the latest version

You have 2 options: Option 1 – Recommended (Using npx) npx npm-check-updates -u npm install Option 2 – Older way (Using npm globally) npm i -g npm-check-updates ncu -u npm install

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How to Convert IPv4 to int32 in Javascript

The challenge Take the following IPv4 address: This address has 4 octets where each octet is a single byte (or 8 bits).

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How to Solve the Grouped by Commas Challenge in Javascript

The challenge Finish the solution so that it takes an input n (integer) and returns a string that is the decimal representation of the number grouped by commas after every 3 digits.

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How to Save sed Output Directly to a File

You have 3 options here: Option 1: use tee with sed sed 's/Hello/Hi/g' file-name | tee file Option 2: use > with sed sed 's/Hello/Hi/g' file-name > file Option 3: use sed with -i option sed -i 's/Hello/Hi/g' file-name

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How to Convert BigNumber to Int/Number in Ethers/Web3

If you have a BigNumber when using web3, then you can convert this to a regular Javascript Number using the ethers library as follows:

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How to Create a Pyramid Array in Javascript

The challenge Write a function that when given a number >= 0, returns an Array of ascending length subarrays.

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How to Create a Reverse Polish Notation Calculator in Javascript

The challenge Your job is to create a calculator which evaluates expressions in Reverse Polish notation.

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How to declare a global variable in React?

If you need to declare a global variable in React, then you can do the following:

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How to Find the Missing Term in an Arithmetic Progression in Javascript

The challenge An Arithmetic Progression is defined as one in which there is a constant difference between the consecutive terms of a given series of numbers.

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How to Count Characters in a Javascript String

The challenge The main idea is to count all the occurring characters in a string.

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How to Increment/Decrement a value in React/NextJS

Use the following code block to get started: function GetCount() { const [count, setCount] = useState(1); const incrementCounter = () => { setCount(count+1) } const decrementCounter = () => { if (count>1) setCount(count-1) } return <div className="_counterWrapper"> <span className="_dec" onClick={() => decrementCounter()}>-</span> <span className="_val">{count}</span> <span className="_inc" onClick={() => incrementCounter()}>+</span> </div> } Then in your HTML code, add it like this:

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How to disable text selection highlighting in CSS

If you would like to disable the text selection highlighting that is enabled by default on all browsers, then you can do this:

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Irreducible Sum of Rationals in Golang

The challenge You will have a list of rationals in the form:

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How to copy S3 objects between AWS accounts

In your source account create a customer-managed policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::source-EXAMPLE-BUCKET", "arn:aws:s3:::source-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/*" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectAcl" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::destination-EXAMPLE-BUCKET", "arn:aws:s3:::destination-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/*" ] } ] } In your destination bucket, update the bucket policy:

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How to find all symlinks in a directory tree on Mac

If you need to recursively find all symbolic links in a directory tree on a Mac, then you have a couple of options.

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How to Install App Mesh on AWS EKS

You can follow the steps below to install App Mesh on AWS EKS (Kubernetes).

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[Solved] Kubernetes Namespace stuck in Terminating state

If you have tried to delete a Kubernetes namespace, and it has been hanging in ‘deleting’ for hours on end, it’s likely that you have dangling resources that have not deleted yet.

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[Solved] error: src refspec main does not match any

If you get the following error: error: src refspec main does not match any error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.

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How to Force a Redeploy in Kubernetes

If you need to force a redeploy of a deployment in Kubernetes , then you can use the rollout feature.

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How to Print to stdout in Flask using Python

If you are trying to print() to the console/stdout in your Flask app, but nothing is happening, then you just need to flush your prints, as follows:

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How to Restart a Deployment in Kubernetes

If you need to restart a deployment in Kubernetes, perhaps because you would like to force a cycle of pods, then you can do the following:

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How to push multiple Dockerfile apps to AWS ECR at the same time

I have a parent directory containing multiple sub-directories. Each of these child directories is a different application and contains a Dockerfile.

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How to Create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler in Kubernetes

If you could like to a create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (hpa) in Kubernetes, then you could run the following:

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How to Run a Load Generator on Kubernetes

If you would like to test hpa, Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, or throw some chaos at a specific deployment in Kubernetes , then you could run a Load Generator

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How to Deploy a Metrics Server in Kubernetes

If you would like to deploy a Metrics Server in Kubernetes , then you first need to create a namespace for it to live it, followed by installing the actual metrics server.

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How to create an AWS EKS cluster using eksctl

eksctl dramatically simplifies the creation of AWS EKS clusters, by providing a simple command-line interface.

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How to Dockerize a Flask App

If you have a Flask app that you would like packaged in a Docker container, then you can do the following.

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How to get an EKS Cluster name from an AWS Region

You can use the aws cli to get the EKS cluster name, parse the first result and return it into a variable.

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How to automatically generate a Manifests file in Kubernetes

If you want to automatically generate a manifest file in Kubernetes, you can do so by using the kubectl run command coupled with a --dry-run to output directly to yaml.

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How to Sort Pods by CreationTimestamp in Kubernetes

If you need to sort a list of your pods by their CreationTimestamp, then do the following:

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How to Jump onto a Kubernetes Pod with Bash

If you want to jump onto a particular Kubernetes Pod and run Bash within it, you can do so as follows:

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How to run Shell Commands in a Kubernetes Cluster

If you would like to run shell commands inside of your Kubernetes cluster, then you can use the kubectl run command.

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How to Bulk Move All Email from One Account to Another using the CLI

If you find yourself in a position where you need to sync all emails from one account to another, then you can use the imapsync command-line tool to bulk copy, or move everything for you.

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How to Install AWS CLI on Linux

You can download and install the AWS CLI on Linux as follows:

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How to Reboot Networking on Mac from CLI

If you need to reboot, or restart the networking interface on your Mac, by using the CLI, then you can issue the following commands:

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[Solved] fatal: unable to access <git>: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

If you get the following error: fatal: unable to access <git>: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

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How to Extract the Files in a Docker Image

Ever needed to extract the files in a Docker container?

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[Solved] Error response from daemon: No such image: Docker

If you’ve run into this dreaded error: Error response from daemon: No such image:

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How to Bootstrap a Web Server on AWS EC2

When you launch an EC2 instance, you can use the user-data to bootstrap a instance creation script.

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How to Update Kubectl Config from AWS EKS

Ever searched for kubectl update config from aws eks and needed a quick result?

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How to Generate a Random String in Java

Java provides many ways to generate random strings. 1. Using Apache Commons public void generatingRandomAlphanumericString_ApacheCommons() { String generatedString = RandomStringUtils.

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How to Generate a Random String in Python

Python gives the ability to generate random strings out of the box, by using a combination of the string and random modules.

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How to Generate a Random Number/String in Terraform

If you need to generate a random number or string in Terraform, then you can use the following:

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[Solved] Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp: lookup with AWS EKS

If you have received the following error while trying to issue commands to kubectl:

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How to Store Terraform State in AWS S3

Storing Terraform states files locally is not recommended. Instead you should use a backend such as as S3 from AWS.

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[Solved] ZipArchive extension: disabled/not installed on Ubuntu

If you have come across the following error: ZipArchive extension:&nbsp;<strong>disabled/not installed</strong>

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Calculating Cartesian Neighbors Distance in Golang

The challenge We have been searching for all the neighboring points in a Cartesian coordinate system.

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How to Calculate Dominant Primes in Golang

The challenge The prime number sequence starts with: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19.... Notice that 2 is in position one.

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[Solved] error: src refspec main does not match

When you first try and push to a git repository, you may get the following error message:

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How to Solve Simple Square Numbers in Golang

The challenge In this challenge, you will be given a number n (n > 0) and your task will be to return the smallest square number N (N > 0) such that n + N is also a perfect square.

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How to perform Function Iteration in Golang

The challenge The purpose of this challenge is to write a higher-order function returning a new function that iterates on a specified function a given number of times.

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Determining Integer Depth in Python

The challenge The depth of an integer n is defined to be how many multiples of n it is necessary to compute before all 10 digits have appeared at least once in some multiple.

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How to Reverse a singly-linked list in Python

The challenge Implement a function reverse_list that takes a singly-linked list of nodes and returns a matching list in the reverse order.

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Calculating Simple Time Difference in Python

The challenge In this challenge, you will be given a series of times at which an alarm goes off.

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Calculating Odd/Even number of divisors in Python

The challenge Given an integer n return "odd" if the number of its divisors is odd.

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Calculate possibilities of throwing a coin N times in Python

The challenge In this challenge, you will be given an integer n, which is the number of times that is thrown a coin.

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How to Convert Integer to Whitespace format in Python

The challenge Hereinafter, [space] refers to " ", [tab] refers to "\t", and [LF] refers to "\n" for illustrative purposes.

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How to Perform Frog Jumping in Python

The challenge You have an array of integers and have a frog at the first position

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How to Calculate the area of a regular N sides polygon inside a circle of radius R in Python

The challenge Write the following function: def area_of_polygon_inside_circle(circle_radius, number_of_sides): It should calculate the area of a regular polygon of numberOfSides, number-of-sides, or number_of_sides sides inside a circle of radius circleRadius, circle-radius, or circle_radius which passes through all the vertices of the polygon (such a circle is called circumscribed circle or circumcircle).

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How to create an Image Host Filename Generator in Python

The challenge You are developing an image hosting website. You have to create a function for generating random and unique image filenames.

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How to Find the Missing Alphabets in Python

The challenge Task Given string s, which contains only letters from a to z in lowercase.

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How to move MySQL database to another drive

Step 1: Login to your MySQL server, enter your password when prompted:

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How to Find the Sum of Prime-Indexed Elements in Go

The challenge You will be given an integer array and your task is to return the sum of elements occupying prime-numbered indices.

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How to Find the Longest Substring in Alphabetical Order in Python

The challenge Find the longest substring in alphabetical order. Example:

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Calculate the Most Frequent Weekdays in Go

The challenge What is your favourite day of the week? Check if it’s the most frequent day of the week in the year.

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Return Index of Matching Closing Bracket in Go

The challenge In this challenge, you will be given a string with brackets and an index of an opening bracket and your task will be to return the index of the matching closing bracket.

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How to Presign an S3 URL in AWS using AWS CLI

You can use the AWS CLI to presign URLs so that objects in S3 can be shared publicly even if they are set as private.

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How to Download using Aria2c with Multiple Connections

If you use aria2c to download files using the command-line, then you can also use it to download using multiple connections.

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How to Parse HTML/CSS Colors in Java

The challenge In this challenge, you parse RGB colors represented by strings.

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Solving Simple Transposition in Java

The challenge Simple transposition is a basic and simple cryptography technique.

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How to Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion in Python

The challenge Write a function that takes in a binary string and returns the equivalent decoded text (the text is ASCII encoded).

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How to Find the Row of the Odd Triangle in Python

The challenge Given a triangle of consecutive odd numbers: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 .

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Solving Number Zoo Patrol in Python

The challenge Write a function that takes a shuffled list of unique numbers from 1 to n with one element missing (which can be any number including n).

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Common AWS CDK CLI Commands

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) comes with numerous CLI commands.

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How to Create an S3 bucket with PublicRead in CloudFormation

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Basic S3 Bucket CloudFormation template Resources: S3BucketForWebsiteContent: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: AccessControl: PublicRead Outputs: BucketName: Value: !

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How to Create a VPC in CloudFormation

It’s very easy to deploy a VPC using CloudFormation: AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Deploy a VPC Resources: VPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: CidrBlock: 10.

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How to Setup Git on EC2 for AWS CodeCommit

Connect to the instance: chmod 400 KEYPAIR.pem ssh -i KEYPAIR.pem ec2-user@EC2PublicIP Install Git:

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The Difference of 2 in Java

The challenge The objective is to return all pairs of integers from a given array of integers that have a difference of 2.

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How to Make the Deadfish Swim in Java

The challenge Write a simple parser that will parse and run Deadfish.

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How to Write Number in Expanded Form in Java

The challenge You will be given a number and you will need to return it as a string in Expanded Form.

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Is a Number Prime in Java

The challenge Define a function that takes one integer argument and returns a logical value true or false depending on if the integer is a prime.

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How to Calculate Minutes to Midnight in Java

The challenge Write a function minutesToMidnight(d) that will take a date object as the parameter.

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How to Change the Timestamp of a File on Mac/Linux

If you have a file on your machine, and you want to change the created/modified time/date stamp, then you can use the touch command.

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How to Round up to the Next Multiple of 5 in Python

The challenge Given an integer as input, can you round it to the next (meaning, “higher”) multiple of 5?

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How to get the Sum of the First nth Term of a Series in Java

The challenge Your task is to write a function that returns the sum of the following series up to nth term(parameter).

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How to satisfy Wilson Primes in Python

The challenge Wilson primes satisfy the following condition. Let P represent a prime number.

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How to Boot an EC2 with a WebServer Setup

Create a new AWS EC2 instance, and set the User Script to the following:

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Writing a Sleigh Authentication in Python

The challenge Christmas is coming and many people dreamed of having a ride with Santa’s sleigh.

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Solving for Multiple of Index in Python

The challenge Return a new array consisting of elements which are multiple of their own index in input array (length > 1).

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How to Find an item’s Alphabet Position in Python

The challenge When provided with a letter, return its position in the alphabet.

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How to Keep up the Hoop in Java

The challenge Alex just got a new hula hoop, he loves it but feels discouraged because his little brother is better than him

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Will there be Enough Space in Java

The challenge Bob is working as a bus driver. However, he has become extremely popular amongst the city’s residents.

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How to Swap Node Pairs In Linked List in Java

The challenge If you are given the head node in a linked list, write a method that swaps each pair of nodes in the list, then returns the head node of the list.

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How to Solve ‘Finding Neo’ in Java

The challenge Neo is somewhere in the Matrix. public interface Matrix { public int size(); public int get(int x, int y); } You are Morpheus, and your job is to find him.

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How to Solve a Pandigital Sequence in Java

The challenge In mathematics, a pandigital number is a number that in a given base has among its significant digits each digit used in the base at least once.

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How to get Meta-Data information from an AWS EC2 Instance

If you need to query meta-data information from your running EC2 instance, you can curl the following location:

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How to write a Lazy Repeater Helper in Python

The challenge The make_looper() function takes a string (of non-zero length) as an argument.

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How to write a String Case Conversion Helper in Python

The challenge In this challenge, you will make a function that converts between camelCase, snake_case, and kebab-case.

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How to create Interleaving Arrays in Python

The challenge Create a function, that accepts an arbitrary number of arrays and returns a single array generated by alternately appending elements from the passed-in arguments.

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How to Find the Largest product in a Series in Python

The challenge Complete the greatestProduct method so that it’ll find the greatest product of five consecutive digits in the given string of digits.

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How to Calculate the Least Common Multiple in Python

The challenge Write a function that calculates the least common multiple of its arguments; each argument is assumed to be a non-negative integer.

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How to Solve Caesar Cipher Helper in Python

The challenge Write a class that, when given a string, will return an uppercase string with each letter shifted forward in the alphabet by however many spots the cipher was initialized to.

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How to Write Out Numbers in Python

The challenge Create a function that transforms any positive number to a string representing the number in words.

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How to do Base64 Encoding in Python

The challenge Create a function that converts the value of the String to and from Base64 using the ASCII character set.

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How to Calculate Transport on Vacation in Java

The challenge After a hard quarter in the office you decide to get some rest on a vacation.

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Playing with the letter ‘E’ in Java

The challenge Given String str, return: If given String doesn’t contain any “e”, return: “There is no “e”.

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How to Sum the Average for NBA Players in Golang

The challenge Write a function, called sumPPG, that takes two NBA player objects/struct/Hash/Dict/Class and sums their PPG

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How to Compute a Cube as Sums in Golang

The challenge You will be given a number n (where n >= 1) and your task is to find n consecutive odd numbers whose sum is exactly the cube of n.

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The Deaf Rats of Hamelin Challenge in Java

The challenge The Pied Piper has been enlisted to play his magical tune and coax all the rats out of town.

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How to Find the Next Perfect Square in Java

The challenge You might know some pretty large perfect squares. But what about the NEXT one?

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How to Find the Unique String in Python

The challenge There is an array of strings. All strings contain similar letters except one.

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How to convert a PascalCase string into snake_case in Python

The challenge Complete the function/method so that it takes a PascalCase string and returns the string in snake_case notation.

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How to Convert a Hex String to RGB in Python

The challenge When working with color values it can sometimes be useful to extract the individual red, green, and blue (RGB) component values for a color.

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How to Create a Hashtag Generator in Python

The challenge Write a hashtag generator function that takes a string and returns a #HashCodeString of it.

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How to Move Zeros to the End in Python

The challenge Write an algorithm that takes an array and moves all of the zeros to the end, preserving the order of the other elements.

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Regex for Gregorian Date Validation in Python

The challenge Write a regular expression that validates the gregorian date in the format “DD.

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How to Create Your Own Python Split Function

The challenge Write your own implementation of the built-in split function in Python.

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How to create a Domain Name Validator in Python

The challenge Create a domain name validator mostly compliant with RFC 1035, RFC 1123, and RFC 2181

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How to start Java Jar as Service on Linux

If you have a Java Jar file, you can run it as a service under Linux/Ubuntu.

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How to write a validDate Regex in Python

The challenge Your task is to write a regular expression (regex) that will match a string only if it contains at least one valid date, in the format [mm-dd] (that is, a two-digit month, followed by a dash, followed by a two-digit date, surrounded by square brackets).

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How to Validate Passwords with Regex in Python

The challenge You need to write regex that will validate a password to make sure it meets the following criteria:

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How to create a Coordinates Validator in Golang

The challenge You need to create a function that will validate if given parameters are valid geographical coordinates.

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How to Validate ISBN-10 numbers in Golang

The challenge ISBN-10 identifiers are ten digits long. The first nine characters are digits 0-9.

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How to Create a Java GUI App that shows the Logged-in User and Hostname

Create a new file called and paste the following:

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How to view a Terraform Module’s Output

An output in Terraform is a way to view the result of an action that has been performed, or resource that has been created.

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How to Count the Characters in Python

The challenge The goal of this challenge is to write a function that takes two inputs: a string and a character.

