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Who is going to pay for the wall? in Python
October 2, 2020
The challenge Don Drumphet lives in a nice neighborhood, but one of his neighbors has started to let his house go.
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Calculate the Total Amount of Points using Java
October 1, 2020
The challenge Our football team finished the championship. The result of each match look like “x:y”.
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Calculate the biggest of 3 numbers using Java
September 30, 2020
The challenge Task Given three integers a ,b ,c, return the largest number obtained after inserting the following operators and brackets: +, *, () In other words , try every combination of a,b,c with [*+()] , and return the Maximum Obtained Consider an Example : With the numbers are 1, 2 and 3 , here are some ways of placing signs and brackets:
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Find the missing element between two arrays in Python
September 29, 2020
The challenge Given two integer arrays where the second array is a shuffled duplicate of the first array with one element missing, find the missing element.
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How to Count an Array of Boolean Values in Java
September 28, 2020
The challenge Consider an array/list of sheep where some sheep may be missing from their place.
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How to Solve the Car Pooling Challenge in Java
September 27, 2020
The challenge You are driving a vehicle that has capacity empty seats initially available for passengers.
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How to Repeat a String in Java
September 26, 2020
The challenge Write a function called repeat_str which repeats the given string src exactly count times.
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How to Find the Smallest Integer in the Array in Java
September 25, 2020
The challenge Given an array of integers your solution should find the smallest integer.
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How to Count Odd Numbers Below N using Java
September 24, 2020
The challenge Given a number n, return the number of positive odd numbers below n, EASY!
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How to get the Length of the Last Word in a String using Java
September 23, 2020
The challenge Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters ' ', return the length of last word (last word means the last appearing word if we loop from left to right) in the string.
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How to Convert a Number to Reversed Array of Digits in Java
September 22, 2020
The challenge Given a random non-negative number, you have to return the digits of this number within an array in reverse order.
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How to Solve Unique Paths III in Java
September 21, 2020
The challenge On a 2-dimensional grid, there are 4 types of squares:
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How to Find the Mean/Average of a List of Numbers in Java
September 20, 2020
The challenge Find the mean (average) of a list of numbers in an array.
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How to Calculate BMI in Java
September 19, 2020
The challenge BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is a value derived from the mass and height of a person.
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How to Solve the Robot Bounded In Circle Challenge in Java
September 18, 2020
The challenge On an infinite plane, a robot initially stands at (0, 0) and faces north.
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How to Convert a String to a Number in Java
September 17, 2020
The challenge We need a function that can transform a string into a number.
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How to Convert an Integer to Binary using Java
September 16, 2020
The challenge Given a non-negative integer n, write a function toBinary/ToBinary which returns that number in a binary format.
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How to create a Logical Operator in Java
September 15, 2020
Exclusive “or” (xor) Logical Operator In some scripting languages like PHP, there exists a logical operator (e.
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How to merge sorted integer arrays (without duplicates) in Java
September 14, 2020
The challenge Write a function that merges two sorted arrays into a single one.
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Find the Force of Gravity Between Two Objects with Java
September 13, 2020
The challenge Your job is to find the gravitational force between two spherical objects (obj1 , obj2).
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