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Formatting Strings with Fmt in Golang
September 27, 2021
Fmt provides printing to standard output (usually the console) and formatting of strings capabilities.
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Delete Occurrences of an Element if it occurs more than N times in Java
September 26, 2021
The challenge Given a list lst and a number N, create a new list that contains each number of lst at most N times without reordering.
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How to Read from Standard Input in Golang
September 25, 2021
Reading from “standard input” is really useful if you are making a command-line application and require user input.
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How to Install Golang on WSL/WSL2
September 24, 2021
If you need to install Golang on WSL under Windows 10 or higher, you can follow these few steps.
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How to Validate Phone Numbers in Java
September 23, 2021
The challenge Write a function that accepts a string, and returns true if it is in the form of a phone number.
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How to Sort Array by Frequency in Java
September 22, 2021
The challenge Sort elements in an array by decreasing frequency of elements.
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How to Calculate String Rotation in Java
September 21, 2021
The challenge Write a function that receives two strings and returns n, where n is equal to the number of characters we should shift the first string forward to match the second.
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Compare Strings by Sum of Chars in Java
September 20, 2021
The challenge Compare two strings by comparing the sum of their values (ASCII character code).
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How to Add Two Integers Without Arithmetic Operator in Java
September 19, 2021
The challenge Given two integers a, b, find The sum of them, BUT You are not allowed to use the operators + and –
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Counting Method VarArgs in Java
September 18, 2021
The challenge Count how many arguments a method is called with.
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How to Sum Consecutives in Java
September 17, 2021
The challenge You are given a list/array which contains only integers (positive and negative).
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Replacing Occurences of Words in Java
September 16, 2021
The challenge You are given a string. You must replace any occurrence of the sequence coverage by covfefe, however, if you don’t find the word coverage in the string, you must add covfefe at the end of the string with a leading space.
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Convert String to LeetSpeak in Java
September 15, 2021
The challenge Your task is to write a function toLeetSpeak that converts a regular english sentence to Leetspeak.
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Ordered Count of Characters in Python
September 14, 2021
The challenge Count the number of occurrences of each character and return it as a list of tuples in order of appearance.
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Credit Card Issuer Checking in Java
September 13, 2021
The challenge Given a credit card number we can determine who the issuer/vendor is with a few basic knowns.
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Find Count of Most Frequent Item in an Array in Java
September 12, 2021
The challenge Complete the function to find the count of the most frequent item of an array.
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Return Nth Smallest Element in Java
September 11, 2021
The challenge Given an array/list [] of integers, Find the Nth smallest element in this array of integers
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What temperature does your Mac CPU idle at?
September 10, 2021
Sometimes you will find that your Mac is running very hot, and you may want to keep track of it over time to see if it’s persistent or only a spike.
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Split String into Parts in Java
September 9, 2021
The challenge Split a given string into different strings of equal size.
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[Solved] ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error 168 from storage engine
September 8, 2021
If you are getting the following error in MySQL: ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got error 168 from storage engine
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