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How to Install Cuda driver for Nvidia on Ubuntu

If you have just upgraded Ubuntu on your AWS g4dn instance and need to install/reinstall Cuda drivers for your Nvidia chipset, then you can run the following:

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How to List all Running Services on Ubuntu

If you need to view a list of all the services that are either running or stopped (or both) on an Ubuntu server, then you can use the following command:

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[Solved] conflict: unable to remove repository reference in Docker

If you get the following error while trying to delete an image in Docker:

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How to Upgrade an Ubuntu Server

Upgrading an Ubuntu Server is quite easy, just follow the below commands:

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How to Solve Two-Sum in Java

The challenge Write a function that takes an array of numbers (integers for the tests) and a target number.

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How to Sort the Gift Code in Java

The challenge Santa’s senior gift organizer Elf developed a way to represent up to 26 gifts by assigning a unique alphabetical character to each gift.

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How to get the Numericals of a String in Java

You are given an input string. For each symbol in the string if it’s the first character occurrence, replace it with a ‘1’, else replace it with the amount of times you’ve already seen it.

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How to Replace Noun Phrases with Pronouns in Golang

The challenge A Noun Phrase is a phrase that can be replaced by a pronoun [he/she/it].

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Maximum Positive Integer Rotations in Golang

The challenge Write function MaxRot(n) which given a positive integer n returns the maximum number you got doing rotations similar to the above example.

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How to “Dashatize It” in Java

The challenge Given a variable n, If n is an integer, Return a string with dash'-'marks before and after each odd integer, but do not begin or end the string with a dash mark.

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How to create a Nickname Generator in Python

The challenge Write a nickname generator function, nicknameGenerator that takes a string name as an argument and returns the first 3 or 4 letters as a nickname.

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Comparing Array Multiplicities in Java

The challenge Given two arrays a and b write a function comp(a, b) (orcompSame(a, b)) that checks whether the two arrays have the “same” elements, with the same multiplicities.

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How to Find the Sum of Angles in Golang

The challenge Find the total sum of internal angles (in degrees) in an n-sided simple polygon.

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How to Find the Max Tree Node Value in Java

The challenge You are given a binary tree. Implement the method findMax which returns the maximal node value in the tree.

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How to String Search with a Wildcard in Java

The challenge The method below is the most simple string search algorithm.

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How to get the AWS AccountID in Terraform

If you are automating AWS resources in Terraform, then you will want to not hardcode things as much as possible.

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Error creating AppStream Fleet – InvalidRoleException

If you get the following error when trying to run some Terraform:

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How to Create AWS AppStream resources in Terraform

AWS AppStream has finally made its way into the Terraform AWS Provider.

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How to Stop a Goroutine in Golang

It’s possible to stop a Goroutine by sending a value into it via a signal channel:

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How to Create an Empty Branch in Git

If you need to create an empty branch in git, you can follow one of the below options.

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Get the Consonant Value in Java

The challenge Given a lowercase string that has alphabetic characters only and no spaces, return the highest value of consonant substrings.

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How to Check for Factor in Python

The challenge This function should test if the factor is a factor of base.

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Understanding Bitwise Operators in Python

There are 6 binary/bitwise operators in Python: Complement/Not (~) And (&) Or (|) XOR (^) Left Shift (<<) Right Shift (>>) A fantastic python method to help us along our journey is bin().

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Word Values Challenge in Java

The challenge Given a string "abc" and assuming that each letter in the string has a value equal to its position in the alphabet, our string will have a value of 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.

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How to update/upgrade all Homebrew packages

If you use Homebrew – and you probably should if you’re on a Mac – then you have probably installed various different applications and packages as time went on.

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[Solved] FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions

Using Firebase and get the following error in the console?

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[Solved] Error: Cannot find module ‘../lib/cli.js’

If you try and run npm i and get Error: Cannot find module '.

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How to use Git Commit in GitHub Actions

If you’ve tried to use git commit in GitHub Actions before, you may have come across the following error messages:

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[Solved] Error acquiring the state lock in Terraform

If you have been handed the Acquiring state lock error message about ConditionalCheckFailedException: The conditional request then you have 2 options for fixing it!

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How to Install Chocolatey on Windows PowerShell

Chocolatey is a software management automation for Windows that wraps installers, executables, zips, and scripts into compiled packages chocolatey.

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How to run PowerShell in Administrator Mode

Some PowerShell commands require elevated permissions to complete. To do this, you must first open PowerShell in Administrator Mode.

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[Solved] Permission denied @ apply2files – /usr/local/lib/node_modules/expo-cli/node_modules/extglob/lib

If you have recently upgraded your MacOS operating system, you may get the following error in your terminal when installing some Homebrew packages:

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How to Fix “is not authorized to create managed-rule” in AWS Step Functions

If you have ever received the following error is not authorized to create managed-rule when running a Step Function through Terraform’s AWS Provider, then you may have jumped through many different hoops trying to figure out what was wrong.

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How to add Account Condition to AWS Lambda Permissions in Terraform

If you need to lock an AWS Lambda function down to a source account for security reasons (PCI.

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How to AssumeRole in Terraform LocalExec Provisioner Block

I needed to execute a Terraform null_resource provisioner (local-exec) block to run an awscli command, but assume a role passed down to it.

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Split and then add both sides of an array together in Java

The challenge You will receive an array as a parameter that contains 1 or more integers and a number n.

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Highest Rank Number in an Array in Golang

The challenge Complete the method which returns the number which is most frequent in the given input array.

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Sort Words by Position Index in Java

The challenge Your task is to sort a given string. Each word in the string will contain a single number.

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How to get the Current Machine Name and Logged In User in Java

It’s very easy to get the current machine name and logged in user using Java.

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How to set ZSH as your default Shell

You may have installed ZSH and every-time you open your terminal, it opens BASH by default.

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How to Base64 Encode/Decode in the Terminal/CLI

If you need to either Encode or Decode a Base64 value, there are many ways to achieve this, one of them is directly from your commandline itself!

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How to Enable Syntax Highlighting in Vim

There are a few different ways to enable Syntax Highlighting in Vim.

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How to Create an AWS Security Group in CloudFormation

Below is a simple CloudFormation script block to create a Security Group in AWS.

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How to provide Default Values for AWS CloudFormation Parameters

AWS CloudFormation is very useful for creating template-able infrastructure definitions.

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How to Validate an AWS CloudFormation Template

The AWS CLI comes with a useful subcommand to validate a CloudFormation template.

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How to Reverse Sort Integers in Go

The challenge The two oldest ages function/method needs to be completed.

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How to view the Encoded Authorization Failure Message in AWS

You may come across a message that reads similar to the following:

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How to run/execute a program from Terraform

If you need to run a local application from your Terraform scripts, you can call out to the provisioner local-exec and issue the command syntax:

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How to script AWS AppStream 2.0 ImageBuilder

AppStream (2.0) is a fully managed non-persistent desktop and application service for remotely accessing your work.

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How to Reimplement the Unix Uniq Command in Golang

The challenge Implement a function which behaves like the uniq command in UNIX.

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How to install GraalVM on Mac

Install GraalVM with Homebrew Homebrew is the preferred way to install anything on your Mac.

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How to Generate Random Integers with a Range in Java

Java comes with many different ways to generate random integers, even if you need to specify a lower and upper bound to constrain your required value for.

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How to create ArrayList from Array in Java

The problem If you have a traditional array, that looks something like the following:

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How to Generate a Random AlphNumeric String in Linux/MacOS

If you need to generate a random AlphaNumeric string from the Linux/MacOS Command-Line, then you can use the following script:

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How to check if a string is empty in Go

If you need to check if a string is empty in Go, then there are two possible ways to immediately verify this:

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How to read a file line by line in Go

If you need to read a file line by line in Go, then you can use the bufio package as follows:

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Floating-point Approximation in Golang

The challenge Consider the function f: x -> sqrt(1 + x) - 1 at x = 1e-15.

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All the Ways to Divide an Array in Two in Golang

The challenge Write a function partlist that gives all the ways to divide an array of at least two elements into two non-empty parts.

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How to check if a file exists in Go

If you need to check if a file exists using Go, then you can use one of the following methods, depending on the version of Go you may be using.

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How to convert a string value to an int in Go

If you need to convert a string to an int in Go, then you should use the strconv.

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How to convert an int value to string in Go

If you need to convert an int to a string in Go, then you should use the strconv.

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How to Efficiently Concatenate Strings in Go

If you are using a version of Go >= 1.10, then you should be using the newer strings.

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How to check if a map contains a key in Go

If you have a map in Go and want to only perform an action if it contains a certain key, then you can do so easily:

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How to Remove all Vowels from a String in Java

The challenge Remove all vowels from the string. Vowels: a e i o u A E I O U The solution in Java code Option 1:

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How to Loop Forever in Golang

If you need to loop forever, or infinitely, in your Go code, then you have 2 options:

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Understanding For Loops in Golang

In Golang a for loop is a way to loop through an iterable.

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[Solved] go mod init: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=off

You’ve probably just tried to initialise a new Go module, and received the following error:

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How to UpperCase the start of each Word in a String in Golang

The challenge The task is to take a string of lower-cased words and convert the sentence to upper-case the first letter/character of each word

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How to Solve Max-Min Arrays in Java

The challenge You are given an array of unique elements, and your task is to rearrange the values so that the first max value is followed by the first minimum, followed by second max value then second min value, etc.

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How to Find the Smallest Integer in the Array in Golang

The challenge Given an array of integers your solution should find the smallest integer.

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How to do Basic Encryption in Java

The challenge The most basic encryption method is to map a char to another char by a certain math rule.

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Forming Unique Array Combinations in Golang

The challenge You are given an array of arrays and your task will be to return the number of unique arrays that can be formed by picking exactly one element from each subarray.

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How to Check if String is a Palindrome in Python

The challenge Write a function that checks if a given string (case insensitive) is a palindrome.

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How to Find the Squares in Java

The challenge Complete the function that takes an odd integer (0 < n < 1000000) which is the difference between two consecutive perfect squares, and return these squares as a string in the format "bigger-smaller".

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How to Get Longest Word in Sentence in Java

The challenge When given a string of space-separated words, return the word with the longest length.

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How to Sum all the Integers in a String in Golang

The challenge Implement a function that calculates the sum of the integers inside a string.

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How to Reverse a String in Golang

The challenge Complete the solution so that it reverses the string passed into it.

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Maximum Different of Int-Array in Java

The challenge You must implement a function that returns the difference between the biggest and the smallest value in a list(lst) received as a parameter.

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Indexed Capitalization in Java

The challenge Given a string and an array of integers representing indices, capitalize all letters at the given indices.

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How to Spacify a String in Java

The challenge Modify the spacify function so that it returns the given string with spaces inserted between each character.

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How to Find the Last Digit of a Huge Number in Golang

The challenge For a given list [x1, x2, x3, ..., xn] compute the last (decimal) digit of x1 ^ (x2 ^ (x3 ^ (.

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Find the Maximum Length Difference between Lists/Arrays in Python

The challenge You are given two arrays a1 and a2 of strings.

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How to Circularly Sort an Array in Golang

The challenge An array is circularly sorted if the elements are sorted in ascending order but displaced, or rotated, by any number of steps.

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Largest Number Groupings in String in Python

The challenge You are be given a string that has lowercase letters and numbers.

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How to Alternate String Casing in Golang

The challenge Write a function toWeirdCase (weirdcase in Ruby) that accepts a string, and returns the same string with all even indexed characters in each word uppercased, and all odd indexed characters in each word lowercased.

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How to Sort a List of Numbers in Python

The challenge Finish the solution so that it sorts the passed-in array/list of numbers.

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How to Validate Usernames with Regex in Java

The challenge Write a simple regex to validate a username. Allowed characters are:

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Sort Lexicographical Order of Substrings in Java

The challenge Given two arrays of strings a1 and a2 return a sorted array r in lexicographical order of the strings of a1 which are substrings of strings of a2.

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How to Perform Alphabetical Addition in Java

The challenge Your task is to add up letters to one letter.

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Roman Numerals Decoder in Golang

The challenge Create a function that takes a Roman numeral as its argument and returns its value as a numeric decimal integer.

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How to Subtract from Time in Golang

The challenge Clock shows h hours, m minutes and s seconds after midnight.

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How to Encrypt Words in Java

The challenge You want to create secret messages which must be deciphered.

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Bit Counting in Golang

The challenge Write a function that takes an integer as input, and returns the number of bits that are equal to one in the binary representation of that number.

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How to Find Next Higher Number with Same Bits in Golang

The challenge Find the next higher number (int) with same ‘1’- Bits.

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How to Find the First Non-Repeating Character in Golang

The challenge Write a function named first_non_repeating_letter that takes a string input, and returns the first character that is not repeated anywhere in the string.

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How to Find the Last Fibonacci Digit in Golang

The challenge Return the last digit of the nth element in the Fibonacci sequence (starting with 1,1, to be extra clear, not with 0,1 or other numbers).

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How to Validate an IP Address in Golang

The challenge Write an algorithm that will identify valid IPv4 addresses in dot-decimal format.

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How to Fold an Array in Java

The challenge In this challenge, you have to write a method that folds a given array of integers by the middle x-times.

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Formatting Strings with Fmt in Golang

Fmt provides printing to standard output (usually the console) and formatting of strings capabilities.

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Delete Occurrences of an Element if it occurs more than N times in Java

The challenge Given a list lst and a number N, create a new list that contains each number of lst at most N times without reordering.

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How to Read from Standard Input in Golang

Reading from “standard input” is really useful if you are making a command-line application and require user input.

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How to Install Golang on WSL/WSL2

If you need to install Golang on WSL under Windows 10 or higher, you can follow these few steps.

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How to Validate Phone Numbers in Java

The challenge Write a function that accepts a string, and returns true if it is in the form of a phone number.

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How to Sort Array by Frequency in Java

The challenge Sort elements in an array by decreasing frequency of elements.

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How to Calculate String Rotation in Java

The challenge Write a function that receives two strings and returns n, where n is equal to the number of characters we should shift the first string forward to match the second.

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Compare Strings by Sum of Chars in Java

The challenge Compare two strings by comparing the sum of their values (ASCII character code).

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How to Add Two Integers Without Arithmetic Operator in Java

The challenge Given two integers a, b, find The sum of them, BUT You are not allowed to use the operators + and –

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Counting Method VarArgs in Java

The challenge Count how many arguments a method is called with.

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How to Sum Consecutives in Java

The challenge You are given a list/array which contains only integers (positive and negative).

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Replacing Occurences of Words in Java

The challenge You are given a string. You must replace any occurrence of the sequence coverage by covfefe, however, if you don’t find the word coverage in the string, you must add covfefe at the end of the string with a leading space.

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Convert String to LeetSpeak in Java

The challenge Your task is to write a function toLeetSpeak that converts a regular english sentence to Leetspeak.

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Ordered Count of Characters in Python

The challenge Count the number of occurrences of each character and return it as a list of tuples in order of appearance.

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Credit Card Issuer Checking in Java

The challenge Given a credit card number we can determine who the issuer/vendor is with a few basic knowns.

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Find Count of Most Frequent Item in an Array in Java

The challenge Complete the function to find the count of the most frequent item of an array.

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Return Nth Smallest Element in Java

The challenge Given an array/list [] of integers, Find the Nth smallest element in this array of integers

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What temperature does your Mac CPU idle at?

Sometimes you will find that your Mac is running very hot, and you may want to keep track of it over time to see if it’s persistent or only a spike.

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Split String into Parts in Java

The challenge Split a given string into different strings of equal size.

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[Solved] ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error 168 from storage engine

If you are getting the following error in MySQL: ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error 168 from storage engine

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Largest Pair Sum in Array in Python

The challenge Given a sequence of numbers, find the largest pair sum in the sequence.

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Alphabet Symmetry in Python

The challenge Consider the word "abode". We can see that the letter a is in position 1 and b is in position 2.

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Exes and Ohs in Java

The challenge Check to see if a string has the same amount of ‘x’s and ‘o’s.

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Sum of Odd Cubed Numbers in Python

The challenge Find the sum of the odd numbers within an array, after cubing the initial integers.

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Halving Sum in Python

The challenge Given a positive integer n, calculate the following sum:

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Convert a LinkedList to a String in Python

The challenge Preloaded for you is a class, struct, or derived data type Node (depending on the language) used to construct linked lists in this challenge:

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Most Digits from List in Python

The challenge Find the number with the most digits. If two numbers in the argument array have the same number of digits, return the first one in the array.

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Check if all Values in Array are Smaller in Python

The challenge You will be given an array and a limit value.

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Maximum Product from List of Integers in Python

The challenge Given an array of integers, Find the maximum product obtained from multiplying 2 adjacent numbers in the array.

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Sum of Array Singles in Python

The challenge You are given an array of numbers in which two numbers occur once and the rest occur only twice.

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Flatten and Sort an Array in Python

The challenge Given a two-dimensional array of integers, return the flattened version of the array with all the integers in the sorted (ascending) order.

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Playing the Alphabet War in Python

The challenge Introduction There is a war and nobody knows – the alphabet war!

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Sum of numbers from 0 to N in Python

The challenge We want to generate a function that computes the series starting from 0 and ending until the given number.

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Sorted? yes? no? how? Python

The challenge Complete the method which accepts an array of integers, and returns one of the following:

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How to Fix String Casing in Python

The challenge You will be given a string that may have mixed uppercase and lowercase letters and your task is to convert that string to either lowercase only or uppercase only based on:

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How to Remove Duplicate Words from a String in Python

The challenge Remove all duplicate words from a string, leaving only single (first) words entries.

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How to Validate a Regex PIN Code in Python

The challenge ATM machines allow 4 or 6 digit PIN codes and PIN codes cannot contain anything but exactly 4 digits or exactly 6 digits.

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Combine strings and remove duplicates in Python

The challenge Take 2 strings s1 and s2 including only letters from ato z.

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How to Repeat by String Index in Golang

The challenge Create a function that repeats each character by the amount of it’s index value of the original string.

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How to make an arithmetic function in Java

The challenge Given two numbers and an arithmetic operator (the name of it, as a string), return the result of the two numbers having that operator used on them.

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Calculate the Third Angle of a Triangle in Go

The challenge You are given two interior angles (in degrees) of a triangle.

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Return Short Long Short in Python

The challenge Given 2 strings, a and b, return a string of the form short+long+short, with the shorter string on the outside and the longer string on the inside.

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Hello, Name or World in Python

The challenge Define a method hello that returns “Hello, Name!” to a given name, or says Hello, World!

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Add Length to Strings in Python

The challenge What if we need the length of the words separated by a space to be added at the end of that same word and have it returned as an array?

