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Largest Pair Sum in Array in Python
September 7, 2021
The challenge Given a sequence of numbers, find the largest pair sum in the sequence.
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Alphabet Symmetry in Python
September 6, 2021
The challenge Consider the word "abode". We can see that the letter a is in position 1 and b is in position 2.
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Exes and Ohs in Java
September 5, 2021
The challenge Check to see if a string has the same amount of ‘x’s and ‘o’s.
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Sum of Odd Cubed Numbers in Python
September 4, 2021
The challenge Find the sum of the odd numbers within an array, after cubing the initial integers.
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Halving Sum in Python
September 3, 2021
The challenge Given a positive integer n, calculate the following sum:
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Convert a LinkedList to a String in Python
September 2, 2021
The challenge Preloaded for you is a class, struct, or derived data type Node (depending on the language) used to construct linked lists in this challenge:
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Most Digits from List in Python
September 1, 2021
The challenge Find the number with the most digits. If two numbers in the argument array have the same number of digits, return the first one in the array.
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Check if all Values in Array are Smaller in Python
August 31, 2021
The challenge You will be given an array and a limit value.
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Maximum Product from List of Integers in Python
August 30, 2021
The challenge Given an array of integers, Find the maximum product obtained from multiplying 2 adjacent numbers in the array.
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Sum of Array Singles in Python
August 29, 2021
The challenge You are given an array of numbers in which two numbers occur once and the rest occur only twice.
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Flatten and Sort an Array in Python
August 28, 2021
The challenge Given a two-dimensional array of integers, return the flattened version of the array with all the integers in the sorted (ascending) order.
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Playing the Alphabet War in Python
August 27, 2021
The challenge Introduction There is a war and nobody knows – the alphabet war!
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Sum of numbers from 0 to N in Python
August 26, 2021
The challenge We want to generate a function that computes the series starting from 0 and ending until the given number.
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Sorted? yes? no? how? Python
August 25, 2021
The challenge Complete the method which accepts an array of integers, and returns one of the following:
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How to Fix String Casing in Python
August 24, 2021
The challenge You will be given a string that may have mixed uppercase and lowercase letters and your task is to convert that string to either lowercase only or uppercase only based on:
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How to Remove Duplicate Words from a String in Python
August 23, 2021
The challenge Remove all duplicate words from a string, leaving only single (first) words entries.
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How to Validate a Regex PIN Code in Python
August 22, 2021
The challenge ATM machines allow 4 or 6 digit PIN codes and PIN codes cannot contain anything but exactly 4 digits or exactly 6 digits.
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Combine strings and remove duplicates in Python
August 21, 2021
The challenge Take 2 strings s1 and s2 including only letters from ato z.
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How to Repeat by String Index in Golang
August 20, 2021
The challenge Create a function that repeats each character by the amount of it’s index value of the original string.
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How to make an arithmetic function in Java
August 19, 2021
The challenge Given two numbers and an arithmetic operator (the name of it, as a string), return the result of the two numbers having that operator used on them.
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