Calculate the Third Angle of a Triangle in Go

The challenge

You are given two interior angles (in degrees) of a triangle.

Write a function to return the 3rd.

Note: only positive integers will be tested.

The solution in Golang

Option 1:

package solution

func OtherAngle(a int, b int) int {
    return 180-a-b

Option 2:

package solution

func OtherAngle(a int, b int) int {
  if a + b > 180{
    return -1
  return 180 - a - b

Option 3:

package solution

import "math"

func OtherAngle(a int, b int) int {
  const fullNumber = 180
  var thirdNumber int = int(float64(fullNumber) - (math.Abs(float64(a)) + math.Abs(float64(b))))
  return thirdNumber

Test cases to validate our solution

package test

import (
  . ""
  . ""
  . "my/<meta charset="utf-8">solution"

var _ = Describe("Basic Tests", func() {
    It("OtherAngle(30, 60)", func() { Expect(OtherAngle(30, 60)).To(Equal(90)) })
    It("OtherAngle(60, 60)", func() { Expect(OtherAngle(60, 60)).To(Equal(60)) })
    It("OtherAngle(43, 78)", func() { Expect(OtherAngle(43, 78)).To(Equal(59)) })
    It("OtherAngle(10, 20)", func() { Expect(OtherAngle(10, 20)).To(Equal(150)) })