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How to Reversing Words in a String in Python

The challenge Write a function that reverses the words in a given string.

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How to Remove Duplicates from List in Python

The challenge Define a function that removes duplicates from an array of numbers and returns it as a result.

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How to Format Dollars and Cents in Python

The challenge The company you work for has just been awarded a contract to build a payment gateway.

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Return `5` without any numbers in Python

The challenge Write a function that always returns 5 Sounds easy right?

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How to Generate Range of Integers in Python

The challenge Implement a function named generateRange(min, max, step), which takes three arguments and generates a range of integers from min to max, with the step.

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Blue/Green Deployment Techniques in AWS

What are Blue/Green Deployments? “Blue/Green Deployments” is a software deployment methodology.

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How to Calculate Powers of 2 in Python

The challenge Complete the function that takes a non-negative integer n as input, and returns a list of all the powers of 2 with the exponent ranging from 0 to n (inclusive).

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How to Get Planet Name By ID in Python

The challenge Create a function that takes in an id and returns the planet name.

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How to Make a Directory if Not Exists in Python

If you want to create a directory in Python, but only if it doesn’t exist, you have the following option.

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Square(n) Sum in Python

The challenge Complete the square sum function so that it squares each number passed into it and then sums the results together.

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How to Fill an Array in Python

The challenge We want an array, but not just any old array, an array with contents!

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How to Fix the ‘Bad Interpreter’ Error from AWS and Python 3.7

This error often looks something like: .zshrc: /usr/local/bin/aws: bad interpreter: /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python3.

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Retrieve records from MSSQLServer in Python

The below Python code will create a connection to a MSSQLServer instance, and retrieve data from it back into a variable called tblResults.

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How to Remove Trailing Zeroes in Python

The challenge Numbers ending with zeros are boring. They might be fun in your world, but not here.

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How to use Profilers in Python

When you have performance problems in your Python application, you can use a Profiler to help you.

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If you can’t Sleep, just count Sheep in Python

The challenge Given a non-negative integer, 3 for example, return a string with a murmur: "1 sheep.

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Key-Value CLI Arguments in Python

If you have a CommandLine application (CLI) written in Python, you have a number of ways that you can take arguments from the user.

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How to use a Translation Table to Replace Characters in Python

Python provides the ability to create Translation Tables. our_text = "This is an example of some text" translation_table = str.

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How to Calculate the Sum of all Numbers in a String in Python

Let’s take the following string: numbers = "this 1 2 3 4 5 is not a 8 9 10" How can we sum up all the numbers in this string?

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How to Find all Permutations of a String in Python

Python comes with a very useful module called itertools, which allows us to calculate permutations directly.

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How to Fix ‘no basic auth credentials’ with Docker and AWS ECR

If you are trying to push a Docker image to AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry) and you get a no basic auth credentials error.

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How to Reverse Words or Sentences in Python

Let’s take the following sentence: words = "These are some words" We can use slices to reverse the order of the string:

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How to Push a Docker image to AWS ECR

By default, Docker pushes its images to Docker Hub. While Docker Hub is a great way to share both your public and private images, you may find the rest of your infrastructure on one of the prominent cloud providers.

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Complete Guide: How to Base64 Encode a String in Python | Python Base64 Encoding Explained

How to Base64 Encode a String in Python: A Comprehensive Guide Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to python base64 encode a string in Python.

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How to Get 10 Random Numbers in Python

The random module allows you to generate choices. import random print(random.

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Get the Middle Character in Python

The challenge Return the middle character of the word. If the word’s length is odd, return the middle character.

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Convert String to Datetime in Python

If you have a string and want to create a Datetime object out of it in Python, then you can use the Datetime Parse Time method, as follows:

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How to Abort SQL statements after a set time in MariaDB

Sometimes you don’t want a SELECT query to run for more than a set amount of time.

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Multiprocessing Pools in Python

Python ships with a multiprocessing module that allows your code to run functions in parallel by offloading calls to available processors.

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How to Double Characters in Python

The challenge Given a string, you have to return a string in which each character (case-sensitive) is repeated once.

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How to Reverse Words in Python

The challenge Complete the function that accepts a string parameter, and reverses each word in the string.

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How to Count by X in Python

The challenge Create a function with two arguments that will return an array of the first (n) multiples of (x).

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Calculate the Sum of Pairs in Python

The challenge Given a list of integers and a single sum value, return the first two values (parse from the left please) in order of appearance that add up to form the sum.

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How to break a list into multiple lists (with maximum size) in Python

If you have a large list and want to create smaller lists of it, with a maximum amount of elements, then:

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Get all dates between two dates inclusive in Python

If you want to print out a list of all dates between 2 dates (a date range), then you can use the following script:

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How to Append a Python Dictionary to a Pandas DataFrame

If you want to append a Python dictionary to a Pandas DataFrame, you can do this:

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Get Secret from AWS Secrets Manager in Python

You can store secrets in AWS Secret Manager and reference their ARN in AWS Systems Secret Manager.

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How to do Binary Addition in Python

The challenge Implement a function that adds two numbers together and returns their sum in binary.

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How to Auto-Adjust Excel column widths with pandas.ExcelWriter

You have successfully written your pandas Dataframe to an Excel file, but when you open it, all the columns are squashed up against each other.

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How to Sort the Odd in Python

The challenge You will be given an array of numbers. You have to sort the odd numbers in ascending order while leaving the even numbers at their original positions.

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Calculate the Sum of the two lowest positive integers in Python

The challenge Create a function that returns the sum of the two lowest positive numbers given an array of minimum 4 positive integers.

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Unique In Order in Python

The challenge Implement the function unique_in_order which takes as argument a sequence and returns a list of items without any elements with the same value next to each other and preserving the original order of elements.

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How to Change the Hostname on Linux

On Linux, you can change the hostname by using the hostnamectl command.

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How to Deploy a Docker Container to Kubernetes

Once you have a Docker container, it is really simple to deploy containers to Kubernetes .

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How to Replace Characters with Alphabet Positions in Python

The challenge Given a string, replace every letter with its position in the alphabet.

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Returning Highest and Lowest in Python

The challenge You are given a string of space-separated numbers and have to return the highest and lowest number.

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How to Subtract Arrays in Python

The challenge Implement a difference function, which subtracts one list from another and returns the result.

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How to Detect if Numbers are in Order in Golang

The challenge In this challenge, your function receives an array of integers as input.

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Alternate Capitalization in Golang

The challenge Given a string, capitalize the letters that occupy even indexes and odd indexes separately, and return as shown below.

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Check if a String is Uppercase in Golang

The challenge Create a method IsUpperCase to see whether the string is ALL CAPS.

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How to UpperCase a String in Golang

In Go, there are multiple ways to make a string UpperCase, each of them are by using the strings package.

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Return the Shortest Words in Golang

The challenge Given a string of words, return the length of the shortest word(s).

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How to Solve Pascal’s Triangle in Python

The challenge Given an integer numRows, return the first numRows of Pascal’s triangle.

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Creating a Multiplication Table for a Number in Golang

The challenge Your goal is to return multiplication table for number that is always an integer from 1 to 10.

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How to Remove Duplicates in an Array in Golang

The challenge Remove the left-most duplicates from a list of integers and return the result.

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How to Dry Potatoes in Golang

The challenge All we eat is water and dry matter.

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How to Reverse or Rotate in Golang

The challenge The input is a string str of digits. Cut the string into chunks (a chunk here is a substring of the initial string) of size sz (ignore the last chunk if its size is less than sz).

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How to use Coroutines in Kotlin

Coroutines are a way to handle multithreading in Kotlin, read more about it from the official docs:

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The Pair Type in Kotlin

val pair: Pair<String, Int> = "myKey" to 2 What is a Pair Type?

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Get which Quarter of the Year in Golang

The challenge Given a month as an integer from 1 to 12, return to which quarter of the year it belongs as an integer number.

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How to Sum The Strings in Python

The challenge Create a function that takes 2 nonnegative integers in form of a string as an input, and outputs the sum (also as a string):

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Fixing: ImmutableService requires getRowNodeId() callback to be implemented, your row data need IDs

If you have gotten this error before, then you have been trying to implement a rowData mapping onto Ag-Grid.

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How to Undo the most recent local commits in Git

If you have accidentally committed the wrong files into Git, but haven’t yet pushed it to the server, you can recover, or undo your commit as follows:

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Deconstruction in Kotlin

There are times when you need to extract an object into a number of variables.

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Playing with passphrases in Python

The challenge Everyone knows passphrases. One can choose passphrases from poems, songs, movies names and so on but frequently they can be guessed due to common cultural references.

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What is a Unit in Kotlin?

Unit corresponds to the void keyword in Java. What is a Unit in Kotlin?

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How to declare a Function in Kotlin?

Functions are reusable pieces of code, often called Blocks, that as the name suggests, act as building blocks to piece together a program.

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The differences between Val and Var in Kotlin

Among all the many keywords that Kotlin comes with, there exists val and var.

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Automatically Resize All Columns to Fit in Ag-Grid

If you have an Ag-Grid, and want to automatically resize all the columns to fit the width of the viewport, you can use this hack.

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How to Get All Rows in Ag-Grid

The easiest way to get the content of all rows’ data, back into a Javascript/Typescript array, is as follows.

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Find the Max Area of an Island in Python

The challenge You are given an m x n binary matrix grid.

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Using Apache POI to Get or Create a Sheet in Excel using Java

Apache POI provides a mechanism to work with Excel documents.

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A Simplistic TCP Finite State Machine (FSM) in Python

The challenge Automatons, or Finite State Machines (FSM), are extremely useful to programmers when it comes to software design.

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How to Resolve Scaling Squared Strings in Java

The challenge You are given a string of n lines, each substring being n characters long.

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How to Build a Square in Python

The challenge I will give you an integer. Give me back a shape that is as long and wide as the integer.

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Check if String EndsWith in Python

The challenge Complete the solution so that it returns true if the first argument(string) passed in ends with the 2nd argument (also a string).

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How to add a Git Submodule to an existing codebase

Git submodules are a way of including another repository’s code into an existing codebase, without associating it’s code or tracking history in the parent repository.

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How to LowerCase a String in Python

Python comes with a built-in method on all String types, by calling lower() on a String, you can immediately lower the case of that String.

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How to Restart Sound Driver on a Mac

So for some strange reason, your audio has stopped playing through the Macbook Pro speakers, but if you plug in an external audio device, it still works?

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Number to Binary Conversion in Python

If you have a decimal number, and want to get it’s binary value, you can use the built-in bin method.

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Counting Binary Gaps with Python

The challenge A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the binary representation of N.

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How to Delete a Secret in Kubernetes

Once you have a secret in Kubernetes, if you know it’s name, you can delete it.

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How to Decode a Secret in Kubernetes

Secrets in Kubernetes are encoded using base64. If you have the secret name, you can ask for its value.

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How to Verify a Secret in Kubernetes

You have created a secret, and would like to retrieve it.

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How to Create a Secret in Kubernetes

Secrets allow applications to not hardcode usernames, passwords or additional information such as hostnames, IP addresses or other protected/sensitive information.

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How to Divide an Array into Chunks in PHP

If you have a single-dimensional array, and want to break it into chunks, you can use the array_chunks method.

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How to setup Certbot wildcard certificate on Apache

Certbot allows simple, quick and free provisioning of SSL certificates using LetsEncrypt.

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How to retrieve a Secret from AWS Secrets Manager in the CLI

If you have stored a secret in AWS using the Secrets Manager, it is possible to use the AWS CLI to retrieve this value at a later date.

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Determine the Last Digits of N^2 == N in Java

The challenge Let’s call an integer number N ‘green’ if N² ends with all of the digits of N.

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How to Expose your App through a Service in Kubernetes

Once you have deployed an application into Kubernetes , it will not be available to the outside world.

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How to connect to Bash on a Kubernetes pod

If you find yourself needing to jump into a Kubernetes pod to either diagnose an issue, or run a particular command, you can use the bash connectivity functionality available from kubectl itself.

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How to get the Environment variables in a Kubernetes Pod

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to effectively get and list environment variables within a Kubernetes pod .

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How to find out Cluster Info in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, a cluster is a group of machines working together.

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How to set and use a kubeconfig in Kubernetes

The kubeconfig file is the main configuration file that allows access to a Kubernetes cluster.

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How to Map over a List of Lists in Java

The challenge Write a function which maps a function over the lists in a list:

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How to Differentiate a Polynomial in Java

The challenge Create a function that differentiates a polynomial for a given value of x.

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Find the Sums of Perfect Squares in Java

The challenge The task is simply stated. Given an integer n (3 < n < 10<sup>9</sup>), find the length of the smallest list of perfect squares which add up to n.

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[Solved] Error: Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.4.4:repackage (repackage)

If you have come across this error when trying to build and deploy your Spring Boot Maven application then this post will help you!

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How to Strip Script Tags in PHP

If you have some HTML input submitted from a user to your application, before saving it to the database, you may want to strip all <script> tags so that you can prevent cross site scripting attacks and other potential issues.

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How to Make a Spiral in Java

The challenge Your task, is to create a NxN spiral with a given size.

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Find the Longest Common Subsequence in Java

The challenge from Wikipedia: The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem is the problem of finding the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences.

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Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers nums sorted in ascending order, find the starting and ending position of a given target value.

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Determine if Number is a Power of Three in Java

The challenge Given an integer n, return true if it is a power of three.

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How to Count Binary Substrings in Java

The challenge Give a string s, count the number of non-empty (contiguous) substrings that have the same number of 0’s and 1’s, and all the 0’s and all the 1’s in these substrings are grouped consecutively.

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How to Download a CSV file using Javascript

Ever wanted to generate a CSV (comma separated values) file directly from the browser, using Javascript?

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Array Range between Integers in Java

The challenge Complete the function that takes two integers (a, b, where a < b) and return an array of all integers between the input parameters, including them.

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How to clone a table structure in MySQL

I have often needed to clone a table without it’s data in MySQL.

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Number of Rectangles in a Grid in Java

The challenge Given a grid of size m x n, calculate the total number of rectangles contained in this rectangle.

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Longest vowel chain in Java

The challenge The vowel substrings in the word codewarriors are o,e,a,io.

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Determine Unique String Characters in Java

The challenge In this challenge, you will be given two strings a and b and your task will be to return the characters that are not common in the two strings.

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Difference of Volumes of Cuboids in Java

The challenge In this simple exercise, you will create a program that will take two lists of integers, a and b.

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Sort by binary ones in Java

The challenge In this example you need to implement a function that sort a list of integers based on it’s binary representation.

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Binomial Expansion in Java

The challenge Write a program that can do some algebra. Write a function expand that takes in an expression with a single, one character variable, and expands it.

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Consecutive strings in Java

The challenge You are given an array(list) strarr of strings and an integer k.

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Determine the Highest Scoring Word in Java

The challenge Given a string of words, you need to find the highest scoring word.

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Solving Speed Control in Java

The challenge In John’s car the GPS records every s seconds the distance travelled from an origin (distances are measured in an arbitrary but consistent unit).

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Calculate Miles per Gallon to Kilometers per Litre in Java

The challenge Create an application that will display the number of kilometers per liter (output) based on the number of miles per imperial gallon (input).

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How to Convert an Int to a List of Ints in Python

The challenge Given a non-negative integer, return an array / a list of the individual digits in order.

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Find the Greatest Common Divisor in Java

The challenge Find the greatest common divisor of two positive integers.

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How to Create a Circular List in Python

The challenge Create a Circular List A circular list is of finite size, but can infititely be asked for its previous and next elements.

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How to Guess the Sequence in Java

The challenge You must guess a sequence and it has something to do with the number given.

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Reversed sequence in Java

The challenge Build a function that returns an array of integers from n to 1 where n>0.

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Count the Digit in Java

The challenge Take an integer n (n >= 0) and a digit d (0 <= d <= 9) as an integer.

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Multiply all elements in an array in Java

The challenge Create a function multiplyAll/multiply_all which takes an array of integers as an argument.

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[Solved] Fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories in Git

You have received the dreaded fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories error!

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Credit Card Mask in Java

The challenge Usually when you buy something, you’re asked whether your credit card number, phone number or answer to your most secret question is still correct.

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How to Reverse a Number in Java

The challenge Given a number, write a function to output its reverse digits.

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Positions Average in Java

The challenge Suppose you have 4 numbers: '0', '9', '6', '4' and 3 strings composed with them:

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Determine the Date by the Day Number in Java

The challenge What date corresponds to the nth day of the year?

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Correct the time-string in Java

The challenge You have to create a method, that corrects a given time string.

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Shifter Words Challenge in Java

The challenge You probably know that some characters written on a piece of paper, after turning this sheet 180 degrees, can be read, although sometimes in a different way.

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Find Maximum and Minimum Values of a List in Java

The challenge Make two functions, max and min that take a(n) array/vector of integers list as input and outputs, respectively, the largest and lowest number in that array/vector.

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Valid Parentheses in Java

The challenge Write a function that takes a string of parentheses, and determines if the order of the parentheses is valid.

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Boggle Word Checker in Java

The challenge Write a function that determines whether a string is a valid guess in a Boggle board, as per the rules of Boggle.

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Build a pile of Cubes in Kotlin

The challenge Your task is to construct a building which will be a pile of n cubes.

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Which x for that sum in Kotlin

The challenge Consider the sequence U(n, x) = x + 2x**2 + 3x**3 + .

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Reverse the bits in an integer in Java

The challenge Write a function that reverses the bits in an integer.

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Invert values in Kotlin

The challenge Given a set of numbers, return the additive inverse of each.

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Spring Boot no main manifest attribute, in

You have created a ./target/.jar and have tried to run it using java -jar <app>.

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Moduli number system in Kotlin

The challenge A number system with moduli is defined by a vector of k moduli, [m1,m2, ···,mk].

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Smallest possible sum in Kotlin

The challenge Given an array X of positive integers, its elements are to be transformed by running the following operation on them as many times as required:

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Floating-point Approximation in Kotlin

The challenge Given a semi-inclusive interval I = [l, u) (l is in interval I but u is not) l and u being floating numbers (0 <= l < u), an integer n (n > 0) a function f: x (float number) -> f(x) (float number) we want to return as a list the n values:

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Multiplication table in Kotlin

The challenge Create an NxN multiplication table, of size provided in parameter.

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Strip Comments in Kotlin

The challenge Complete the solution so that it strips all text that follows any of a set of comment markers passed in.

