If you have an Ag-Grid, and want to automatically resize all the columns to fit the width of the viewport, you can use this hack.
The implementation
* resizes the columns to fit the width of the grid
* @param allowShrink if false, columns will NOT be resized when there is no "empty" horizontal space
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55587083/ag-grid-sizecolumnstofit-only-when-there-is-space-available-in-the-total-grid-wi#answer-60753786
public resizeColumnsToFit(allowShrink = true) {
if (this.gridApi) {
if (allowShrink) {
} else {
* this is a "hacK" - there is no way to check if there is "empty" space in the grid using the
* public grid api - we have to use the internal tools here.
* it could be that some of this apis will change in future releases
const panel = this.gridApi["gridPanel"];
const availableWidth = this.gridApi["gridPanel"].eBodyViewport.clientWidth;
const columns = this.gridApi["gridPanel"]["columnController"].getAllDisplayedColumns();
const usedWidth = this.gridApi["gridPanel"]["columnController"].getWidthOfColsInList(columns);
if (usedWidth < availableWidth)
How to use this code
Make sure that the following is in your HTML, to trigger the onRowDataChanged
.. all your other attrs..
.. all your other attrs..
Then create the following function to handle the trigger:
// Use the
onRowDataChanged(params) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.resizeColumnsToFit() // call our implementation
this.gridColumnApi?.autoSizeColumn('Name') // override autosizing for individual columns