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February 1, 2012
In MySQL 5.1 LEN is called LENGTH, you use it exactly the same and pass in the link, so: LENGTH(link).
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Remove all linebreaks in PHP
January 30, 2012
If you are having problems with a string that keeps adding a line break when output from PHP to HTML then the following code will work wonders for you!
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IE9 adding empty table cells in large table
January 24, 2012
Well as usual, we are once again fighting the woes of the beloved Internet Explorer, and it appears that Microsoft’s latest greatest new and improved browser rival to the market IE9 still has a whole bunch of irritations and retardation to worry about (saw that one coming).
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SELECT Duplicate Items Using SQL
December 20, 2011
If you have a table which has duplicate items in then you can use the below statement to select them.
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MySQL Error: Can’t get hostname for your address
December 14, 2011
This error is thrown by MySQL because it tries to do a DNS lookup on the address connecting to the server and it fails due to the IP not being able to be resolved back to a name or some-other deeper DNS bust problem.
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Adobe drops flash for mobiles!
November 9, 2011
..and it’s official – so says Adobe’s blog (read it here).
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jQuery Colorbox not showing but background shows
November 8, 2011
I was using Colorbox for some lightbox type effects to show larger images when clicking on thumbnails, but for some reason the background was showing up but the pretty little box in the middle where the larger image is supposed to show never showed up, so this is how I made it finally appear after many failed attempts!
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Get Value of Checkbox using jQuery
October 25, 2011
This one is quite an easy one, but a good one to mention non-the-less as it does definitely come in really handy.
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Everybody’s a web host
September 28, 2011
To cut straight to the point, “we’re living in the age where everybody’s a web host”.
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CSS Background Default
September 15, 2011
If you would like to override an already attached class containing a background then you can use the following:
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Restrict PHPMyAdmin to IP Address
August 22, 2011
Would you like to restrict PHPMyAdmin from being accessible to the whole world?
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2014 – Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now
August 4, 2011
#2014 – Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now
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Image corrupt or truncated: “unknown”
July 13, 2011
What is “Image corrupt or truncated: ” and what does it mean?
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WordPress wp-admin use different language for user
July 7, 2011
I needed to do some work on a WordPress site a little while ago and all the admins were French – and I cannot speak French other than the popular swear words – so had no idea what was going on in the /wp-admin/ so needed some way of enabling my newly created user account to be in english while letting everybody else use french as they had been up til that point.
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Replace all spaces in HTML with except in HTML tags using PHP
May 29, 2011
If you would like to replace all the spaces in an HTML string with so that you can render it out to the browser but you also want to retain current spaces in HTML tags you can use the below method:
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Using PHP to validate an IP address
May 18, 2011
You can use the PHP code below to check if an IP address is valid or not.
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What is the difference between is_home() and is_front_page()
May 13, 2011
Call me ignorant, or call me an ignorant geek, but I used to think is_home() and is_front_page() was the same thing, until I experimented with them the other day and noticed they did quite different things.
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..near 'option o ON (po.option_id = o.option_id) LEFT JOIN option_description od ON (o.o' at line 1
May 9, 2011
So you’ve just installed Opencart 1.5.0 and when attempting to edit a product or category or etc you get the following error:
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What is
May 5, 2011
So you are probably reading this because you are not sure what 1e100.
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Hide all error messages PHP
April 28, 2011
PHP Error messages showing up in your web applications are a dangerous thing.
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