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Experimenting with a sequence of complex numbers in Kotlin

The challenge Consider the sequence S(n, z) = (1 - z)(z + z**2 + z**3 + .

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pt-online-schema-change Add Index

Percona has a great toolkit that allows you to perform schema changes on a MySQL or MariaDB database without any downtime, it works by creating a new table with the same schema, making the changes to it and applying triggers for insertion, deletion and all updates, all while performing your valuable schema updates for you!

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Sums of Parts in Kotlin

The challenge Let us consider this example (array written in general format):

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Diophantine Equation in Kotlin

The challenge In mathematics, a Diophantine equation is a polynomial equation, usually with two or more unknowns, such that only the integer solutions are sought or studied.

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Matrix Addition in Java

The challenge Write a function that accepts two square matrices (N x N two dimensional arrays), and return the sum of the two.

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Numbers that are a power of their sum of digits in Java

The challenge The number 81 has a special property, a certain power of the sum of its digits is equal to 81 (nine squared).

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Integer triangles in Java

The challenge You have to give the number of different integer triangles with one angle of 120 degrees which perimeters are under or equal a certain value.

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Minimum path in squares in Java

The challenge You’re given a square consisting of random numbers, like so:

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Pascal’s Diagonals in Java

The challenge Create a function that returns an array containing the first l digits from the nth diagonal of Pascal’s triangle.

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Maximum Contiguous Sum in Java

The challenge Given an unsorted array of integer values, find the maximum positive sum of any contiguous range within the array.

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Fibonacci Streaming in Java

The challenge You’re going to provide a needy programmer a utility method that generates an infinite sized, sequential IntStream which contains all the numbers in a fibonacci sequence.

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Base-2 in Java

The challenge In this challenge you must convert integers numbers from and to a negative-base binary system.

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Unique digits sequence in Java

The challenge Consider the following series: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,22,11,20,13,24...There is nothing special between numbers `` and 10.

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Palindrome integer composition in Java

The challenge The palindromic number 595 is interesting because it can be written as the sum of consecutive squares: 6^2 + 7^2 + 8^2 + 9^2 + 10^2 + 11^2 + 12^2 = 595.

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Count IP Addresses in Java

The challenge Implement a function that receives two IPv4 addresses, and returns the number of addresses between them (including the first one, excluding the last one).

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Shortest Knight Path in Java

The challenge Given two different positions on a chess board, find the least number of moves it would take a knight to get from one to the other.

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All Balanced Parentheses in Java

The challenge Write a function that makes a list of strings representing all of the ways you can balance n pairs of parentheses

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Human readable duration format in Java

The challenge Your task in order to complete this challenge is to write a function which formats a duration, given as a number of seconds, in a human-friendly way.

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Simple string expansion in Java

The challenge Consider the following expansion: // because "ab" repeats 3 times solve("3(ab)") == "ababab" // because "a3(b)" == "abbb", which repeats twice.

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Hamming Numbers in Java

The challenge A Hamming number is a positive integer of the form 2i3j5k, for some non-negative integers i, j, and k.

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Block sequence in Java

The challenge Consider the following array: [1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 123456789, 12345678910, 1234567891011.

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Roman Numerals Helper in Java

The challenge Create a RomanNumerals class that can convert a roman numeral to and from an integer value.

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Closest pair of points in linearithmic time in Java

The challenge Given a number of points on a plane, your task is to find two points with the smallest distance between them in linearithmic O(n log n) time.

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Find sum of top-left to bottom-right diagonals in Java

The challenge Given a square matrix (i.e. an array of subarrays), find the sum of values from the first value of the first array, the second value of the second array, the third value of the third array, and so on…

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Sweeping trees in Java

The challenge You will be given a list of strings representing nodes in a rooted tree.

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Detect Pangram in Java

The challenge A pangram is a sentence that contains every single letter of the alphabet at least once.

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Remove the parentheses in Java

The challenge In this challenge you are given a string for example:

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What century is it in Java

The challenge Return the century of the input year. The input will always be a 4 digit string, so there is no need for validation.

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Lost number in number sequence in Java

The challenge An ordered sequence of numbers from 1 to N is given.

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Simple string reversal in Java

The challenge In this challenge, we are going to reverse a string while maintaining the spaces (if any) in their original place.

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int32 to IPv4 in Java

The challenge Take the following IPv4 address: This address has 4 octets where each octet is a single byte (or 8 bits).

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Perimeter of squares in a rectangle in Java

The challenge The drawing shows 6 squares the sides of which have a length of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.

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Palindrome chain length in Java

The challenge Number is a palindrome if it is equal to the number with digits in reversed order.

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String array duplicates in Java

The challenge You are given an array of strings and your task is to remove all consecutive duplicate letters from each string in the array.

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Even or Odd Array Sum in Java

The challenge Given a list of numbers, determine whether the sum of its elements is odd or even.

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String Permutations in Java

The challenge In this challenge, you have to create all permutations of an input string and remove duplicates if present.

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Remove a Specific Element of an Array in Java

The challenge You will be given a certain array of length n, such that n > 4, having positive and negative integers but there will be no zeroes and all the elements will occur once in it.

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Upside down numbers in Java

The challenge Consider the numbers 6969 and 9116. When you rotate them 180 degrees (upside down), these numbers remain the same.

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Rotate matrix counter-clockwise N times in Java

The challenge In this challenge your mission is to rotate matrix counter-clockwise N times.

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Unable to import module “lambda_function”: No module named “pymysql”

If you receive the following error message when trying to run pymysql on AWS Lambda:

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Square Matrix Multiplication in Java

The challenge Write a function that accepts two square (NxN) matrices (two dimensional arrays), and returns the product of the two.

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Count the divisible numbers in Java

The challenge Complete the function that takes 3 numbers x, y and k (where x ≤ y), and returns the number of integers within the range [x.

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Averages of numbers in Java

The challenge Get the averages of these numbers Write a method, that gets an array of integer-numbers and return an array of the averages of each integer-number and his follower, if there is one.

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Decimal to Factorial and Back in Java

The challenge Coding decimal numbers with factorials is a way of writing out numbers in a base system that depends on factorials, rather than powers of numbers.

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Vowel Count in Java

The challenge Return the number (count) of vowels in the given string.

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Equal Sides Of An Array in Java

The challenge You are going to be given an array of integers.

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Largest 5 digit number in a series in Java

The challenge In the following 6 digit number: 283910 91 is the greatest sequence of 2 consecutive digits.

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Next smaller number with the same digits in Java

The challenge Write a function that takes a positive integer and returns the next smaller positive integer containing the same digits.

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Count of positives / sum of negatives in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers. Return an array, where the first element is the count of positives numbers and the second element is sum of negative numbers.

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Find the stray number in Java

The challenge You are given an odd-length array of integers, in which all of them are the same, except for one single number.

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4 By 4 Skyscrapers in Java

The challenge In a grid of 4 by 4 squares you want to place a skyscraper in each square with only some clues:

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How to Fix: package org.junit.jupiter.api does not exist

The problem If you have received the package org.junit.jupiter.api deos not exist error when trying to run a JUnit Java Test with Maven, it’s because of a missing dependency in your pom.

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How to Programmatically Filter ag-Grid Columns in Angular

You can easily control the column filtering in ag-Grid by using the getFilterInstance and setModel methods associated to the column you need filtering.

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Sum by Factors in Java

The challenge Given an array of positive or negative integers

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Count the divisors of a number in Java

The challenge Count the number of divisors of a positive integer n.

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My smallest code interpreter in Java

The challenge Inspired from real-world Brainf**k, we want to create an interpreter of that language which will support the following instructions:

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Pick peaks in Java

The challenge Write a function that returns the positions and the values of the “peaks” (or local maxima) of a numeric array.

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Number of trailing zeros of N in Java

The challenge Write a program that will calculate the number of trailing zeros in a factorial of a given number.

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Alphabetic Anagrams in Java

The challenge Consider a “word” as any sequence of capital letters A-Z (not limited to just “dictionary words”).

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Remove file from Git without deleting locally

If you find yourself in a position where you have already committed some files to git, and they are in the remote repository already, but you want to remove them from you repository without deleting them locally, you can do the following:

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Recover a secret string from random triplets in Java

The challenge There is a secret string which is unknown to you.

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Range Extraction in Java

The challenge A format for expressing an ordered list of integers is to use a comma separated list of either

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Reversed Words in Java

The challenge Complete the solution so that it reverses all of the words within the string passed in.

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CamelCase Method in Java

The challenge Write a simple CamelCase method for strings. All words must have their first letter capitalized without spaces.

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Even or Odd in Java

The challenge Create a function that takes an integer as an argument and returns “Even” for even numbers or “Odd” for odd numbers.

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Square Every Digit in Java

The challenge You need to square every digit of a number and concatenate them.

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Simple number sequence in Java

The challenge You are given a string of numbers in sequence and your task will be to return the missing number.

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Roman Numerals Encoder in Java

The challenge Create a function taking a positive integer as its parameter and returning a string containing the Roman Numeral representation of that integer.

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First Variation on Caesar Cipher in Java

The challenge The action of a Caesar cipher is to replace each plaintext letter (plaintext letters are from ‘a’ to ‘z’ or from ‘A’ to ‘Z’) with a different one a fixed number of places up or down the alphabet.

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Century From Year in Java

The challenge The first century spans from the year 1 up to and including the year 100, The second – from the year 101 up to and including the year 200, etc.

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Find the Smallest Number in Java

The challenge You have a positive number n consisting of digits.

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Convert Array to Tree in Java

The challenge You are given a non-null array of integers. Implement the method arrayToTree which creates a binary tree from its values in accordance to their order, while creating nodes by depth from left to right.

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Common Denominators in Java

The challenge You will have a list of rationals in the form

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Primes in Numbers in Java

The challenge Given a positive number n > 1 find the prime factor decomposition of n.

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Maximum subarray sum in Java

The challenge The maximum sum subarray problem consists in finding the maximum sum of a contiguous subsequence in an array or list of integers:

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Validate Credit Card Number in Java

The challenge Let’s implement the Luhn Algorithm, which is used to help validate credit card numbers.

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Find the unique number using Java

The challenge There is an array with some numbers. All numbers are equal except for one.

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Find The Parity Outlier in Java

The challenge You are given an array (which will have a length of at least 3, but could be very large) containing integers.

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Find the missing letter using Java

The challenge Write a method that takes an array of consecutive (increasing) letters as input and that returns the missing letter in the array.

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Determine the order of braces is valid using Java

The challenge Write a function that takes a string of braces, and determines if the order of the braces is valid.

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[Solved] PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The problem It may happen to you that when you try and pull some Java dependencies, you will get the annoying PKIX path building failed: sun.

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How to Find the odd int in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers, find the one that appears an odd number of times.

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Count the number of Duplicates in Java

The challenge Write a function that will return the count of distinct case-insensitive alphabetic characters and numeric digits that occur more than once in the input string.

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Calculating Simple Max Digit Sum in Java

The challenge In this challenge, you will be given an integer n and your task will be to return the largest integer that is <= n and has the highest digit sum.

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The String Combat Challenge in Java

The challenge After a long conflict, the rulers of Nek and Glo have decided that a final duel should decide the fate of their countries.

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Solving Single Word Pig Latin in Java

The challenge Pig Latin is an English language game where the goal is to hide the meaning of a word from people not aware of the rules.

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Count the Days in Java

The challenge Little Annie is very excited for upcoming events. She want’s to know how many days she have to wait for a specific event.

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Java HashMap Create or Increment Value

If you are using a HashMap to keep a running total of a series of elements, then you often need to increment a HashMap item, but if it doesn’t exist in the map yet, then you need to rather create it.

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Get the Strongest even number in an interval in Java

The challenge A strongness of an even number is the number of times we can successively divide by 2 until we reach an odd number starting with an even number n.

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What time is it? in Java

The challenge How many times have we been asked this simple question in our daily lives by family, friends and strangers alike?

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Building a String Pyramid in Java

The challenge You have to build a pyramid. This pyramid should be built from characters from a given string.

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Cartesian coordinates from degree angle in Java

The challenge Write a simple function that takes polar coordinates (an angle in degrees and a radius) and returns the equivalent cartesian coordinates (rounded to 10 places).

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Sort array by sorting its smallest sub-array in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers, arr, find out 2 indices m, n(0<=m<=arr.

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Excessively Abundant Numbers in Java

The challenge An abundant number or excessive number is a number for which the sum of its proper divisors is greater than the number itself.

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Unique Substring From Joined Strings in Java

The challenge Write a function that takes two strings, A and B, and returns the length of the longest possible substring that can be formed from the concatenation of either A + B or B + A containing only characters that do not appear in both A and B.

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Converting from Base 10 to 16 (Decimal to Hex) in Java

The challenge Convert an integer which is base 10, to a hexadecimal base 16 string.

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How to Format Numbers by Prepending 0 to single-digit numbers in Javascript

If you have a single-digit number, and you need to format it to always have at-least two digits, then you can use the below function to solve your problem:

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String polynomial converter in Java

The challenge Your task is to programe: String convertToString(int[] pol) {.

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How to Remove all Exclamation Marks from a String in Java

The challenge Write function RemoveExclamationMarks which removes all exclamation marks from a given string.

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How to Convert a Number to a String in Java

The challenge We need a function that can transform a number into a string.

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How to Remove Spaces in a String in Java

The challenge Simple, remove the spaces from the string, then return the resultant string.

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How many stairs will Suzuki climb in 20 years? in Java

The challenge Suzuki is a monk who climbs a large staircase to the monastery as part of a ritual.

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Determine if N is divisible by X and Y in Java

The challenge Create a function that checks if a number n is divisible by two numbers x AND y.

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How to Sum a Mixed Array in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers as strings and numbers, return the sum of the array values as if all were numbers.

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Calculate the Volume of a Cuboid in Java

A Cuboid is a geometric object that is more or less cubic in shape.

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Find the first non-consecutive number in Java

The challenge Your task is to find the first element of an array that is not consecutive.

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Alternating String Casing in Java

The challenge altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe Define String.prototype.toAlternatingCase (or a similar function/method such as to_alternating_case/toAlternatingCase/ToAlternatingCase in your selected language; see the initial solution for details) such that each lowercase letter becomes uppercase and each uppercase letter becomes lowercase.

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Solving the Pythagorean Triple in Java

The challenge Given an array of 3 integers a, b and c, determine if they form a pythagorean triple.

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How to Correct the Mistakes of the Character Recognition Software in Java

The challenge Character recognition software is widely used to digitise printed texts.

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Solving “Duck Duck Goose” in Java

The challenge The objective of Duck, duck, goose is to walk in a circle, tapping on each player’s head until one is chosen.

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Calculate averages from an int array in Java

The challenge Write function avg which calculates average of numbers in given list.

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How to Rotate a String in Java

Rotating a String in Java is a common interview question, and albeit it quite a simple one, it tests many fundamental concepts.

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Calculate the Sum without highest and lowest number in Java

The challenge Sum all the numbers of the array except the highest and the lowest element (the value, not the index!

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How to Convert a String to an Array in Java

Java makes it easy to convert a string to an array by providing the built-in .

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How to Loop and Combine Three Strings in Java

The challenge Create a function that will return a string that combines all of the letters of the three inputed strings in groups.

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How to Localize The Barycenter of a Triangle in Java

The challenge The medians of a triangle are the segments that unit the vertices with the midpoint of their opposite sides.

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How to Calculate a Valid Square in Java

The challenge Given the coordinates of four points in 2D space p1, p2, p3 and p4, return true if the four points construct a square.

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How to Calculate Age Range Compatibility as an Equation in Java

The challenge Everybody knows the classic “half your age plus seven” dating rule that a lot of people follow (including myself).

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How to Find the Longest Mountain in Array in Java

The challenge Let’s call any (contiguous) subarray B (of A) a mountain if the following properties hold:

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How to tell what the CHMOD value of a file/directory is

chmod alters the permissions for a file or directory, you could allow full read/write access to a file or directory by running the following command:

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How to Solve the “Decode a String” Challenge in Java

The challenge Given an encoded string, return its decoded string.

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How to cleanup a /var/log/journal in Linux

You may find your /var/log/journal directory taking up a lot of disk-space.

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How to Find the Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor in Java

The challenge Given the root of a binary tree, find the maximum value V for which there exist different nodes A and B where V = |A.

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How to Find the Integral using Java

The challenge Create a function that finds the integral of the expression passed.

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How to Build Strings from a Size in Java

The challenge Write a function stringy that takes a size and returns a string of alternating '1s' and '0s'.

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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock in Java

The challenge Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.

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How to Solve the “To square(root) or not to square(root)” Challenge in Java

The challenge Write a method, that will get an integer array as parameter and will process every number from this array.

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Solving the Rule of Divisibility by 13 in Java

The challenge "A divisibility rule is a shorthand way of determining whether a given integer is divisible by a fixed divisor without performing the division, usually by examining its digits.

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How to Calculate Buddy Strings in Java

The challenge Given two strings A and B of lowercase letters, return true if you can swap two letters in A so the result is equal to B, otherwise, return false.

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How to Flip a Binary Matrix in Java

The challenge Given a binary matrix A, we want to flip the image horizontally, then invert it, and return the resulting image.

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How to Tilt a Binary Tree in Java

The challenge Given the root of a binary tree, return the sum of every tree node’s tilt.

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How to solve the House Robber Challenge in Java

The challenge You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street.

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How to Solve the Bag of Tokens Challenge in Java

The challenge You have an initial power of P, an initial score of ``, and a bag of tokens where tokens[i] is the value of the i<sup>th</sup> token (0-indexed).

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How to Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers nums and an integer threshold, we will choose a positive integer divisor and divide all the array by it and sum the result of the division.

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How to Sort and Star a String Array in Java

The challenge You will be given a vector of strings. You must sort it alphabetically (case-sensitive, and based on the ASCII values of the chars) and then return the first value.

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How to Count Consecutive Characters in Java

The challenge Given a string s, the power of the string is the maximum length of a non-empty substring that contains only one unique character.

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How to Abbreviate a Two Word Name in Java

The challenge Write a function to convert a name into initials.

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How to Sort a Linked List using Insertion Sort in Java

The challenge Sort a linked list using insertion sort. A graphical example of insertion sort.

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How to Remove First and Last Character in a String in Java

The challenge The goal is to create a function that removes the first and last characters of a string.

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How to Distribute Halloween Candies by Rating Value in Java

The challenge There are N children standing in a line. Each child is assigned a rating value.

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How to Distribute Halloween Candies in Java

The challenge You have n candies, the i<sup>th</sup> candy is of type candies[i].

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How to Solve the Maximize Distance to Closest Person Challenge in Java

The challenge You are given an array representing a row of seats where seats[i] = 1 represents a person sitting in the i<sup>th</sup> seat, and seats[i] = 0 represents that the i<sup>th</sup> seat is empty (0-indexed).

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How to Get Character from ASCII Value in Java

The challenge Write a function which takes a number and returns the corresponding ASCII char for that value.

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Finding a Needle in a Haystack in Java

The challenge Can you find the needle in the haystack?

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How to Solve the Champagne Tower in Java

The challenge We stack glasses in a pyramid, where the first row has 1 glass, the second row has 2 glasses, and so on until the 100th row.

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How to Solve the 132 Pattern in Java

The challenge Given an array of n integers nums, a 132 pattern is a subsequence of three integers nums[i], nums[j] and nums[k] such that i < j < k and nums[i] < nums[k] < nums[j].

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How to Replace all Vowels in a String in Java

The challenge Replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence.

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How to Get the N-th Power in Java

The challenge You are given an array with positive numbers and a number N.

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How to Count the Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree in Java

The challenge Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth.

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How to Solve the House Robber II Challenge in Java

The challenge You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street.

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How to Clone a Graph in Java

The challenge Given a reference of a node in a connected undirected graph.

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How to Return Random Values in Java

The challenge Ghost objects are instantiated without any arguments. Ghost objects are given a random color attribute of white" or “yellow” or “purple” or “red” when instantiated

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How to Compare Version Numbers in Java

The challenge Compare two version numbers version1 and version2. If <em>version1</em>&nbsp;>&nbsp;<em>version2</em> return 1; if <em>version1</em>&nbsp;<&nbsp;<em>version2</em> return -1;otherwise return ``.

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How to Return the First N Elements in Java

The challenge Create a method take that accepts a list/array and a number n, and returns a list/array array of the first n elements from the list/array.

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How to Search a 2d Matrix/Array in Java

The challenge Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in an m x n matrix.

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Calculate the Surface Area and Volume of a Box with Java

The challenge Write a function that returns the total surface area and volume of a box as an array: [area, volume]

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Find Numbers which are Divisible by given Number in Java

The challenge Complete the function which takes two arguments and returns all numbers which are divisible by the given divisor.

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How to Split a Subdirectory to a New Git Repository and Keep the History

There comes a time when you need to split out a subdirectory into it’s own git repo.

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Get the Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array in Java

The challenge Given a non-empty array of numbers, a, a1, a2, … , an-1, where 0 ≤ ai < 231.

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How to Get the Opposite of a Number in Java

The challenge Given a number, find its opposite. Examples: 1: -1 14: -14 -34: 34 The solution in Java We return the number itself multiplied by a negative 1.

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How to Find the Area or Perimeter of a 4-sided Polygon using Java

The challenge You are given the length and width of a 4-sided polygon.

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How to Parse Int from Char in Java

The challenge We take in a String where the first place contains a number, write a function that takes in this String and returns an int containing it.

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How to Search a Binary Tree in Java

The challenge Given a sorted (in ascending order) integer array nums of n elements and a target value, write a function to search target in nums.

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How to Rotate a Singly Linked List in Java

The challenge Given a linked list, rotate the list to the right by k places, where k is non-negative.

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How to Insert into a Binary Search Tree using Java

The challenge You are given the root node of a binary search tree (BST) and a value to insert into the tree.

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Find the Complement of Base 10 Integer in Java

The challenge Every non-negative integer N has a binary representation. For example, 5 can be represented as "101" in binary, 11 as "1011" in binary, and so on.

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Solve the Number of Recent Calls Challenge in Java

The challenge You have a RecentCounter class which counts the number of recent requests within a certain time frame.

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How to Calculate the Summation of a Number in Java

The challenge Write a program that finds the summation of every number from 1 to num.

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How to Calculate all Unique Combinations of a Target using Backtracking in Java

The challenge Given an array of distinct integers candidates and a target integer target, return a list of all unique combinations of candidates where the chosen numbers sum to target.

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Who is going to pay for the wall? in Python

The challenge Don Drumphet lives in a nice neighborhood, but one of his neighbors has started to let his house go.

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Calculate the Total Amount of Points using Java

The challenge Our football team finished the championship. The result of each match look like “x:y”.

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Calculate the biggest of 3 numbers using Java

The challenge Task Given three integers a ,b ,c, return the largest number obtained after inserting the following operators and brackets: +, *, () In other words , try every combination of a,b,c with [*+()] , and return the Maximum Obtained Consider an Example : With the numbers are 1, 2 and 3 , here are some ways of placing signs and brackets:

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Find the missing element between two arrays in Python

The challenge Given two integer arrays where the second array is a shuffled duplicate of the first array with one element missing, find the missing element.

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How to Count an Array of Boolean Values in Java

The challenge Consider an array/list of sheep where some sheep may be missing from their place.

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How to Solve the Car Pooling Challenge in Java

The challenge You are driving a vehicle that has capacity empty seats initially available for passengers.

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How to Repeat a String in Java

The challenge Write a function called repeat_str which repeats the given string src exactly count times.

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How to Find the Smallest Integer in the Array in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers your solution should find the smallest integer.

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How to Count Odd Numbers Below N using Java

The challenge Given a number n, return the number of positive odd numbers below n, EASY!

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How to get the Length of the Last Word in a String using Java

The challenge Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters ' ', return the length of last word (last word means the last appearing word if we loop from left to right) in the string.

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How to Convert a Number to Reversed Array of Digits in Java

The challenge Given a random non-negative number, you have to return the digits of this number within an array in reverse order.

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How to Solve Unique Paths III in Java

The challenge On a 2-dimensional grid, there are 4 types of squares:

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How to Find the Mean/Average of a List of Numbers in Java

The challenge Find the mean (average) of a list of numbers in an array.

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How to Calculate BMI in Java

The challenge BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is a value derived from the mass and height of a person.

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How to Solve the Robot Bounded In Circle Challenge in Java

The challenge On an infinite plane, a robot initially stands at (0, 0) and faces north.

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How to Convert a String to a Number in Java

The challenge We need a function that can transform a string into a number.

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How to Convert an Integer to Binary using Java

The challenge Given a non-negative integer n, write a function toBinary/ToBinary which returns that number in a binary format.

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How to create a Logical Operator in Java

Exclusive “or” (xor) Logical Operator In some scripting languages like PHP, there exists a logical operator (e.

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How to merge sorted integer arrays (without duplicates) in Java

The challenge Write a function that merges two sorted arrays into a single one.

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Find the Force of Gravity Between Two Objects with Java

The challenge Your job is to find the gravitational force between two spherical objects (obj1 , obj2).

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How to zoom text by mouse wheel in IntelliJ Idea

It’s a common requirement to be able to zoom in or out while working in the code editor in IntelliJ Idea.

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Playing the Bulls and Cows Game in Java

The challenge You are playing the following Bulls and Cows game with your friend: You write down a number and ask your friend to guess what the number is.

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Calculate the Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers in Java

The challenge Given a binary tree, each node has value `` or 1.

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Remove an Exclamation Mark from the End of String using Python

The challenge Remove a exclamation mark from the end of string.

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How to “Rock Paper Scissors” in Java

The challenge Let’s play Rock Paper Scissors! You have to return which player won!

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Compare within Margin using Python

The challenge Create a function close_compare that accepts 3 parameters: a, b, and an optional margin.

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Get the mean of an array in Java

The challenge It’s the academic year’s end, fateful moment of your school report.

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Remove the time challenge in Python

The challenge You’re re-designing a blog and the blog’s posts have the following format for showing the date and time a post was made:

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How to Convert Hex to Decimal in Java

The challenge Write a function that converts an input string contains a hex value, and return a decimal.

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Character with Longest Consecutive Repetition in Java

The challenge For a given string s find the character c (or C) with longest consecutive repetition and return:

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Check if List contains Item in Python

The challenge Create a method that accepts a list and an item, and returns true if the item belongs to the list, otherwise false.

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How To Create a User and Grant Permissions in MySQL

How to create a user CREATE USER 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; How to delete a user DROP USER 'myuser'@'localhost'; How to grant permissions GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * .

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How to Remove Vowels with Python

The challenge Create a function called shortcut to remove all the lowercase vowels in a given string.

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How to find all files in a directory with extension

I needed to find all files in a directory on Linux that ended with the file extension .

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How to Sort a List in Python

In this tutorial, you will learn how to sort a list in Python, by following the below three steps:

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Cryptanalysis Word Patterns in Java

The challenge In cryptanalysis, words patterns can be a useful tool in cracking simple ciphers.

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How to divide a number in Python

The challenge Your task is to create functionisDivideBy (or is_divide_by) to check if an integer number is divisible by each out of two arguments.

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How to Read Kubernetes Secrets

Kubernetes secrets is a great way to store secret values that only Kubernetes can access in your hosted applications.

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Backspaces in String Challenge using Java

The challenge Assume "#" is like a backspace in string. This means that string "a#bc#d" actually is "bd"

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How many times to Kaprekar’s constant using Python

Introduction 6174 is known as Kaprekar’s constant after the Indian mathematician D.

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How to check if a String is a Number in Python

The challenge Given a string s, write a method (function) that will return true if its a valid single integer or floating number or false if its not.

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How to Write a Custom Comparator in Python

Generally, you want to use the built-in sorted() function which takes a custom comparator as its parameter.

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How to delete an AWS WAF – Web ACL

Usually, it’s quite easy to delete an AWS WAF, or Web ACL.

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How to Sort an Integer in Python

Let’s say that you have an integer with value of 9271 and you want to sort it either ascending(1279) or descending(9721).

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How to Upgrade PIP

In this tutorial, you will learn how to upgrade PIP.

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How to Copy a File in Python

In this tutorial, you will learn how to copy a file using Python from a directory to another directory, or if you’re on Windows, then from a Folder to another Folder.

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Conway’s Game of Life – Unlimited Edition – in Python

What is this? Conways’s Game Of Life is a Cellular Automation Method created by John Conway.

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Most frequently used words in a text with Python

The challenge Write a function that, given a string of text (possibly with punctuation and line-breaks), returns an array of the top-3 most occurring words, in descending order of the number of occurrences.

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The SongDecoder Dubstep Challenge with Java

The challenge Polycarpus works as a DJ in the best Berland nightclub, and he often uses dubstep music in his performance.

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Break camelCase Challenge in Java

The challenge Complete the solution so that the function will break up camel casing, using a space between words.

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Sort Binary Tree by Levels using Python

The challenge You are given a binary tree: class Node: def __init__(self, L, R, n): self.

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How to Split a String with Python

Splitting a string in Python is really easy. You simply take a string and apply the split() method.

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How to fix the Terraform stuck on “Refreshing state…” problem

Terraform is a fantastic tool to help automate your infrastructure as code.

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The “Split Strings” Challenge using Java

The challenge Complete the solution so that it splits the string into pairs of two characters.

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Converting to PigLatin with Python

The challenge Move the first letter of each word to the end of it, then add “ay” to the end of the word.

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Solving the “Double Cola” Challenge using Java

The challenge Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Rajesh and Howard are in the queue for a “Double Cola” drink vending machine; there are no other people in the queue.

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Convert Seconds to Human Readable Time (HH:MM:SS) using Java

The challenge Write a function, which takes a non-negative integer (seconds) as input and returns the time in a human-readable format (HH:MM:SS)

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Solving the “Mexican Wave” Challenge using Java

The challenge Task Your task is to create a function that turns a string into a Mexican Wave.

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Multiples of 3 and 5 with Python

The challenge This multiples of 3 and multiples of 5 challenge is a variation of the common FizzBuzz question.

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Solving the “Catching Car Mileage Numbers” Challenge using Python

The challenge "7777…8?!??!", exclaimed Bob, "I missed it again! Argh!" Every time there's an interesting number coming up, he notices and then promptly forgets.

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Counting smiley faces with Python

The challenge Given an array (arr) as an argument complete the function countSmileys that should return the total number of smiling faces.

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Convert String to Camel Case using Java

The challenge Complete the method/function so that it converts dash/underscore delimited words into camel casing.

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How to Setup an SSH Server on AWS

Basic instructions on how to set up an SSH server on an Ubuntu 16.

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How to Convert Numeric Words into Numbers using Python

Challenge Using Python, we want to convert words into numbers. In this challenge, we will explore how to convert a string into an integer.

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Solve The Triangle of Odd Numbers using Python

The challenge Given the triangle of consecutive odd numbers: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 .

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“Who likes it” code Challenge in Python

The Challenge You probably know the “like” system from Facebook and other pages.

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Python 4 New Features Planned

It took the Python community a long time to move from Python 2 to Python 3.

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Custom RGB To Hex Conversion with Python

The challenge The rgb function is incomplete. Complete it so that passing in RGB decimal values will result in a hexadecimal representation being returned.

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Sort a Java Integer in Descending Order

The challenge Your task is to make a function that can take any non-negative integer as an argument and return it with its digits in descending order.

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Get the Sum of Digits / Digital Root using Java

The challenge Digital root is the recursive sum of all the digits in a number.

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How to write a Chain Adding Function in Python

The challenge We want to create a function that will add numbers together when called in succession.

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Get the next biggest number with the same digits using Python

The challenge Create a function that takes a positive integer and returns the next bigger number that can be formed by rearranging its digits.

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Solving Tribonacci Sequence with Python

The challenge As the name may already reveal, it works basically like a Fibonacci, but summing the last 3 (instead of 2) numbers of the sequence to generate the next.

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The Casino Chips Problem Solved with Python

The challenge You are given three piles of casino chips: white, green and black chips:

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Check if Isogram using Python

The challenge An isogram is a word that has no repeating letters, consecutive or non-consecutive.

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Find the Longest Common Prefix using Python

The challenge Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.

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Count and Say with Python

The challenge he count-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers with the first five terms as following:

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The Plus One problem solved with Python

The challenge Given a non-empty array of digits representing a non-negative integer, increment one to the integer.

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Solving the Single Number problem in Python

The challenge Given a non-empty array of integers, every element appears twice except for one.

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Rotate a Matrix List in Python

The challenge You are given an n x n 2D matrix representing an image.

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Check if Valid Sudoku Blocks in Java

The challenge of solving valid Sudoku blocks Determine if a 9×9 Sudoku board is valid.

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Find the Intersection of Two Arrays in Python

The challenge Given two arrays, write a function to compute their intersection.

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Rotate an Array K Times in Python

The challenge Given an array, rotate the array to the right by k steps, where k is non-negative.

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FizzBuzz in Java

The challenge Write a program that outputs the string representation of numbers from 1 to n.

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Python Splices reimplemented in Java

Python has a fantastic feature called slices. It allows you to work with a list, set or string by it’s index items.

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Solving Two Sum in Python

The challenge Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

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Get the Next Small Integer in Python

The challenge Write a function: def solution(A) that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A.

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Is a Valid Palindrome with Java

The challenge Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.

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Is a Valid Anagram with Java

The challenge Given two strings s and t , write a function to determine if t is an anagram of s.

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How to ReImplement strStr() in Java

What we want to achieve Return the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack, or -1 if needle is not part of haystack.

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Third Maximum Number with Java

The challenge Given a non-empty array of integers, return the third maximum number in this array.

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How to Quickly Hide all Icons on a Mac’s Desktop

Why the need to hide icons? Perhaps you have a screen-share session coming up and you want a nice clean desktop to show everyone.

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First Unique Character in a String using Java

The challenge Given a string, find the first non-repeating character in it and return its index.

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How to fix the Release Version 5 Not Supported error in IntelliJ

What do you do when you create a new Maven Java project, and when you run it, you get the following error:

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Facebook’s custom IPv6 range

I noticed an interesting thing with a certain visitor after posting a blog post to Facebook.

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How to Reverse an Integer in Java

The challenge Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse digits of an integer.

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Reverse a String in-place using Java

The challenge Write a function that reverses a string. The input string is given as an array of characters char[].

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Check if a Java array Contains Duplicates

The challenge Given an array of integers, find if the array contains any duplicates.

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Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array using Python

The challenge Given an array of integers where 1 ≤ a[i] ≤ n (n = size of array), some elements appear twice and others appear once.

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The Array Height Checker Problem in Java

The challenge Students are asked to stand in non-decreasing order of heights for an annual photo.

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Find the Squares of a Sorted Array in Java

The challenge Given an array of integers A sorted in non-decreasing order, return an array of the squares of each number, also in sorted non-decreasing order.

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Sorting a Java Array by Parity

The challenge Given an array A of non-negative integers, return an array consisting of all the even elements of A, followed by all the odd elements of A.

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Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array in Java

Say you have an array of primitive integers and you want to remove all duplicates.

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Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side using Java

The challenge Given an array arr, replace every element in that array with the greatest element among the elements to its right, and replace the last element with -1.

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The Valid Mountain Array Problem using Java

Introducing the problem Given an array A of integers, return true if and only if it is a valid mountain array.

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HashMaps (aka: Dictionaries) in Python

Introduction Java has a built-in called HashMap. It allows you to store and very quickly retrieve key value pairs.

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Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits using Java

The challenge Given an array nums of integers, return how many of them contain an even number of digits.

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The Relational Database Model

Relational databases first made an appearance in the mid-1970s, between the years 1974 and 1977 with the creation of Ingres and System R which led to the creation of MS SQL Server, Sybase, Wang?

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How to use a Java HashSet by example

What is a HashSet A HashSet is an unordered collection containing unique elements.

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Get The Shortest Path in Binary Matrix using Python

The challenge In an N by N square grid, each cell is either empty (0) or blocked (1).

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Palindrome Partitioning in Python

The problem Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.

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Faster alternative to MySQL Delete Table Contents / Truncate

From time to time you might have some rather big tables that you want to delete all the data quickly and start afresh.

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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Python

The problem Say you have an array prices for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.

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IPv4 CIDR Chart

CIDR stands for Classless Inter-Domain Routing and is a method for allocating IP addresses as well as for IP routing.

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Recursively Delete Files and Folders and all Contents using PHP

Below is a quick and easy way to recursively delete all files and folders in a given path using PHP.

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Product Update: ADD becomes Serengeti

As a product update; The “Autonomous Distributed Database”, otherwise known as simply ADD has been renamed to Serengeti.

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SQL to Append all Fields if Shorter than a set Length

This came in very handy for me at one point because I needed to have a certain field in each row 14 characters long, but half of them were only 12 characters long.

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Validate Email Address in Javascript

Below is a nice little Javascript RegularExpression to validate email addresses.

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Remove hash from window.location in Javascript

E.g. URL:<br> So how would you get the current URL using Javascript?

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The Benefits and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is usually defined as the science of making computers do things that require intelligence when done by humans.

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The Decoded String at Index using Java

The Challenge An encoded string S is given. To find and write the decoded string to a tape, the encoded string is read one character at a time and the following steps are taken:

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Timing Issues in Real-time systems

What are Real-time Systems? If you look up the term “real-time” in a dictionary, it will tell you that it is the actual time during which a process takes place or an event occurs (Dictionary.

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Find the Minimum Absolute Difference in BST using Java

The question Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes.

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Get the Second Highest Salary in MySQL

The problem Write a SQL query to get the second highest salary from the Employee table.

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Find Maximum Subarrays using Java

The problem Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum and return its sum.

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Finding Number Complements using Java

The problem Given a positive integer num, output its complement number.

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Forensic Analysis on Linux (Unix)

Operating Systems come in a few competing choices, of which the major players are Apple’s MacOS, Microsoft’s Windows and then the various flavours of Linux, of which most are open-sourced while the remainder are proprietary to their vendors.

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Self Dividing Numbers using Python

Introduction A self-dividing number is a number that is divisible by every digit it contains.

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RuntimeError: thread.__init__() not called (Python)

Today I got a really dumb error from Python. RuntimeError: thread.

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All About Distributed Databases

A database “is a structured collection of data. Card indices, printed catalogues of archaeological artefacts and telephone directories are all examples of databases”.

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Network systems security risks

Networking has played a vital part in the transfer of information as well as the accessibility of information that was never available to previous generations with the rapid increase of internet-connected devices.

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Communications and The Software Development Process

Software Engineering or the Software Development Process is broken down into the following phases.

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Get the total size of all the files in a directory

It’s amazing how many times I’ve need to find out the total size of all the files in a directory on one of our servers.

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Structured and Object-Oriented Programming

Software development has really come a long way over the past few decades.

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Moving a MySQL Database without downtime

At Statvoo Analytics we found ourselves in the position where we needed to move our master MySQL database without ANY downtime and for anyone who’s tried to do this, you will know how hard this can be if it is not done exactly right.

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How to use Google Analytics in AngularJS

It seems to be quite a popular question with not as many answers to hold the weight.

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Converting from Legacy to Client-Server or Distributed Systems

What is a legacy system? A legacy system is a computing system that has been around for a very long period of time, tends to be difficult to maintain, is prone to issues such as lack of scalability and feature additions, usually centralised in operation and is still heavily utilised in a particular organisation.

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Conceptual Architectural Views, with a focus on the Development View

What is Conceptual Architectural Views? Architectural views are abstractions, or simplifications, of the entire design, in which important characteristics are made more visible by leaving details aside.

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Assessing Reusable Parts in a Software Architecture

During the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) the development team will come to realise that parts of any application have already been created before and there is the potential for those parts to be reused time and again going forward.

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An Introduction to 2-Tier and 3-Tier Client-Server Systems

All software systems can be grouped in either a 2-tier or a 3-tier formation.

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Remove the Outermost Parentheses using Python

The Question A valid parentheses string is either empty (""), "(" + A + ")", or A + B, where A and B are valid parentheses strings, and + represents string concatenation.

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The Pros and Cons of Agile in Software Development

What is Agile in Software Engineering? Agile approaches help teams respond to unpredictability through incremental, iterative work cadences and empirical feedback.

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Contemporary and beneficial uses of Big-Data Systems

Big data is a term applied to datasets whose size or type is beyond the ability of traditional relational databases to capture, manage, and process the data with low-latency.

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Distributed Database Systems Observations

Traditional database systems were a centralised powerful database server that housed all operations pertaining to the database.

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Functions of an Operating System

I am in a bit of an unusual situation where “I use” a combination of three different laptops, which each run different platforms.

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ORDER BY RAND() – Faster Alternative

MySQL’s ORDER BY RAND() function can be so useful for returning random items from a table, in fact, we have used it a million times over the years.

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Top-down vs Bottom-up Database Design

There are essentially two different approaches one can take when designing databases; these, from a high-level analytic point of view, narrow down to what is typically called “Top-down” and “Bottom-up” philosophies or methods.

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How to keep your web server or blog up when you get a traffic spike

So you’re about to be featured on some very high ranking website.

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How to get the UTC Timestamp in Python

All dates in your server applications should be stored in the UTC timezone.

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How to setup the AWS CLI for multiple profiles

The AWS CLI provides the ability to use the wide range of Amazon Web Services tools and services straight from the command-line.

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How to get the size of an AWS S3 bucket

If you need to get the size of an AWS S3 folder, or even an entire bucket, you can do so with the following command:

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Comparing Java and Javascript

Perhaps the first thing that most people ask when they hear the names of these two programming languages are.

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An Introduction to Data Structures

When bringing up the topic of “Data Structures”, it is first important to understand what they are.

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Relational Database Proprietary Extensions

Standard Query Language – or SQL for short – is a language designed for relational databases that allows end users such as developers and database administrators (DBAs) to manipulate data.

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Locks used in Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems (DBMS?) are designed to store any amount of data that can then be retrieved or manipulated at a later date.

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Tail and Grep: display all output but highlight search matches

I tail logs quite a lot. An example would be to tail the Apache2 access logs.

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Convert URL String into a Javascript Object

Sometimes you find yourself with a String, something like and you want to repeatably access elements of it correctly.

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How to make an HTTP Request in AWS Lambda using Python

The requests module for Python is very useful in helping simplify HTTP/s requests from Python, but how would you use it in an AWS Lambda script?

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How to fix a Javascript Uncaught ReferenceError

Sometimes you may get an error that looks something like this:

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Resolving InsufficientPrivilege Errors in Redshift

If you are getting the mysterious error: [ERROR] InsufficientPrivilege: permission denied for schema errors

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How to increase column size in Redshift database tables

It is only possible to alter VARCHAR columns, and only under the following circumstances:

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[Solved] The provided execution role does not have permissions to call CreateNetworkInterface on EC2

If you are trying to get an AWS Lambda added attached to a VPC, but get the error message:

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Entity and Referential Integrity in Relational Databases

Data integrity is the overall completeness, accuracy and consistency of data (Techopedia, n.

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Data Warehouses vs Data Marts

Although the terms “data warehouse” and “data mart” sound similar, they are quite different.

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Amazon’s custom Whois date entry

Whois is an online service that let’s you know registration information about a website or IP address.

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Graph Databases and their Properties

The concept of a graph in mathematics is simply a collection of elements which are typically called Nodes and are joined together by Edges.

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How to add SSH keys to GitHub

When working with GitHub, you will need to identify yourself. The default way is using your username and password.

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Get the Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters in Python

The problem Given an array of strings arr. String s is a concatenation of a sub-sequence of arr which have unique characters.

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Apache Kafka’s Role in Big Data Streaming Analytics

The world of Big Data started out as a way of storing and querying obscene amounts of information by comparison to what yesteryears were able to achieve.

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Mitigating Risks with Software Development Outsourcing

In the Oxford Dictionary, the term “outsourcing” is simply defined as obtaining goods or services by contract from an outside supplier (OxfordDictionaries.

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The Primary Data Types in Java

In Java there are eight basic data types; which are: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean and char.

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Comparing Objects in Java

TLDR; When to use == in Java When comparing two operands.

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Overloading Operators in Java

As with many programming languages such as C, C++ and C# (known commonly as the C family), it is possible to “overload methods” (sometimes called functions if not used in classes, such as C) in order to take a different amount of parameters so that they can be used in multiple scenarios with similar internals.

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uncaught typeerror: $ is not a function

The dollar-sign ($) in Javascript has for many years now been associated with jQuery.

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How to get the last element of a list in Python

Let’s say that you have a Python list with the following 5 foods:

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How to embed a web server in your Python3 app

This is not the first time that I created a Python3 application that spat out some output and required access to it via an HTTP server.

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How to get the Range Sum of Binary Search Tree using Java

Given the root node of a binary search tree, return the sum of values of all nodes with value between L and R (inclusive).

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How to duplicate zeros in place using Python

Given a fixed length array arr of integers, duplicate each occurrence of zero, shifting the remaining elements to the right.

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A Quick Introduction to Asyncio in Python3

Python has never been the best at doing multiple things at the same time.

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How to replace newlines with commas in CLI

If you need to replace all newline characters with a comma, or perhaps some other delimiter, then using the build-in tr utility will work very well for you.

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How to make a disk cache using PHP

If you have a busy PHP driven website and don’t want to make constant queries to the database for each user that will see the same data, then you can easily resolve this problem by letting the first of these visitors generate a cache for the consecutive visitors.

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How to remove files without a certain extension?

You have a directory with a lot of files, and you want to delete only the files that don’t match a specific extension.

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How to debug an Apache 404 error

So you are getting an error 404 or perhaps even worse, a 500!

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How to Reorder Data in Log Files using Python

Let’s say that you have an array or a list, or logs.

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Another WTF Javascript Moment

Javascript is a powerful language, but sometimes it doesn’t always do what you expect it to.

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How to Bring Back GROUP BY in MySQL

If you are suddenly not able to perform GROUP BY statements as you used to after a MySQL/MariaDB version update, then you will have noticed the change forced upon you.

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How to implement a Queue using Stacks in Python

A common programming interview question, and for a change, one that you will actually be able to use in the job, is that of implementing a Queue by means of using Stacks in Python.

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Find positions of largest groups of characters in a String with Python

The question Take a string S of lowercase letters. These letters form consecutive groupings of like characters.

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How to make Git “forget” about a file that was tracked but is now in .gitignore?

You can ignore certain files and folders from being committed to Git by means of including a .

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How to Purge the BinLog for MySQL and MariaDB

If you see lots of disk space quickly disappearing on your MySQL or MariaDB server, then you may want to look into the BinLog directory, it is located at /var/log/mysql/.

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How to Measure Execution Time in Google Colab

Google Colab is a fantastic environment to write Python code using Jupyter Notebooks, hosted for free by Google.

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How to fake a User Agent in Python

A User-Agent is a bunch of text that is sent with every HTTP and HTTPS request.

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How to Delete from a Table where rows match in Another Table – MySQL

So you have a table where you want to delete a bunch of rows, based on a particular column being matched in another table.

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There are many occasions where you need to INSERT a record into a MySQL database table, but the record already exists.

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Read the bottom n lines of a file in Python

Using Operating System Commands in Python Use the Linux/Mac tail command to provide the data:

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How to Format a Number as a Currency in Javascript

There are quite a few ways to format a number as a currency value in Javascript.

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How to Change the Timezone on Ubuntu Server

If you’ve ever typed date into your Ubuntu Server and seen a different time or timezone appear than you expected, then it probably means that this tutorial is for you.

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How to make a Python script Pip-installable

As Python developers, we’ve all used pip to install applications, but speaking to other Python developers, it’s not always clear how to make your own application/script pip-installable.

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How to Host an AngularJS site on AWS S3

AngularJS is a Javascript Framework that allows you to create dynamic front-end web applications easily.

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How to send emails using Python and AWS SES SMTP

Sending emails using Python and AWS’ SES service is really easy.

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Generate a random number between two numbers in JavaScript

If you need to generate a random number between two numbers in JavaScript, then you are in the right place!

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Why Password Managers are Not the Solution

Why a Password Manager? Password managers exist for two main reasons.

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Read the top n lines of a file in Python

Sometimes you may need to read the top n lines of a file using Python.

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How Fast is your Website?

I operate a bunch of different sites and have done for many years now.

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How to Git Reset a Single File

It’s very easy to reset files that have not yet been committed to git.

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Introducing Variables in Golang

Golang comes with a decent offering around variables that you can use to store, retrieve and manipulate information.

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Golang cannot convert (type string) to type int

Every language has it’s ways of converting data types. One of the most common data types to convert between is that of strings (string) and integers (int).

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Learn Golang as a Python Developer

Learning Go or Golang as a Python developer, programmer or software engineer is easier than you think.

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Remove Special Characters in a String using Bash

Programming languages provide the ability to remove special characters from a string quite easily.

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Get the Amount of Days Between Two Dates in Python

Let’s say that you have two dates: "2019-01-29" "2019-06-30" How would you create a function that would return the number of days between these two dates?

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How to Always run Python 3 from Bash

Given a directory that contains: | |- |- requirements.txt |- .

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How to Run the Kubernetes Dashboard Locally

Kubernetes comes with a pretty nice dashboard to view clusters, worker groups, nodes and pods.

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How to tell if a year is a Leap Year in Python

Given that we are in a leap year this year (2020), it would be nice to know how to programmatically calculate this.

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How to Reverse a Linked List in Python

It’s important to know about data types and one that comes up fairly regularly is that of Linked Lists.

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The Docker Quickstart Guide for Developers

This Docker Quickstart Guide for Developers aims to get developers familiar with Docker as quickly as possible.

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How to Follow Redirects with cURL for CLI or PHP

Let’s take a really common example. Say we want to follow redirects with cURL for google.

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How to tell if a String contains a Substring in Javascript

Javascript comes with some pretty good support for determining if a string contains a substring.

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How to package a Python app (pip) for PyPi

In this tutorial, we will create a Python application that can be installed directly from pip that will show the 10 latest blog posts from this website (the one you are reading this on!

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How to find the longest Palindrome in a String using Python

This occasionally comes up during coding interviews and is actually quite a decent way to test someone’s aptitude of moving back and forth on a string to determine if and where palindromes exist.

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How to write Anonymous Functions in Javascript

There is a lot of power in Javascript syntax. One of those powerful things is that of Javascript Anonymous Functions.

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How to use Docker to test any Linux distribution locally

I often need to test a specific Linux binary or make sure something works as expected from yum install or apt install.

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How to get the Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree in Python

Let’s say that you have a binary tree and we needed to know it’s maximum depth.

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What is Fizz Buzz?

Fizz buzz is a common programming interview question. The problem statement usually reads something like this:

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How to Deploy a Helm “Hello World” app onto Kubernetes

We will create a simple Hello World static HTTP Service using Helm, package it and release it to an AWS EKS Cluster.

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How to write a Quicksort Algorithm in Python

While there are libraries available for all programming languages that offer abilities to sort list, arrays and collections, it is important to know how this is achieved.

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How to Reverse a String or List using Python

Python comes with the power of slicing. Let’s try it with a String:

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How to get the IP address in Python

Python exposes a socket library that allows us to perform networking tasks such as getting the IP Address as well as getting the Hostname of our system.

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How to Reverse a Binary Tree in Python

Reversing a Binary Tree is a common programming interview question.

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[Solved] Unable to Detach AWS Network Interface

You do not have permission to access the specified resource.

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How to delete a file in Python

A quick solution in Python import os os.remove("filename.txt") The above code will delete a file in Python, it will not however delete a directory, or a directory containing files.

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How to safely parse JSON in Javascript

JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation and has become wildly popular to transport and store data between application, databases and more.

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Check if an HTML Checkbox is checked using Javascript

While processing forms in web development, it’s a common requirement to be able to tell if a checkbox has been checked or not.

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How to Push Docker Images to AWS ECR

Docker images are usually stored on Docker Hub, but AWS’s Elastic Container Registry can also be used.

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How to monitor Network Traffic on Linux

There is a fantastic tool to see and monitor Bandwidth and Network Traffic on Linux.

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How to Merge Javascript Objects

A Javascript Object – now just called JSON – is a collection of values and properties stored as a map.

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When to use Pip3 instead of Pip in Python

If you have multiple versions of Python installed on a system, such as both Python 2.

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How to use Screen on Linux

Screen on Linux is a popular command-line program that lets you multiplex between interactive shells.

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Transfer a domain from Namecheap

Namecheap is a pretty good registrar. As its name says, yes, it is usually pretty cheap.

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How to Package a Python App using Nuitka

Learn how to package a Python app in this tutorial.

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Introduction to NPM

What is NPM? NPM stands for Node Package Manager, and is the default way to extend your Node applications.

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How to create a Symbolic Link on Linux / Mac

A symbolic link – or often just sym-link – is a pointer or shortcut to where the actual file lives on a filesystem.

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Non-interactive git clone (ssh fingerprint prompt)

If you have ever been in the annoying situation where you had to run git clone from a server that you did not have interactive access to, such as a continuous integration/deployment box or other.

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When your Python code is much faster with PyPy

Python is a very powerful language, there are so many libraries available for it.

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What it takes to be a Platform Engineer in 2020

Platform Engineering is something that grew out of a mix of what software developers and sysadmins had been doing for years.

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Introduction to PIP – Python Package Manager

Python comes with a fully equipped package manager called PIP – which stands for the Python Package Manager.

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How to build a website quickly using PHP

PHP is a powerful scripting language created for the web.

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How to replace all occurrences of a string in Javascript

I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that in Javascript, there are really only two ways to do a proper search and replace.

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How to exit Vim

If only I had a dollar for every time I saw someone sitting at their computer, trying for the life of them to exit vim

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How to Setup and Use the Python Virtual Environment

Python is a fantastic language that continues to help so many businesses and individuals.

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Introducing the Hetzner Cloud

I could honestly not tell you how many hosting providers I’ve tried over the past 15 years.

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Multiprocessing in Python3

import multiprocessing def runner(k): print(k) processes = [] for i in range(10): p = multiprocessing.

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How to Install MongoDB on Mac

You can use Homebrew to install MongoDB on a Mac.

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The Best Note Taking Apps

We’re all using a Note Taking App these days, they’re incredibly useful and come jam packed with loads of features.

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How to Delete large amount of files in directory

So you have clearly got a very large amount of files!

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How to Merge multiple files, removing duplicate values

If you have multiple files and you want to remove duplicate values from, while creating a single file.

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Unable to delete an AWS Internet Gateway

So you need to delete an AWS Internet Gateway, sounds good.

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How Distributed Applications Work

Distributed Applications come in a wide range of sizes, usages and resource availabilities.

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Why Artificial Intelligence (AI) won’t necessarily take your job

Artificial Intelligence, or simply AI these days, is when computers are able to perform tasks that humans would otherwise do.

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The difference between ‘git fetch’ and ‘git pull’

Git Pull vs Fetch Many of us take a look at git fetch and git pull and believe them to do the exact same thing!

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7 Ways to Make Money Online from Home

1. Create a website / blog There are numerous ways to make money when you create a website or blog.

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Investigation of insider attacks with computer forensics

Cyber-attacks do not always originate from outside of the target organisation.

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Squid Proxy behind a Load Balancer on AWS

Squid is a proxy software that allows a computer without internet access to proxy through another computer that does have internet access.

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How to install a Ruby Gem without Root on a Mac

Gems are little packaged Ruby applications that allow you to extend the ecosystem and reuse countless online sources.

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The dark truth behind Advertising on the internet

The story Steve has a website which sells carpets in London.

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International hosting governments and forensic email cases

Cyber forensics is hard, but it is even harder when servers are hosted in different geographical locations and an investigation needs all localities to cooperate and hand over every part of the data consistently.

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When to give up on your startup/product

One of the hardest things you can do after trying to get a startup or product off the ground is to simply give up and call it a day.

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Just SSH to my Jump Box!

I am a professional software engineer and do an absolute ton of devops work as well.

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Counting in Python using a list

So before we begin, let me just tell you that this is a pretty useless thing to do.

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Show the desktop’s image name on a Mac

Sometimes you just need to know where that image shown on your desktop is stored!

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Network Forensics Concerns around GDPR

In Cyber Forensic there are a vast array of tools that are used throughout most investigations, however, not all jurisdictions allow or even agree to the usage of some of them.

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A look into Future Developments in Operating Systems from a Cyber Forensics Investigator

Operating systems (OS) really have come a long way since the very first one was created by General Motors in 1956 (WIHT, 2017) to run on an IBM mainframe.

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Comparing Interface Types in Cyber Forensics

In digital and cyber forensics, there are three main types of categories when it comes to forensic tooling.

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Cyber Forensic Investigative Reports

Investigations are not proven in a jurisdiction until a detailed forensic report is created and presented to a judge or jury who can take it to the next level.

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Altering Computer Evidence

Ever since it has been possible for humans to operate computers, some have used it to perform criminal activities.

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Connection broken by ‘SSLError(SSLError(1, ‘[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:777)’

This happens when your machine does not have the correct certificate bundle to access the Pypi repository, or you are behind a corporate proxy that just loves to block everything!

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Can’t pull a Git branch because of merge conflicts?

Sometimes you need to pull a remote branch and want to accept all their commits (and history) and override your own repository.

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Software development processes

Introduction to Software Development Processes Gabry defines the Software Development Methodology to be a set of related activities that lead to the production of the software (2017).

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Approaches to software reuse

Introduction to Software Reuse Software reuse is the process of creating software from antecedent and extant components.

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Get the output of an application logged in the terminal

Just a quick note: You are probably looking for a Linux command called `dtrace`.

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Agile as a Software Development Process

Waterfall and Agile are by far the most commonly used software development processes, however, within them, there are many different styles of software development used in the management of software development projects.

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Big Data Security and Privacy Issues

Big Data shares what is commonly termed the V properties or characteristics such as Velocity, Volume and Variety which are amongst the most typical or frequently repeated.

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How to delete/revert a Git commit

You’ve just pushed something to a Git repository and you immediately regret it!

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[Solved] Pip: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate

If you ever get the following error when trying to install a Pip module under Python:

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How to Learn Python Programming Quickly

So you want to learn to program in Python and you don’t have a lot of time?

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NoSQL Pandas Dataframes

Pandas Dataframes are simply a table with some rows (McKinney, 2015) and many additional features built right in to make data scientists lives much easier.

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Relational (SQL) vs NoSQL Database Models

The Relational (SQL) database has been a central piece to businesses since the 1970s when they first had their claim to fame.

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Netflix Hadoop Big Data Marketing Use Case

Netflix is a video streaming service that has a wealth of information about their user base likes, dislikes, general consumer habits, retention lengths and much more.

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Using Hadoop to manage Dark Data

Dark Data is the biggest piece of the pie (Datumize , n.

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An Introduction to Client-Server Systems

A client-server architecture/system is one where the server maintains all models of the backend datasets and business logic around taking and providing information to fulfill a service request from a client which in turn shows the representation thereof.

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So if you’ve ever created users and given them specific permissions from with SQL or the commandline, you will be familiar with a statement called FLUSH PRIVILEGES.

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MySQL Community Server MSI Installer Hangs on Windows 10

I was trying to install MySQL Community Server for Windows 10 using the standard .

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Android device supports x86, but APK only supports Arm

I get this error quite a lot when trying to deploy an Android APK to an emulator.

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Weird Dialog Boxes

Adobe Setup setup? Got this one while using Chrome, it complains about Safari?

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A bit on SQL Standards

SQL (Structured Query Language) for relational databases was maintained and standardised by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) which is affiliated with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

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A Brief Talk on Databases

Databases have been around since ancient times, when elaborate database systems were deployed by governments, hospitals and organisations to keep track of vast amounts of information; but only until around the 1960s did computerised databases start to take shape and become cost effective for private organisations to start using (Quickbase, n.

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Cloud Computing – The Refute

Cloud is great, but when you know what you are doing, think about alternatives (Blippex, 2013).

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Auditing Organisational Information Systems – Security

Auditing an organisation?s information systems is a vital part of operating a business at any decent scale.

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Biometric Technology

What is Biometric Technology? Biometric verification is any means by which a person can be uniquely identified by evaluating one or more distinguishing biological traits (Margaret Rouse, n.

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Copyright Compensation in the Internet Age

The original conception of copyright in 1710 (Craig Joyce, n.d.) was that it usually covers only the expression of a particular idea and not the idea itself, but this was a very long time ago, before the challenges of a digital society.

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Controlling employee digital access

Organisations of all sizes have taken to controlling what their employees can access in order to conserve computing resources, keep their employees focused 100 percent on the work they were hired to do and to make sure employees performance is high and as productive as possible (Cyberoam, n.

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Electronic monitoring in the workplace

Electronic monitoring is not a new thing, nor one that only affects the workplace.

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The Therac-25 Case Study – What Actually Happened?

The Therac-25 was a computerised medical technology radiation therapy machine produced by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) in 1982.

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Your Responsibilities as an IT Professional

As an IT professional it is extremely important to make sure that you do not take advantage of your position on being able to introduce certain skewed characteristics into a computing system in order to gain unfair advantage to your company or client?

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New capabilities with technology

Computing technology has undoubtedly had some very prominent impact on society at large.

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The Printing Press – Technology’s impact on society

It’s important to first define what the term “technology” means.

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Google Abuses Search Dominance in the European Union

The EU Commission found that Google has been favouring their very own shopping service while demoting those of their rivals as well as the placement of how they are seen in search results online.

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Understanding the Risks of Commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS)

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software can be an attractive buy in for many companies when it comes to:

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Identifying Risks in Software Engineering

In Software Engineering it is absolutely paramount to identify all risks that may arise in a given project or grouping of tasks.

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Software engineering challenges in the 21st century

Software Engineering covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems, but also management issues, such as directing programming teams, scheduling, and budgeting.

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Computer Memory – The Breakdown

Storage devices have come a long way in an extremely short amount of time; given how much they have changed from just my personal knowledge alone.

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Current Trends in Computing

The American multinational technology company Yahoo, which has been around since the mid nineties has once again been hacked.

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Academic integrity in a cultural context

In academia it is vitally important to backup your own thoughts and ideas by using previously written authoritative papers and articles in reference.

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How to get more traffic to your blog

If there’s only one thing that keeps website owners up at night, it’s thinking about the next wave of traffic that they aren’t yet getting.

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How big is Amazon S3 really?

Amazon’s Simple Storage Service, or simply S3 for short, is a product designed for storing objects (or files are most people know them) in their proprietary cloud hosting (AWS).

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3 Things you should be tracking with your analytics software

What should we be tracking? This is a question we get asked quite a often – mainly by new customers as well as people who aren’t certain if what they’re looking at adds any value to their daily business time usage.

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11 of the Best Google Analytics Alternatives

So most webmasters know about Google Analytics and have probably used it to some degree, but did you know that there are some pretty good alternatives out there, some even better than the all-famous Google Analytics.

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503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity

The Web server (running the Web site) is currently unable to handle the HTTP request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.

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User Testing and Feedback?

So now you have a website, you use it and love it, but does everybody else?

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Date ranges are the key to a better index

Since AO Analytics originally went live in February 2013, we have been doing focused around individual time based reporting, it worked well and we were able to sort through indexes without doing full table scans.

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Track your Alexa Rank History

The Alexa Rank is a way of determining a website’s popularity.

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SSL Encryption – Update

We have just rolled out SSL encrytion on Statvoo which means:

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Why Website Analytics Is So Important These Days

The web has come a long way since Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist at CERN, “invented” the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989.

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Create daterange array of missing dates

<?php //fromDate 2014 - 01 - 22 //toDate 2014 - 02 - 20 //$arr Array( [0] = & gt; Array( [ISO_DATE] = & gt; 2014 - 02 - 18[DAY_SUM_AMOUNT] = & gt; 3000[DAY_SUM_VOLUME] = & gt; 2[CONVERSION_PCT] = & gt; 100 ) [1] = & gt; Array( [ISO_DATE] = & gt; 2014 - 02 - 19[DAY_SUM_AMOUNT] = & gt; 4000[DAY_SUM_VOLUME] = & gt; 1[CONVERSION_PCT] = & gt; 100 ) ) //codetime function createDateRangeArray($strDateFrom, $strDateTo) { $aryRange = array(); $iDateFrom = mktime(1, 0, 0, substr($strDateFrom, 5, 2) , substr($strDateFrom, 8, 2) , substr($strDateFrom, 0, 4)); $iDateTo = mktime(1, 0, 0, substr($strDateTo, 5, 2) , substr($strDateTo, 8, 2) , substr($strDateTo, 0, 4)); if ($iDateTo & gt; = $iDateFrom) { array_push($aryRange, date('Y-m-d', $iDateFrom)); // first entry while ($iDateFrom & lt; $iDateTo) { $iDateFrom += 86400; // add 24 hours array_push($aryRange,date('Y-m-d',$iDateFrom)); } } return $aryRange; } function recursive_array_search($needle,$haystack) { foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) { $current_key = $key; if ($needle === $value or (is_array($value) & amp; & amp; recursive_array_search($needle, $value) !

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Speedtest on Ubuntu Server (commandline)

Using the speedtest-cli is easy and very useful. You run it as follows:

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URL GET vars to PHP Array

Sometimes you will need to retrieve the GET variables passed into the current page URI or you will have a URL string to work from which contains certain GET variables, the below method helps a lot to convert them into an array which you can easily manipulate later.

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python "AttributeError: ZipFile instance has no attribute ‘__exit__"

This is actually a very easy error to fix, eventhough off the bat it seems a lot more involved.

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Remove specific HTML tags using PHP

There are times when you want to remove a specific HTML tag from an HTML block of text.

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Keep Google Map v3 centered when browser is resized

Using Google Maps V3 Javascript API you can keep the map centered to the browser’s window by using the following trick when resizing the window.

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Buy a Google Nexus 10 in the UK!

If you are looking to get a Google Nexus 10 inch tablet and are based in the UK you are in for a shocker!

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Let Joomla and MySQL interact!

I often need a quick and easy few lines to retrieve some data from MySQL using Joomla without all the MVC nonsense that usually goes about this topic.

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Perform a Mysql Query using Joomla!

This is really actually meant for future reference for myself as lately I’ve been doing quite a lot of Joomla!

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Refresh User Data in Joomla

I was busy with a custom component in Joomla, and it stored it’s own user_details based off of the main users table, but if the details were changed then I needed the system to update the session to reflect the changes.

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Extract email addresses from a string – PHP

Sometimes you need to extract multiple email addresses from a string and the following function will make all your dreams come true.

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How to drive traffic to your website!

This is a very hot topic indeed. Definitely one that everyone with a website should know all about.

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jQuery limit fields to alphanumeric characters only

I was trying to restrict a form’s field from only allowing the user to enter alphanumeric characters into it.

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Make a dynamic year dropdown using PHP

Ever wanted to have a dropdown that automatically showed the current year and the few years before it?

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Pad a string with zeros using PHP

Recently I had to create a code/username maker to fit into a certain type of pattern so that all “broker codes” (as they were called) followed the same path.

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ImportError: No module named MySQLdb (Python)

Trying to use MySQL with Python and getting an ImportError?

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Search for “arabic” is url request and change codepage – ASP

If you are using Classic ASP (yuck) to create an arabic section of a website you can search for the arabic string in your Request URI and then change the session’s codepage as follows:

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Windows 7 is better than Ubuntu 12.04 on desktop!

Today we have finalised for ourselves that Windows 7 is definitely a “better” operating system than Ubuntu 12.

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Function split() is deprecated in PHP

You heard it right! split() is officially a deprecated function. That means that you can still use it if you are really brave and it will work correctly, but don’t expect to see it in later versions of PHP when they come out.

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Disable Cache in jQuery

I usually run into this problem when dealing with good ol’ Internet Explorer (.

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Where is Technology heading, perhaps we should focus more on Software?

I often wonder to myself where the technology industry is heading as I see new things come out almost daily.

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How to break out of an iframe

So someone’s trying to make their site better by opening a page on your site inside of their site using an iframe?

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Edit hosts file on Windows 7

The hosts file is used to manually alter the hostname or IP address in place of it being served by a Nameserver, also known as via DNS.

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(EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name *.80 — ignoring!

You are no doubt trying to add a vhost and you get the following error when attempting to affect changes by restarting the http daemon (httpd):

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Virgin Media blocks torrent sites!

Virgin Media have done it again! They have gone and started a “downloaders war”, I’m sure of it.

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How to Comment out a line in a Crontab on Linux

Firstly let’s just note that crontabs are read in the following way:

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DateTime conversion function using PHP

It’s really very simple to convert times in different timezones using the following function.

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Convert seconds to days, hours, minutes, seconds in PHP

With the following function you can easily convert an integer containing seconds to a nice days, hours, minutes, seconds string or array.

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Remove dotted outline around anchors

This has become quite a common question asked by many website owners.

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Get amount of hours between 2 hours

If you would like to get the amount of hours between 10:00 and 12:00 then use this!

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How to embed HTML5 video with fallback

A common question with the rise of HTML5 becoming more and more common and the whole iGeneration (iPhones/iPads/iEtc) is “how can I embed a video on my site without using a flash player?

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How to backup all mysql databases

In order to backup all mysql databases, you can run the following command in your linux command line:

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Invalid command 'RewriteEngine'

If you receive the following error message if means that mod_rewrite is not enabled in Apache:

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How to get the Hours Difference (in HH:MM format) in PHP

It’s very simple to get the difference in hours using PHP

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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

A common error which occurs with foreach loops is the standard “Invalid argument supplied for foreach()” whch gets thrown up as a warning.

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Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

If you get the following error while trying to connect to a MySQL database using a third party client such as TOAD or SQL Workbench, then you need to edit your mysql server’s my.

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PHP nl2br on one line

I usually store data from a textarea directly to the database as is, then once I retrieve it back into HTML I use that lovely PHP function nl2br() to convert it to HTML

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In MySQL 5.1 LEN is called LENGTH, you use it exactly the same and pass in the link, so: LENGTH(link).

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Remove all linebreaks in PHP

If you are having problems with a string that keeps adding a line break when output from PHP to HTML then the following code will work wonders for you!

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IE9 adding empty table cells in large table

Well as usual, we are once again fighting the woes of the beloved Internet Explorer, and it appears that Microsoft’s latest greatest new and improved browser rival to the market IE9 still has a whole bunch of irritations and retardation to worry about (saw that one coming).

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SELECT Duplicate Items Using SQL

If you have a table which has duplicate items in then you can use the below statement to select them.

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MySQL Error: Can’t get hostname for your address

This error is thrown by MySQL because it tries to do a DNS lookup on the address connecting to the server and it fails due to the IP not being able to be resolved back to a name or some-other deeper DNS bust problem.

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Adobe drops flash for mobiles!

..and it’s official – so says Adobe’s blog (read it here).

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jQuery Colorbox not showing but background shows

I was using Colorbox for some lightbox type effects to show larger images when clicking on thumbnails, but for some reason the background was showing up but the pretty little box in the middle where the larger image is supposed to show never showed up, so this is how I made it finally appear after many failed attempts!

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Get Value of Checkbox using jQuery

This one is quite an easy one, but a good one to mention non-the-less as it does definitely come in really handy.

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Everybody’s a web host

To cut straight to the point, “we’re living in the age where everybody’s a web host”.

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CSS Background Default

If you would like to override an already attached class containing a background then you can use the following:

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Restrict PHPMyAdmin to IP Address

Would you like to restrict PHPMyAdmin from being accessible to the whole world?

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2014 – Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now

#2014 – Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now

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Image corrupt or truncated: “unknown”

What is “Image corrupt or truncated: ” and what does it mean?

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WordPress wp-admin use different language for user

I needed to do some work on a WordPress site a little while ago and all the admins were French – and I cannot speak French other than the popular swear words – so had no idea what was going on in the /wp-admin/ so needed some way of enabling my newly created user account to be in english while letting everybody else use french as they had been up til that point.

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Replace all spaces in HTML with   except in HTML tags using PHP

If you would like to replace all the spaces in an HTML string with so that you can render it out to the browser but you also want to retain current spaces in HTML tags you can use the below method:

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Using PHP to validate an IP address

You can use the PHP code below to check if an IP address is valid or not.

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What is the difference between is_home() and is_front_page()

Call me ignorant, or call me an ignorant geek, but I used to think is_home() and is_front_page() was the same thing, until I experimented with them the other day and noticed they did quite different things.

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..near 'option o ON (po.option_id = o.option_id) LEFT JOIN option_description od ON (o.o' at line 1

So you’ve just installed Opencart 1.5.0 and when attempting to edit a product or category or etc you get the following error:

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What is

So you are probably reading this because you are not sure what 1e100.

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Hide all error messages PHP

PHP Error messages showing up in your web applications are a dangerous thing.

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What is xmlrpc.php?

It is a script which allows clients to make procedural calls over the net.

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Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications in a VM

Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications I am running a Windows XP SP3 VM used for testing multiple versions of InternetExplorer through Virtualbox.

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Force HTTP using htaccess

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

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Stop That Referrer in PHP!

Today I will show you a method to stop the traffic that a referrer site is sending your way, you may wonder why you would want to ignore traffic, after all, isn’t inbound traffic to your site fantastic no matter what?

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Viva la 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0!

You may see this around and not have a clue what the heck it is, weirdly enough, I did.

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Ternary Operation

If you do not know what the Ternary operator is, or do not use it while you are coding, let me be the first to tell you how much you are missing out!

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Oops the system encountered a problem (#104)

If you get the following error while using Google’s Gmail Service (gmail.

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How to Write Unmaintainable Code

I have come across the following article before and again came across it today, after a revised browse through, I thought I may as well add another link to it on the web for whoever ends up clicking on it!

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Captcha Fail!

Hey, thought I’d just post this one incase anybody else sees it and thinks it’s funny.

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Test IE versions on any machine!

Do you do web development and are unable to test your software in old shitty versions of Internet Explorer?

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Error 500 php_value .htaccess

I noticed on some server setups I could not do the following inside a .

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Windows Directory Tree Never Finishes Loading?

I am running Windows 7 64-bit and since yesterday whenever I open “My Computer”/“Windows Explorer” (-Windows+E) the initial “showing drives” screen is frozen, so I have to use the address bar to navigate to the path I need to go.

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CSS background image data: base64?

What the heck is all that Gobbledygook in the CSS?

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WordPress remove Subscribe to my RSS feed after posts

If you are running WordPress and have noticed a line under all your posts that says:

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And then there was Google Instant!

If you have visited the homepage (Yes, that’s Google UK) recently – since about the 8th of September 2010 then you would have noticed a new search feature Google is pushing called Google Instant.

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[Solved] PHP’s typeof – gettype()

Quite often you may need the ability to check what type of data type a variable is.

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When to use SSL?

There has always been quite a lot of heated discussion around the question of when to use SSL and when to avoid it while building websites.

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IE6 PngFix in Javascript

As a web developer you will know just how much we all love hate Internet Explorer 6 – one of the most dreaded browsers and browser versions that still exists in the deep dark corners of the interwebs – and you will probably have figured out that it doesn’t play well with PNG images.

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MSSQL Select Not Null

I mainly use MySQL these days, so get screwed over for a few minutes when I have to do something in MSSQL that is slightly different when it comes to it’s custom syntax.

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What is __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz ?

__utma, __utmb, __utmc and __utmz are 4 cookies created by Google Analytics, for a detailed and very informative read, go here and here.

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How to Close Bandmix Account

If you want to close a Bandmix account, then: Login to bandmix.

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Google Redirect Virus Fix!

Now this is an annoying one. You go to any of google’s sites including any site that has google-analytics.

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Chromium Operating System

As many of you may know, Chromium is an opensource project that is basically an Operating System built on Linux and is just like working in Google’s Chrome web browser.

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Super Easy Email Validation AS2

I needed a quick and easy way to check for the basics of an email address.

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VLC Cache Rant

The first time this ran it took for freakin’ ages!

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ODBC SQL Server Memory General Network Error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ‘80004005’ [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]General network error.

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XML cannot be the whole program

What the hell does that mean? You can get this error thrown up in your good old trusty Firebug console.

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Mocha Java Decompiler Download

Mocha is a Java Decompiler and is 100% FREE to use.

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Error message: Connection attempt failed with “EAI_NODATA – No address associated with nodename”.

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1180 Call to a possibly undefined method navigateToURL

1180 Call to a possibly undefined method navigateToURL If you get the above error when trying to run your flash actionscript 3 file, you are obviously trying to use the navigateToURL() function but have not imported the flash.

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Test Your Password Strength

I came across this site today and it’s quite an interesting one as it works out the approximate time it would take a desktop pc to crack the password.

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How to use a Timer in Actionscript 3

It is really easy to create a Timer in Actionscript 3.

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Google Background Image

Google now allows you to add a background image to the google homepage to apparently make it more, like, home.

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How to Hire a Hacker

I came across a very interesting and quite funny read, take a look here for How to Hire a Hacker: http://www.

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If the program is already running, close it before attempting to run.

Launch Failed! If the program is already running, close it before attempting to run.

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Random Number In ASP for no Flash Caching

This is an example of how to create a random number in Classic ASP in order to append to a swf file so that the browser does not cache the swf file.

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Why we don’t choose MSSQL!

Everybody always raves how great Microsoft SQL Server is, and how much data it can hold, and how much bigger it’s “package” is than your own.

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How Do You Fire A Client?

How do you fire a client? Let’s face it, some clients can be a real nightmare.

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How to get ‘how many days in February’ using Javascript?

It is quite handy to have a function that can tell you how many days there are in February due to the leap year shift of either 28 or 29 days.

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Weird Pagination on a Google Page

Not sure how long this one will last, but for now:

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Actionscript 2 – PHP Data Transfer

In the below example we will use Actionscript 2 to call a remote PHP file that will return data to it.

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Unique Random Numbers in PHP

If you would like to show random numbers using PHP you can do this:

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HTML mail() Sending as Plain Text

$to = "[email protected]"; $subject = "SUBJECT"; $message = "<b>MESSAGE</b>"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.

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Turbo C++ in DosBox for Windows 64bit

I had to compile a C++ application under a DOS environment and was running Windows 7 64bit.

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Case Insensitivity with .htaccess files

If you have an .htaccess file to control the flow of URI’s on your site you may want to look at adding a nice little “case insensitive” feature to each line/item.

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Actionscript2: Split string by line length with & without word-wrap

Split string into sentences by max line length. This uses a character array but doesn’t use word-wrapping.

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Search and Replace Anchor Href using Javascript

I have a site that is under development and it was made really badly so I needed a quick way to replace all anchors on page to the relevant path.

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Error 29506 while installing SQL Server Management Studio Express

I was trying to install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (what a long name) on a machine and kept getting error 29506 right near the end with a Rollback action thereafter.

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Swap HTML Elements Using Javascript

It is quite easy to use javascript to swap between divs or any other html dom elements.

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A PHP Mail Class

Below is a Mail class I created in PHP, it requires 4 arguments on initiation of the class via the constructor and uses the method ->send() to send the created mail once complete.

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iTunes keeps maximizing!

Oh my goodness, this can be an annoying issue with iTunes.

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Replace newline break in Excel

Ever needed to find & replace the newline character in a large excel document?

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PHPExcel Class Usage

I just finished adding an export xls (excel) export feature to a web application.

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unexpected T_IF

Getting “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF” ? Check if the preceeding line ends with a ;

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Worst Websites of All Time – beware, alert boxes coming! http://www.

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Set line leading / line spacing in flash actionscript 2

This is how to add text leading using Actionscript 2 for Flash.

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MySQL Main Query Types used in PHP to select, insert, update and delete data

MySQL Main Query Types SELECT SELECT * FROM tablename INSERT INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3,.

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Connect to mysql database from php

If you need to connect to a mysql database from php you can do it like this:

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htaccess file and error 500 internal server error

I have a question for anyone that can answer it:

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Quake 4 – Fatal Error: could not create destination file

If you get an error message similar to this one when trying to run Quake 4…

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phpMyAdmin – Invalid field count in csv input on line 1

I was trying to import a massive csv dataset into phpMyAdmin and it kept throwing error:

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Choosing a programming IDE

This is somewhat of a debatable topic, but it has come up a lot of times without any real final clarity, so I will try and cover it all.

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Double border in CSS

CSS allows you to add a border to almost all html elements.

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[Exception… “Could not convert JavaScript” nsresult: “0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)”

What the heck is.. uncaught exception: [Exception… “Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsIDOMHTMLDivElement.

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Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Event.

Error 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Event.

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Add a date to a date in Actionscript 2

I needed to work out a date range according to the date 3weeks away from the current date.

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Add a month to selectable date range – Date Chooser – Actionscript 2

I have been working on a project where I need to select a date range starting today and ending a month from now, so the user cannot select anything in the past or over a month from now.

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hitTest and Actionscript2

if (mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true))) { trace("hitTest Run"); }

Read More and Google Desktop Search

Recently I checked my website stats and saw I had a few hits from “127.

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Limited numeric input in flash actionscript 2 textfield

If you want to only show numeric characters in a textfield in flash actionscript you can use the following code:

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Embed pound symbol (£) in flash textfield

If you use a dynamic textbox in Flash and you want to embed the British Pound symbol (£) then you will want to also embed the “Latin I” glyphs with your textfield.

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Enable / Disable Cursor Hand in Actionscript 2

If you have a movieclip that by default has the hand cursor showing on RollOver and you don’t really want this, you can disable it by doing the following:

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USB Device Not Recognized! in Windows

Believe it or not, this one is super easy to fix!

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Calling event functions from movieclips in actionscript 2

In a flash movie I usually have a frame of actionscript that controls all elements in the file to keep everything in one place.

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Sudo install OpenGL & SDL on Ubuntu

A quick and easy way would be to type the following in one line with single spaces in the Terminal.

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How To Modify Hosts File On Windows

The hosts file is located at the following address: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc</span>

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Get all directories in PHP

I think this may be the fastest way to get a list of all the directories in a given folder/directory using PHP.

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Security error: securitySandboxError with Flash

You have a flash uploader and you get this error:

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Component Inspector in Flash has ISSUES!

I discovered a very annoying bug in the Flash IDE a little while ago, and it has happened to me quite a few times.

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Close/Delete Google Checkout Account

I have used Google Checkout to receive payments in the past and have had problems with some clients not paying and blaming it on Google Checkout that the money did not go through (like the guys over at Peartree DMS).

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Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource

Warning: mysql_affected_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource

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Capitalize First Letter in Word – Actionscript 2

You have a string and you want to capitalize the first character but have the rest of the word in lowercase.

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HP Pavilion Laptop Madness

I have got an HP laptop and have started experiencing problems with it starting up for the past few months, it is only about 1.

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Why you should use OpenGL and not DirectX

Below is a very interesting article I found that proves all the myths about DirectX being better than OpenGL, a very well written paper describing it best.

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What does __FILE__ in php mean?

In php there are a few magic constants and I find FILE to be a very useful one.

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Woopra Failed to Connect?

I have used Woopra for a few months now and have started seeing this warning/error almost everyday now:

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Change PHP Session Time

The default time for a php session is 1440 seconds.

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Stop mouse click in browsers

There have been multiple ways to stop your user/s from right clicking on your site, but many of them now fail due to the way firefox’s contextual menu loads.

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Microsoft apps never care!

I often seem to have this issue when dealing with Microsoft software.

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Place HTML Div on top of Flash

If you have ever tried to place a div or similar HTML element on top of a swf flash object you will know that it always tries to take precedence.

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Get current working directory of php script/application

$myPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); or $myPath = getcwd();

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Stage align and Stage scale in actionscript 3

If you want to position the flash top/left and not have it scale when you resize it’s bounding box window, you can set the following code.

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Error 406?

So you received an error 406 while trying to upload a file and you have no idea to fix it!

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Firefox error in FeedProcessor.js

[Exception… “Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIChannel.contentType]” nsresult: “0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)” location: “JS frame :: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/components/FeedProcessor.

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mySQL select multiple ids

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE `active`='1' AND `id` IN ('107' , '125' ) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 12`

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Force Download in PHP

This script works in all browsers, including Internet Explorer! 🙂

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Remove an onRelease Handler

After creating a onRelease handler in Actionscript 2 as follows:

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shortText function toggler in php

I often have to show a shortened version of a news item and then a link to show the entire news article or whatever.

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PHP – file() lines

$lines = file('all-words.txt'); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { echo "Line number ".

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Windows Live Writer – Beta2

Start writing content to your blogs from your Windows Desktop now.

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Reported Attack Site!

What the heck is that? So you’ve just visited a website using Mozilla Firefox and this message has popped up telling you that the site looks suspicious.

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Simple HEX Colour Values

Actual Display Colour HEX Colour #000000 #FF0000 #00FF00 #0000FF #FFFF00 #00FFFF #FF00FF #C0C0C0 #FFFFFF

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Send Email PHP Function

Ever find yourself typing the headers into the php mail() function over and over again?

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mySQL Development Tools

I came across a very interesting article about mySQL Development Tools.

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1180: Call to a possibly undefined method getURL. Actionscript 3

Hello all actionscripters, you can’t use getURL anymore in Actionscript 3.

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Online Flash IDE Anybody?

Anyone up for an online Flash IDE? Take a look at this:

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Papervision Event Listener Idea

The problem: While working on a Papervision3D Flash Project I had a problem where a back button that sits above the 3d canvas and acts as a main navigational item was required to change Events according to where the site was in 3d space at the time.

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Don’t cache my swf files!

I often have issues where ‘dumb browsers’ cache my published swf files and when they dynamically populate they don’t always update.

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Clear an array in Actionscript 3

I personally really like this way of clearing an array’s elements:

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Change combobox font size in Flash Actionscript

Ever needed to change the font size of a standard flash combobox component?

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Wordwrap that PRE!

Ever used a <PRE> in a limited width div container? You will notice that the line gets cut off almost as if word-wrap was not enabled.

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Barclays ePDQ Payment Gateway

Hello all! Today we will be talking about Barclays online payment gateway valled ePDQ.

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BrainWHAT? programming language

I came across a programming language today that I have never heard of.

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Transparent swf in html

So you have now placed a swf file into your html page and you want to be able to see through it.

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Constant updates?

I just hate it how everything always wants to update… and then restart all the damn time!

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Share the mouse and keyboard!

A very interesting project I found this morning, take a look at this one!

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What is CWS>+?

So what the heck kind of file starts with the characters “CWS>+” ?

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Papervision error 1046

Error: “1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: InteractiveScene3DEvent.

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So what the heck is “”? It appears to be a plugin for Vuze(Azureus) the torrent client.

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How to Save a Dreamweaver document as UTF8!

Today I tried to save arabic text inside a javascript file and on saving encountered a dialog box asking me to first convert the document to UTF8.

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16000 Limit!

Today I discovered that Flash truly has a limit! 16,000 frames: Exceeding this limit causes the movie playback to stop.

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htaccess ErrorDocument

Create a file called .htaccess in the root of your public_html/htdocs of your domain.

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How to correctly form HTML

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ?-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN? ?> <html xmlns=?> <head> <meta http-equiv=?

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Trying to get variables into flash from the browser!

Ever wondered how to get variables from an html page to a flash element?

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Flash Tweening

tween is an actionscript class and can be used after importing the core files.

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Cube Desktop on Ubuntu

Alright, so I run Ubuntu 7.10 and use the Desktop Effects via compviz, anyhow, I could get the 2d workspace but really wanted the 3d cube, even if I set up 4 desktops, it would still only show 2 sides of the cube(aka not a cube).

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Animate with Actionscript [part1]

// Created by Andrew Odendaal // // :: DESCRIPTION :: // Animate a ball moving to the top // of the screen/stage and back again // // :: HOW TO USE :: // create a circle shape, convert to a movieclip(mc) and // place the registration point at the bottom center.

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To Install IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista – script

start /w pkgmgr /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-HttpRedirect;IIS-ApplicationDevelopment;IIS-ASPNET;IIS-NetFxExtensibility;IIS-ASP;IIS-CGI;IIS-ISAPIExtensions;IIS-ISAPIFilter;IIS-ServerSideIncludes;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-HttpTracing;IIS-CustomLogging;IIS-Security;IIS-BasicAuthentication;IIS-URLAuthorization;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-IPSecurity;IIS-Performance;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;IIS-ManagementScriptingTools;IIS-ManagementService;IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility;IIS-Metabase;IIS-WMICompatibility;IIS-LegacyScripts;IIS-LegacySnapIn;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI

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Kill Adobe Updater

So adobe updater keeps doing updates eventhough you’ve said ‘NEVER DO IT AGAIN!

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Apache Cannot be Run. Another web server is using the web port or port is blocked by firewall.

Tried to start EasyPHP: “Apache Cannot be Run. Another web server is using the web port or port is blocked by firewall.

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How to load xml into flash using actionscript 2

Create an xml object: var myXmlObject = new XML(); Perform action when xml file has been loaded:

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TypeError: node is null message=node is null

The following error message occurs in Firefox 3 when using Firebug.

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Cant start your browser?

Cant start your browser? Try checking if any torrent apps are running.

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How to Temporarily Edit the Text of Any Website

Have you ever wanted to temporarily edit a webpage displayed in Chrome or another browser?

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PHP __autoload function

When PHP encounters a class that hasn’t been defined yet, you can use __autoload to automatically add them instead of including masses of included at the top of your files.

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IE6 on Vista?

I find myself constantly fighting the microsoft battle of making things work in their browsers (thanks guys).

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Guillotine-Bug? Bug

Yes, it’s called a Guillotine-Bug and it’s yet another bug IE users get to look forward too 😛

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Sending data from javascript to php

If you ever find yourself needing to do some ajax and in turn sending strings of characters via javascript then you should really try encodeURIComponent() to wrap your strings in.

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What is Eb in firebug?

Gmail produces the following error/warning in firebug. Eb is not defined

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cross browser alpha css

.thediv { opacity:.80; filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity:.80; }

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Add TinyMCE code button

I had quite a few problems adding the htmlCode button to a fairly old copy of TinyMCE (I think around version 2.

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Runtime Error! (abnormal program termination) maya.exe

The Problem When starting Maya 8.5 an immediate error message and program termination.

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Need more than hover?

I had a hover effect on an html input element but also needed to have an active state.

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Getting an internet connection under VirtualPC running Windows XP and Internet Explorer 7

Getting an internet connection under VirtualPC running Windows XP and Internet Explorer 7

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Uppercase text in Actionscript

var lowerCase:String = "sample text"; var upperCase:String = lowerCase.toUpperCase();

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Firefox too slow?

Is your Firefox starting to get realllllllly slow? Every few months my Firefox starts dragging, so all I do is create a new profile and reimport all my bookmarks and reinstall needed addons.

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Uppercase the first character of each word in a string using PHP

You can use “ucwords()” to uppercase the first character of each word in a string.

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Actionscript 3 equivalent of PHP’s print_r

A brilliant version of print_r for actionscript:

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Global variables and functions in Actionscript 2

In order to reuse a variable from a different timeline within the same fla file you will need to register the inital variable or function as a _global.

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Actionscript conflicting class name

I had a problem today where I got a flash source file from one of my developers’ and I couldnt compile it because it said that there was a conflicting class name, however, it turned out to just be a timestamp issue.

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What the hey? What does this mean? You may one day end up seeing the following error message produced by PHP and wonder to yourself:

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